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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. I'm a massive fan of Ali, I've boxed and completed myself since I was 12, sport moves on and I can assure you Tyson would have beaten Ali, in the same way modem heavy weights would beat Tyson, i.e a prime klitschko v Tyson
  2. He's still in the eu parliament so he'll keep his hand in, the man should be knighted
  3. Your right, I'd say clearly no conscience or he'd at least keep his mouth shut
  4. Agreed, I think if we don't make a decent exit, ukip will gain a huge number of voters
  5. I understand why they have an opinion, it would have an impact on everyone, I of course also respect the Scottish people's will and if the vast majority want out I've no doubt they'll eventually get it
  6. It's discraceful isn't it, basically Blair can walk away Scott free while our soldiers, which he sent and he put in life threatening situations can take the blame😠
  7. Farage is not in power, nor does he have any say on how we exit, I can't see how he could be held responsible after brexit good or bad at present
  8. Tony Blair should keep his opinions to himself, he's got some cheek, worst prime minister since Margret Thatcher (possibly worse than her actually) and about to have the enquiry published which if my instinct proves right will probably show him as a war criminal
  9. I don't get why most remain voters are so scared, I'm the most optimistic I've been about the uk since leave won the referendum
  10. None necessary, my post wasn't clear
  11. Tyson would right Ali off, the prevalence of steroids or vitamins as Tyson would call them has changed the face of boxing and most sports forever
  12. Nope you've misunderstood it (probably my fault) I meant the elites of society I.e billionaires etc I put working class in inverted commas because the privileged class themselves as working class to.
  13. You've totally misunderstood my post I put working class in inverted commas for that reason, I hate using the term working class but most people get what I mean when using it, have you got a better term?, Why so defensive?, Privileged background perhaps?
  14. Sums up exactly why this country needs a huge change, the 'working class' has been pushed to the limit and most politicians are totally out of touch, people who haven't been there or don't know people who are will never understand, I've argued with many privileged people about it before but they just cant understand it.
  15. Really appreciate the reply Scotslad, answered alot of questions I had and some I hadn't even thought of yet
  16. Having moved from Wales to Scotland I've got to say it's a absolutely beautiful country and full of friendly people, I love the space up here, I'd stay out of a vote on independence as I don't understand fully the driving forces behind it
  17. Interesting, I'm not a fan of sturgeon although I do understand the anger that some Scots feel towards Westminster although I think the whole country feels it to, just wondering if that's the main thing driving the independent vote, I'm sure there's many complexitys to it
  18. Apologies I see your point, I of course meant any Scots who want to leave, I do all my pigeon watch posting on a phone and it's not always the best for typing hence my poor grammar and spelling, that's my excuse any way
  19. I've never spoken to a copper or prison guard who has a good thing to say for her either
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