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Everything posted by Browning

  1. I have three...I like them I always remove them from the rifle after use, and zero is not affected on refitting. Sound moderation (In my opinion) is as good as the T8 I used to run on the same rifle (.243). Although different rifles will moderate differently. I did hear of one loosening up inside, but that was because the gunsmith that fitted it didn't tighten the threaded nut up correctly. I always strip mine and studlock the nut in place. If you're interested PM me and I'll send you the contact details of the lad that imports them.
  2. Why not variate the moderator slot for the FAC air rifle and keep the .308? If you then need the .308 for the odd outing you already have it, minus the mod.
  3. Browning


    My daughter and her husband were there as part of their honeymoon only last week. Luckily they moved onto the Maldives at the weekend so missed the trouble. It still sent a shiver down my back when I watched the news last night, too close for comfort.
  4. I suspect that is what will happen in a large number of cases, just as the banks in the past haven't always passed on interest rate cuts to their customers, there is no reason why shop keepers etc have to pass on the 2.5% VAT cut to their customers.
  5. My local gamedealer is being 'suggested to' that all game will need to be supplied by 'trained hunters' shortly. If he does bow down to pressure I will be stuck with no local outlet for my birds.
  6. Thanks Malc, I've already tried BASC. Problem is distance with both of the dates available but I may have to bite the bullet and do it anyway.
  7. Hi All, I need to get on a Wild Game Meat Hygiene course as soon as possible. Does anyone happen to know of any courses scheduled around the midlands? The only one I can find is Somerset and I really don't want to travel for 3 hours and 160 miles each way if I can help it......
  8. I haven't had either of those issues with any of my A-Tec mods, and the one on my .243 has had in excess of 2000 rounds through it. Also, having shot my.270 with a T8 and with an A-Tec, I can guarantee that the sound moderating capability of the A-Tec is just as good as the T8.
  9. Stu, I had the same problem with the T8 on my .270, it lasted 18 months. I now have an A-Tec and find the moderation just as good as the T8, and the repeatability after removal and refitting is spot on, no zero shift at all. I like the A-Tec mod so much I now have one on each of my three rifles.
  10. Sound advice from the lads above. One thing I will say is make absolutely certain that you have the time to dedicate to your dog. Regular daily excercise is a must. Keep your training sessions short and regular (10/15 mins every day rather than 2 hours at the weekend). Start now and build up a massive store of patience....you will need it. Good luck with him/her.
  11. Browning

    Just Curious

    I don't look at posts with pictures attached and headings along the lines of:- "Last nights outing" "Lots of foxes" "Lots of rabbits" "Out last night" "Fox pics (Graphic)" "Fox v .223" I've seen more than my share of shot vermin and over the years I've come to the conclusion....They all look the same!!!
  12. Tough times Kev. Don't let the ******** grind you down mate.
  13. I ran 48.5grains Hodgdon H4831SC behind a 130gn Sierra Gameking, lit by Federal 210 primer, .01" off lands gave me sub 3/4" @ 100yds all day through my Tikka T3.
  14. Harry, PM me nearer the time, we'll sort something out.
  15. I will be staying behind locked doors with the TV volume turned high trying to console one of our dogs who is a nervous wreck at this time of year because of damned fireworks. If I had my way they would be licenced only to organised displays to be held well away from farms, and would put an extremely tight limit on the noise. Bah Humbug? Too damned right, I despise the bloody things!
  16. Harry, I see you are in Gloucestershire. If you would like to see a GSP in action on a shoot day you are welcome to come along to Warwickshire for the day. I can't offer you any shooting but seeing them working could give you in insight into what they are all about and what an absolute pleaure HPR's are to work with. PM me if this is of interest.
  17. Absolutely agree with Tiercel on this point, and I should have made that clearer in my post, just because the GWP's that shoot with us can be aggressive does not mean all GWP's will be. Good point Tiercel.
  18. At 14 months she's still a pup. I would do as your pals say and take her right back to basics, and stay there with her until you have 100% control under all situations. Can you get access to a rabbit pen? I would also not take her beating again this season. Give her time to mature.
  19. I've only ever had GSP's so can't comment on owning a GWP, however I do see both working every season and have to say there's nothing to choose between the two on terms of working ability. I guesss the GWP will be a little hardier due to it's thicker coat, but my GSP's have never had problems as we don't get very bad winters here. The only negative I have for the GWPs that I have seen, is that they have all had a tendancy to be a little aggressive towards other dogs.
  20. I prefer to use the '£1 coin' method. If I can get 3 shots under a £1 coin it's plenty good enough for me.
  21. Maybe the shot does look OK...to those that know about deerstalking. BUT to the bunny hugger/anti etc, it will look like "another poor deer that was wounded and ran around in pain until it died." As Highlander says...a ******** trying to big himself up by posting this on the internet without thinking of who may view it.
  22. Browning


    Maybe faster than a .22lr bullet but that's about all. I think the maths is FPS x 0.6818 = MPH
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