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Everything posted by SNS

  1. I take my hat off to you once again- the wind and rain here, just down from you, sure put me off !
  2. SNS

    Second jobs

    Well if you did pay more than you ought to have done and the overpayment was within the last 6 years then ask for it back.
  3. Best day ever I think today, albeit courtesy of Bet 365 as couldn't be there in person Roll on tomorrow. I may well have a spare ticket if anyone is interested ??
  4. I had Altior, Douvan, Holywell, Nichols Canyon, vroum vroum mag, Southfield Royale and Double Suffle so collected on all bar the penultimate race. I'd doubled the first two with vroum so nicely set to give it all back tomorrow!
  5. Indeed, could use some of his knowledge over the next few days
  6. I'm there Tues, Weds & Fri all being well but sadly got to do some work on Thursday!
  7. SNS

    retirement age

    Plus the non contributory pensions......
  8. Truly spectacular. I had just two come into my pattern today and I missed them both !
  9. Now that would be a huge 'woodcock' ! Ive seen some truly beautiful melanistic birds this season, including one on Monday that we halted the gun bus to admire, as it strolled along the lane
  10. I shot left and right woodcock the week before last in Wales. They were without doubt the largest woodcock I have ever seen. Sadly the left was on the Monday and the right the following Saturday so I don't get to join the illustrious club. I probably saw 15 or so in two days on our syndicate's annual woodcock trip and every one that was shot was huge - my sense from discussions with the keeper is they have had fewer than normal this season
  11. Top, top photos- I've got the same phone so better start taking some photos on it !
  12. I've had some decent days there. Done a lot of walked up partridge days with young field trials dogs, often with John Halstead, which have always been good. Season still going ok - decent trip to Powys last Mon & Tues and then a couple of days woodcock shooting last Fri / Sat. Got two big days left next week and then onto pigeon (if PC lets any past) until Sept Maybe we should add some days to the PW roving syndicate next season.........
  13. Thanks all It made it there and back unscathed!
  14. Some lovely birds and some great shooting from you. I particularly liked the slow mo footage on the last drive. I've shot there a few times myself. Is Ivor still around ? Did the bird just prior to the helicopter almost hit you ?!
  15. Bin the box. Then it's just his camera. Albeit a camera on which tax is still due
  16. Yes please Have put it in my diary, especially as I do like shooting partridge. Mind you I've heard early pigeon do sometimes spook them
  17. Thanks all - I got an 'ardcase pedal lock that neatly encloses all 3 pedals and seems pretty robust Obviously I shall continue to block it in the garage at home with the Aston parked behind it too
  18. Sheer dedication once again PC. I wish we had taken a picture like that of you and the bag on Wednesday!
  19. And just for completeness the bag was 119 pheasants and two pigeon. Albeit one of those was excluded from the game card. Presumably because somebody shot it too early on the drive. Total shot count was 597. Though we probably ought to exclude that shot at the sitter in the tree from the total........
  20. Great write up SABS, truly captures just how it felt to be there And thanks for reminding me of a couple of my (many) misses too........
  21. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the day. Well, save perhaps for the shockingly poor etiquette displayed on the last drive. But more of that in SABS report I'm sure. Those of you wanting to shoot next year will be relieved to know I've squared things with the owner and he won't hold it against us. In fact he said he would be delighted to have us back, particularly as some of us made sure he still has plenty of birds left. My job was to enable the day to take place. But I can't resist also offering some teasers as to what could appear in the write up, so......... (With a nod to that thread about 'sitters'). Who was it that missed the half dead bird in the tree ? Will the video show whether OJW did shoot that bird at the same time as his neighbour? Why are 7,000 pigeons currently trying to quiz that first pheasant that flew towards PCs peg How long did we have to delay the start of the 1st drive to get JDogs heart rate back down? Who shot the bird of the day ?? Just like everyone knows where they were when JFK was assassinated/ when the twin towers came down on 9/11 / when England won the World Cup etc etc, a lucky few of us will always be able to recall where we were when PC shot his first pheasant. Save for Lloydi of course, as his peg appeared to be 200 feet lower than anybody else's so am not sure he could see anything.
  22. I had the same problem with our Range Rover. I bought an ex-demo 110 just for shooting as a 3rd car and she loves driving it so much she tries to persuade me to take the Range Rover shooting now instead !
  23. SNS

    Port Isaac

    Camel Valley vineyard. Top notch English fizz, especially the gold medal winning rose They have a lovely area to sit outside overlooking their vines, serve a limited selection of food, but some awesome little tasting glasses - you can taste pretty much everything they make for about £12
  24. True dedication! I got as far as looking out of the window
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