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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. I've got to agree also, it sums up very nicely the way some on here have acted.
  2. I was just thinking Kennedy before I read your whole post, there's no doubt in my mind that he was assassinated.I thought the death of the mi5 spy was highly suspicious to.
  3. I was suspicious of gove all the way through his campaign, what he's done now just confirmed my suspicions of him, I know Teresa may can't be trusted and don't feel it's right someone who backed remain should take the top job, I know very little of fox although I like everything I've heard him say so I'm backing him at present, after researching farage during the campaign, he is currently the only politician I trust in politics and while I don't share all his views and feel he can be blunt at times I hope he and his party gain massive support at the next election.
  4. Fair point oowee and felly, the only thing I've had enough of is politicians saying one thing and doing another to suit their own agendas, I know it's probably to gain max number of votes, but I'd rather see a slightly less efficient politician for an honest one any day.
  5. Ha fair one, bit steep for a bottle of wine, I expect Nigel is celebrating. I know porthcawl well, I'm originally from Cardiff although I live in Scotland now.
  6. Tell her to buy him a pint from me 😉
  7. This is why farage has gone up in my estimations, he's not exactly the most diplomatic speaker but I believe he means what he says, I hope ukip picks up alot of voters and if gove, fox, may or whoever else is elected doesn't do what the people who voted for brexit believed they were voting for I think we'll see massive defection to ukip at the next general election
  8. Whatever Scotland decides to do or not do, I don't think we should attack each other, on a personal note, I hope Scotland choose to remain and am sure if they did choose to go it alone could make it work (although I don't think they'd be better off for it), I do feel it'd deffinatley be a devastating loss for the rest of the uk. My personal feeling of Nicola sturgeon is she can't be trusted, she used the brexit vote to suit her own personal agenda, going on TV a couple of days before the referendum telling all Scott's anyone wanting independence should vote remain, then going on TV the day after the result and saying "this is the last thing I wanted", after helping to manufacture it, I also don't understand why anyone would want independence from the uk but want to remain in the EU, but like I said, if the majority of Scotland wants independence i don't believe anyone should stand in their way.
  9. I imagine our leaving has probably put a stop to those plans unless the eu has a death wish, I'm proud of the UK's decision to leave and shows that we continue to be unafraid to lead the way despite being such a small country, some of the other members of the eu will probably thank us in years to come, I just hope whoever takes over the top job in the conservative party is genuinely for out andakes no compromise over free movement of people.
  10. Cracking idea, ever thought about running for PM, I hear there's a vacancy opened up😁👍
  11. I think brexit has got very little to do with hinkley, they've been on and off with this for ages and has more to do with how much money edf can get there hands on. Interesting idea with coal, I think the UK should do what's good for us for a change, we've been pushed about by the EU for far long
  12. Looks like a sash window latch, don't think they made them from pewter though 😃
  13. This pretty much sums it up, (in a rather comical way). The UK is basically a customer of the EU, it'd be like tesco telling you if you want to shop at their store you need to pay them for the privilege, if they did that I'd tell them where to stick it and shop at Morrison's, sainsburys etc instead. I don't get why so many people are so scared (not many on pigeon watch to be fair), I've quite enjoyed watching the EU panicking and trying to talk tuff, boots been on the other foot. On another note Nigel farage has gone up in my estimation, should get knighted, be interesting to see how he's viewed in the future.
  14. I feel overjoyed we're heading for exit although there are tough times ahead, I hope the new PM manages to secure full control of our borders, something along the lines of an Australian points system and doesn't sell us out, I of course hope we retain access to the single market but feel the new PM is going to have to put his best poker face on if he is to do it, if the EU won't budge on it I hope we walk away and feel it'll hurt the EU more than the UK although in the short term it will cause some very unsettling times, I do think in the long run we'll still be better off. The sooner our politicians stop in fighting and show a united front preferably across all parties the sooner it'll all settle down.
  15. Another point, when have I ever said anything about non-white English people, I'm Welsh. I don't even know why I'm responding to your post, the words you are quoting weren't mine, I don't believe the person who originally made them had any racist intent but you won't know as you keep asking me to justify his words and you won't answer my question, what are you implying?
  16. I'm offended by you implying that I'm racist, if that's what your trying to do, you've dragged it up from another topic which has already been explained what I meant by it hence my trolling comment what else is it? Please clear up what your implying?
  17. I already did on the last topic that got locked several days ago, I've then repeated my reply 2 post above yours, so what are you implying I've already explained what I meant by you beat me to it
  18. I fully explained myself on an earlier post and you know it(read above post), you've then dragged it up again and tried to do the same thing, I'll ask you a fourth time what are you implying?
  19. And just so people reading this post don't misconstrue the conversation on another thread, this was my response to your accusations "Well you've totally jumped to conclusions again without getting facts, what I mean by that is walk into your local hospital its at breaking point due to number of people, there's not enough places in schools for children etc I don't need stats to see that I can see it with my own eyes. without sounding corny I have many friends from many backgrounds hence why my friends would laugh at you and if you look back you will see in an earlier post I've stated I am for immigration, just that it should benefit the country and its people and of course protect those in need" of course you already knew that but I'm not being misquoted and implied to be a racist by anyone, that's a disscusting ploy and detracts from genuine cases, I've never been so offended by something some internet troll has said in my life.
  20. You still haven't answered my question, what are you implying? Even in the small bit of my post you quoted you can see I said "I've got nothing against immigration". So I ask again what are you implying?
  21. No I nor anyone else can put a date on that at present, nor can they put a date on when the funding will stop, we're still a member of the EU and probably will be for some time.As for your quote you have quoted me out of context, I already explained my position and reasoning on the other thread and am not going back over it. You've obviously read the rest of that thread so what exactly are you implying?
  22. Well once out if the UK government decides to spend the old EU budget on the exact same areas they'll get even more money instead of it going to prop inefficient eu business up so I still don't see a problem
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