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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Yes I find him the most insincere politician I've seen, and that's saying something.
  2. Absolutely correct. Matt Hancock has completely lost the plot. I find him an insidious person and he comes across as someone who couldn't lie straight in bed.
  3. No I absolutely agree, I probably didn't write my point out very well but I meant it's morally not right, but to give someone 10years is insane, especially when they've done nothing to stop economic migrants pouring in during this pandemic. The government to then punish its own people like that is disgusting.
  4. https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/uk-56019430?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=16130300550036&csi=0&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fuk-56019430 Look at this fiasco, not saying its exclusively due to human rights (although I'm sure it's at the heart of why he can't be deported) but if ever there was proof this countrys legal system needs a massive shake up to act in the interests of decent people, cases like this show it.
  5. It's not right to go on holiday while under lockdown. 10 years is way over the top. People literally get less for stabbing someone.
  6. No but we could abolish it and replace it with something better. We did fine as a country before its existence in 1997 and I don't recall decent people being persecuted by the government before that date, what did happen however was terrorists would be deported and scumbags could be dealt with a lot easier without them sueing the government for compensation all the time. Decent peoples rights under HRA are breached all the time but because we don't get free legal aid very few normal people get to make it work for them anyway, so what we're left with is an act that protects pedoes, murderers, rapists and terrorists and does very little for decent hard working people.
  7. Those who have no regard for human beings and seriously breach their basic human rights, should loose there's, Gary glitter should get nothing but the most severe punishment posible and nothing more,his only purpose in life (since they won't execute him) is to serve as a warning for other nonces who look at his miserable life. Unfortunately it won't happen, hopefully the human rights act can go in the bin now we're out of the EU.
  8. Yes I'm looking forwards to more local fish and hopefully the cost will go down a bit to. Another benefit of brexit!
  9. No worries, thanks for the info also.
  10. https://www.itv.com/news/2021-01-27/covid-vaccine-uk-one-dose-strategy-absolutely-right-way-to-go-says-astrazeneca-boss Here's one from one of the vaccine producers bosses. I'm still searching for the statement by WHO, I'll post it when I find it. Here's a link from a WHO official. https://news-sky-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/covid-19-uk-vindicated-over-brave-decision-to-delay-second-vaccine-dose-who-official-says-12211550?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16127313900774&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fnews.sky.com%2Fstory%2Fcovid-19-uk-vindicated-over-brave-decision-to-delay-second-vaccine-dose-who-official-says-12211550
  11. Interesting perspective, I was under the impression if we'd signed up to the EU scheme, the vaccine would have been centrally sourced and divided up equally (except Germany and France would probably get the lions share of course). But perhaps that's not the case? Completely agreed. On another note I'm sure if the virus came out of the lab in China either accidentally or on purpose the WHO wont be telling us anytime soon. Fair play, never thought I'd hear you say that 👍
  12. The WHO have just announced that they will relook at the UK's approach of giving only one dose first as it "appears to have worked for us". So, despite all the criticism of Boris and with the UK appearing to have used our new found ability to be agile outside of a floundering EU and what appears to be another uk success, what's peoples thoughts? Does anyone still feel we'd be better off in the EU?
  13. Was just going to say the same, I've seen protection dogs, ipo ect go for that sort of money, I've heard of dogs in the states go north of 100k. Crazy money! That said, look at the cost race horses sell for.
  14. Who'd have thought the EU would be difficult hey!
  15. No not at all. You must be very stressed, I very much hope they're on the mend.
  16. If you look at the probability of where this virus originated, by circumstancle evidence alone, it seems very unlikely it didn't come from a lab whether via accidental or malicious release.
  17. No I fully understand your point and it might be worth perusing them in the small claims court for any unpaid rent. I've got several properties that I've been advised long before corona to raise the rents on, they're paying well under market at the moment, however I think particularly now itd be unwise as at the moment there's every excuse under the sun not to pay and I've a feeling, (if it went that far) courts won't touch it. To be fair they've also been good tenants, I don't really need the money and if its not broke, why rock the apple cart.
  18. It's a disgraceful situation, Northern Ireland has effectively been cut off from the rest of the UK with the EU gifted the power. How any UK government could agree to that is beyond me. Like I said, I'd have rather seen a hard brexit,than see NI treated differently from the rest of the uk
  19. A clean break and we could have told the EU to swivel. The EU have caused this to stir up trouble and have shown their true colours, I hope even you can see what an outrageous move triggering article 16 was, literally risking lives. I'm so glad we're out, I just wish we had nothing to do with them at all. You can't make deals with gangsters.
  20. You've said that a lot better than me but is the point I was trying to make, I'm certainly not sticking up for dog thieves. In my eyes they are the lowest of the low, I'd happily see them locked up for life, literally.
  21. Yep and it's a very good point. I think there's lots of little things that added together are very big things that will benefit the UK and its people going forwards. I still believe a clean break would have been better in the long run, short term chaos aside of course.
  22. Don't mean to be captain hindsight, however... I think hiking rents now is an unwise move, your asking for a situation like that to occur. If your rents are fair and your a good landlord (which I'm sure you are) I'm sure it'll work out okay in the long run, it's just a bitter pill to swallow short term. Touch wood, I find if your reasonable with Tennants, they're good with you on the whole.
  23. 12gauge82


    Or maybe they know the charge is so ludicrous they didn't want to waste much time on it knowing its going nowhere anyway.
  24. 12gauge82


    Well said. You'll have more chance getting blood from a stone than getting Henry to look at something from someone else's view point, much less an apology.
  25. So sad to learn this. What a man to look up to and I'm sure he will not be forgotten.
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