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Everything posted by Browning

  1. I use 211.5 for both my GSP's and Sprocker. Dan, on our shoot it's split pretty much 50/50, half using 210.5 and half using 211.5 (All spaniels as you know)
  2. Personally I think it is a very overestimated round, and shooting at foxes at 160 yards just proves it. The .17HMR round was not developed to shoot foxes at 160 yards, or even 120 yards.
  3. Thanks for all your replies lads, food for thought indeed.....
  4. I've just picked up some more land that, for noise reasons, requires that I use a moderated .22lr on the rabbit population. Having never owned a .22lr semi-auto I just wondered what kind of accuracy I could expect out to approx 70 yards? How does this compare with modern bolt action rifles at the same distance? I haven't shot .22lr for a long time, usually leaving the rabbiting to a couple of the beaters that help me out, but the new landowner has asked that I do this new bit personally. (Isn't it nice to feel wanted!) Any help from experienced users is much appreciated.
  5. Very nice looking pup there D. Glad to see you got sorted, it'll be nice to see a fresh face in the beating line.
  6. Fortunately for her she had the foresight do do something with the short life that she had left, she earned lots of money, so what? She certainly didn't do it for herself, knowing that she was dying, which shows a distinct lack of selfishness. I say good on her for looking out for her kids. If you don't like what she's done/doing then don't read the newspapers or watch the TV shows.
  7. Case wall thickness will also cause uneven growth. Turning the your necks may help but it's probably not worth it. I've run standard Lapua cases and neck turned Lapua cases through my .243 with no appreciable difference in acccuracy.
  8. Browning

    wanted please

    Kevo, A pal of mine is just selling an absolute cracker customised 10/22! He's based in Daventry, if you're interested in speaking to him PM me your contact details and I'll pass them on to him.
  9. I agree, all my dogs heel on my left, as I carry my shotgun over my right arm. However, I think the recognised 'safe' way, for dogs not used in the hunting field, is to heel the dog on your right, then when you are walking on the right hand side of the road (facing oncoming traffic) the dog is not heeling in the road.
  10. Ant, sell your Hornet first and then apply for the 1 for 1. Remember to do the same also for the sound mod if you have one for the Hornet.
  11. Big difference between shooting a can and shooting at a rabbit at 300yds.........a gut shot can won't feel it at all!
  12. If you're looking to shoot the larger deer species like Fallow and Red then my personal caliber of choice is .260Rem, but you need to homeload to make the best of this caliber. I've been shooting this caliber for the past season and it really is the business! If you don't homeload I would choose 6.5x55. If you're looking to shoot only the smaller deer species, up to and including Roe, then I would absolutley go for .243Win, in my opinion the most versatile caliber out there.....
  13. Phil, I am looking to join Oundle at the moment and yes you have to be introduced by a member. I'll let you know how strict that rule is when I've been for a look around next week.
  14. Rather a silly statement there chummy, I would very much like to know what type of person you guess I am!!!
  15. How big is his crate Mike? As a rule of thumb dogs hate to soil their sleeping quarters, so making the crate space smaller may help.
  16. Wow......is your name Aled by any chance?? :hmm:
  17. And isn't it just brilliant to see them doing so !!!
  18. I stand corrected!!! My FAC just came back from variation and I have a slot for a 6.5. Having said that this particular 6.5 is a new Wildcat so maybe I got the 6.5 because it didn't fit any other description? It is best to do as Manc-munsters suggests and ask the advice of your own FEO.
  19. I think you're wrong here. You must have the correct caliber noted on your FAC. i.e .243Win, .243AI, .243WSSM in order to purchase said caliber.
  20. I most definitely disagree with both of you.....but then I would say that because I own and work GSP's.........
  21. Very simple.... Slice breast in half, stuff with medium strength Blue Stilton, wrap in thin streaky bacon. Cook in centre of oven 190 degrees for 20/25 minutes. (Be carefull not to overcook or it will dry out) Serve with roast veggies.
  22. I agree with Fister, Viht N140 is the way to go if you can get hold of some.
  23. Speak to Chris at Anglo Custom Rifles. He's now working on my third rifle and I can highly recommend him. The current one is a rebarrelling job on a custom rifle that was initially done by another gunsmith.... I know they are having their website re-done but here's the link to the old holding page:- Anglo Website
  24. Although I have never met LB personally, I have read with interest his posts on running dogs and gundogs over the past 5 or 6 years that I've been a member of this forum, I think I can honestly say LB is a true 'dogman'. I am sure he will have given this situation many hours of heartbreaking thought before coming to the decision that is right for the dog. After having a similar situation with my lurcher bitch last year I think I know what he is going through. Sorry to hear about this LB, remember the good times.
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