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Everything posted by SNS

  1. SNS

    Breakdown of vote

    I think YouGov published it - am 99% sure I read it on the FT.com it was about 42 /43 % which rather ruins their argument of being sold down the river by the older generation (though I have to confess laughing at a Tweet from some young lad saying it was the last time he was going to carry an old dears shopping my bags) Can't however find it on YouGov and I need my login details for FT.com which unhelpfully are saved on my laptop that I've left in my office If you haven't got it by Monday I will get it for you then but am sure the mighty research engine that is the PW massive will have got it you before then!
  2. SNS

    Bye Bye Dave

    Can't see it myself. The law was changed under the last coalition government to make fixed 5 year terms. Only way you can have an election earlier is if 2/3 majority of the House agrees. Given turmoil in Conservative party, possible challenge to Corbyn in Labour Party and no credible (imo) opposition elsewhere doesn't feel like the majority will be forthcoming. Which leaves a Tory prime minister presumably with an eye on the next campaign and so perhaps not so keen to do anything bold. I heard Vine Cable speak at one of our client events on Tuesday and he forecasted a weak government for the remainder of the term after Cameron's resignation, which he thought would be the consequence of a leave vote. Interestingly he then speculated that a weak government would mean no big decisions, so no progress on another runway for Heathrow etc
  3. I think the better place to look was the FTSE 250 which was down about 7% (or £25bn lost for those that prefer more dramatic headlines) A lot of the FTSE 100 derive much more of their revenues overseas so when converted into sterling from dollars then they gain given sterling down a bit over 7% against the dollar whereas more of the FTSE 250 revenues are UK based
  4. According to this morning's Sunday Times poor Liz Hurley is having real problems with rabbits decimating her gardens. Apparently she has 'a plague of rabbits of near biblical proportions'. She's at Donnington Hall in Herefordshire in case any of you are interested and am sure she'd be very grateful.
  5. You do realise this judgement stems from action taken back in 2014 and further to a hearing before the Court in June 2015 ?
  6. Hi - I know some people that have them - whereabouts in Warwickshire and any idea what you want ? ( house / cottage / b&b etc)
  7. LG - I can sort the VAT out for you. I will need you to scan me a copy of the invoice once you have it though- PM me your bank details and the exact amount of the VAT and I will sort it
  8. I can probably sort you out if you want to PM me
  9. I've done it several times. 100% success record too. Best one is I took my 3 oldest mates to Barcelona to celebrate a big promotion. I footed the bill for everything and as we were delayed coming back I got them £175 each in compensation too ! If you PM me your email I can send you draft letters / websites to confirm distance / reasons for delay etc And unlike Botts etc I only want 0% of your refund......
  10. SNS


    It's just down the road from us so we went for a look too - Our little boy was loving the road rollers whereas I was trying to have a good look at the Defenders. Had a few Series' too some of which were in lovely condition
  11. Arrgh! I ordered two from them yesterday via topcashback so only got 3.15% CashBack not a 10% discount ! Still they were half the price the dealership was quoting
  12. I think I've driven past that too - is it at Long Marston ?
  13. I was trying to keep it simple - Communtiy amateur sports clubs can benefit from Gift Aid as well as recognised charities
  14. But only when giving to a charity !
  15. Www.pennies.org.uk I've spoken to one of the founders a couple of times - good guy
  16. CV travel has been good for us- they can sort some great chefs too which we have used extensively and really enjoyed
  17. Right Chaps, the shoot have been in contact and would be delighted to have us back. I think they would prefer a 175 bird day @£5,600 for the team, but as we made such an impression (?) they are also willing to do a 100 bird day @£3,400 instead / as well. Expressions of interest will do for now and once I know we are likely to fill the day I will pin them down to some dates - they are flexible just now as are trying to pull everything together but give priority to those who have been previously. As I'm shooting JDogs Lincolnshire spectacular I shall obviously ensure this one does not clash
  18. Ah, would be 400pm at the earliest we could get there
  19. Anyone know if they are open early evening this coming Monday as am down that way. And if so would they have guns to borrow as don't really want to take one of mine to the meeting I'm at !
  20. Its probably more of an art than a science but there is a fairly detailed series of explanations in here https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/470540/HMRC-measuring-tax-gaps-2015-1.pdf The top down approach works reasonably well for things like VAT (i.e. independent data on consumption is used to work out the tax base, then receipts are deducted from that to arrive at a tax gap), but I suspect is harder for personal income taxes and even harder for corporate income taxes. In any given year I imagine the data could be materially wrong, but if you use it instead to look at trends over time (as they are doing) then it feels to me that it is more of use. And of course, it does help HMRC's case that they are closing the gap over time (which will make some doubt the data therefore !), but that is my own personal sense too - and I speak from a position of seniority in the profession.
  21. I posted the other day that a lot of the 'tax gap' was down to fraud / criminality not tax avoidance. I know that didn't resonate with some of you, even though it is factually correct. I thought those of you that are interested though, may be interested in this that has just been published today http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts-committee/news-parliament-2015/tackling-tax-fraud-report-published-15-16/
  22. if it is the same tracker as mine, then allow me to share the benefit of my experience - don't keep the tag in the same pocket as your mobile phone or keys - otherwise the signal gets interfered with and triggers an alert - which means I used to get an almost twice daily phone call from the centre asking if everything is ok. Only when I suggested I may have the thing removed and swap to a different system did vodaphone tell me of the above issue. They claim Aston should have explained this when I took delivery, but they didn't (or I was too excited by the shiny new thing on my drive to listen)
  23. How do you know the lawyers are overpaid ?
  24. What on earth did you google to uncover that rubbish ? Some of it is bordering on delusional. "Borrow money against your property and don't pay tax on it because, technically, it's not income" I mean come on, it isn't income. Which is why you don't pay income tax on it. I've been meaning to ask too, can you substantiate your constantly repeated point that politicians deliberately leave loopholes in the law ? As someone that used to close such loopholes, and was never once stopped by a politician, I'd love to see where you have got your evidence from ?
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