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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Forget it, this thread will be locked
  2. f. you, my friend, cant see the wood for trees on this one. f. I hope my last post didn't come across as rude, I read it back and I could see that part of it could be seen as condescending although it wasn't meant to be. Woods for trees?
  3. I agree with some of your post but some is plain wrong, armed police do shoot past 50m, how far depends on their role I.e riflemen, not to mention you'd have a hard time justifying dropping someone at a mile with a .50cal.Pheasant shooting, everyones allowed an opinion however I agree I don't think someone who opposes a sport should be handing out liscenced. Pin fire is quite a old rare round and I'm not surprised they hadn't herd of it, if you mean rim fire I am surprised if it was a AFO, not that it would effect the role that much, armed policing is 99% tactics shooting is a much smaller part of it. With all due respect I doubt you have the necessary skill to deal with an armed incident unless you've had some very specific training.
  4. Again its easy being an armchair hero, I think you'd be surprised at how many have been in life threatening situations, remember there must be an IMMINENT THREAT TO LIFE for them to justify shooting someone, otherwise they'd be prosecuted, again it shows their professionalisum that more haven't been shot.
  5. Hahaha, brings back memories of sunny days on my best mates farm ☺
  6. It wasn't the officers on the ground who made the mistake, for all they knew the rucksack they thought he had was planted and he could have blown it up by remote detonation, these were probably thoughts flying through their mind as they bravely ran on to that train wondering if they would be blown up as they did so, that's not to take away from the terrible tragedy of an innocent man losing his life. on your other point on how many armed officers killed in action you might want to do some research on northern Ireland, and I'd say it's a credit to the armed police's tactics, training and skill that so few have been killed.Edited to say... instead of looking at how many armed officers are killed compared to unarmed, why not look at how many armed jobs they deal with and how few times it ends up with anyone getting shot at all, that I think draws a very much more accurate picture of the restraint they show on a daily basis. You only hear of the very few occasions when someone gets shot.
  7. Yeah it didn't last long but got me hooked and my next gun was a hw80 followed shortly by a theoben slr98, they were the days.
  8. Yes unarmed police are just as brave also, and generally armed police have served unarmed before becoming armed or also serve unarmed, as for the train shooting it was not the officers who took the shot to blame they were told and had an honest held belief that the guy was going to blow the train up yet they ran on to the train anyway, despite the threat they thought they faced as awful as it was, what were they to do, if the Intel they were given was right stand by and watch hundreds of unarmed civilians killed, its easy to sit back and be an arm chair judge with years of hindsight when officers are given a split second to make life and death decisions.
  9. Another bash at the police, I wonder if you would be prepared to head towards a terrorist attack putting yourself in harm's way like the brave officers in armed response would.
  10. Still doesn't make it it's natural environment
  11. +1 and if the child got in with alot of effort as stated above then I would say parents fault as they should have a reasonable amount of supervision of their children
  12. I've uploaded pictures but unfortunately they only show on the gun watch site, the scope is a Nikko Stirling gold crown 4-12x50AO
  13. I head for Cardiff every few months, I will see if I can get some better pictures up tomorrow, rifle is pretty much mint condition just didn't list it as such as it is a used rifle I head for Cardiff every few months, I will see if I can get some better pictures up tomorrow, rifle is pretty much mint condition just didn't list it as such as it is a used rifle
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-171856/250m-siphoned-short-measure-scams.html I'm sure there's plenty more, I didn't even read the article if I'm honest, but looks like it does go on as I said
  15. http://m.wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/10441019.Fuel_pumps_found_to_be_delivering_short_measures_across_Wiltshire/?ref=rc Here's another seven cases, I'm not saying it's regular just more often than you appear to think. It's probably quite small amounts when it happens and is probably very rarely reported to the media, I have however herd of several cases so it obviously does happen
  16. I can't believe anyone is even thinking of voting remain, I don't care what carrots the EU dangles, so long as the price of that is giving up a democracy I.e electable delegates who can be voted out by the UK population they can go to hell, my ancestors didn't die in the second world war for me to willingly hand control of the UK to foreign unelected politicians in the EU.
  17. Why so pedantic? Only trying to be helpful with a reply, ive herd of several cases hence why I said it's probably more common than you think, it probably doesn't make national news very often but I've got better thinks to do than have a argument over how often petrol stations short change customers, so have a nice evening
  18. Well it was in my local paper and they were fined so unless the paper was lying I'd say that is evidenceEdited to add link http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/south_east/7974289.stm
  19. I've always preferred the 97 as a functional tool and am personally more accurate with it, think the TX is better finished and a bit prettier in my opinion but that's just me
  20. Open to any sensible offers on this as it's not getting used
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