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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. I can assure you I am not a socialist, I believe although not perfect ukip is the closest this country has to a working man's party, agreed the politicians are mainly to blame but they have alot of fingers in big business I.e Tony Blair one of the biggest crooks going sold the UK up the river. As for what do I define as big business, I'm talking the likes of Amazon etc too complex a subject for me to go any further in and purpously created that way to prevent your average tradesman or shopworker from working it all out. I feel I've said my bit so will not be commenting much more on this subject.
  2. By your own statment the banks and buildings society's greed played a part, as for the latest gadgets flat screen TVs etc most of these items are manufactured by a slave race in China and big companys skim the profit off the top, a TV for instance would once have been produced by a skilled UK worker on a decent wage who would then in turn circulate that money amongst the working class, this is part of the reason I want out of the EU and the super rich want to stay in.Think about it money is meant to be a representation of an exchange of labour, now take a billionaire/multimillionaire if they worked 24hrs a day 7 days a week 365 days a year for their entire life they would still not produce a billion pounds worth of labour. Like you I'm in a privileged position, the line of work I chose means my friends are all working class and I can see it from both sides, this country needs change and it is the rich and powerful who are forcing most working class people into a life of virtual slavery.
  3. The people who got into the property market at the right time with 10 plus buy to lets etc also tend to be the same people who are bleeding the working class to live a life of luxury. I admit it, I'm part of the problem I've done nothing illegal but it doesn't make it right. I agree there is no automatic right to owning a house but if two people work full time hours for their entire lives I believe they have a right to expect the possibility of owning a property, currently this isn't possible for some and I have friends in that very position and I feel guilty about it. I was given a great deal of help from my parents when i reached adulthood and this is what set me up in life financially, money makes money, people who do not understand why the average working Joe is so angry are either lieing to themselves, been born with a silver spoon totally out of touch with reality, or are so selfish because they're okay they just don't care. My examples apply to people like myself who are very comfy, the super rich are in another league altogether and are the same people who set or influence the laws that protect their wealth, I truly believe if the average Joe knew the full extent of the double standards and legalised corruption this country would have an uprising.
  4. I've got several investments including propertys and shares and I've got to say although some would say I to am in a privileged position (although nothing near Cameron snr), I totally agree the law is wrong, this country is designed along with most of the Western world for the rich to get richer. For the average 20yo to make enough to pay for the basic aspersions in life in the future I.e to support a family and buy a house is almost impossible and it's the privileged few who are mostly to blame. Cameron and the rest of his cronies should hang their heads in shame. The saying pee down people's backs and tell them it's raining springs to mind.
  5. Get it back in the post to Mr Cameron hahaha
  6. We are, and in my opinion you should give up shooting as you clearly think it's too dangerous. You have to be the winner for the most ludicrous post on PW. Just my opinion of course.
  7. Agreed a nation of sheeple
  8. I'm guessing that's down to our vat rate being much higher
  9. I obviously can't comment on your indervidual employees but generally speaking there's an old saying that goes 'if you pay peanuts then you get monkey's'
  10. I'd say there was a far bigger problem in this country with rubbish employers, the UK is becoming a minimum wage zero contact 'slave' nation Sooner we're out the better
  11. If we stay in I hope that ukip will gain some serious traction and start gaing some seats. I'm not saying they'll come in and we'll live happily ever after but they can't do worse than lab or cons and something has to change in this country.
  12. This sums it up for me, we don't live in a democracy, money is power and will continue to be for the foreseeable future I should imagine.
  13. The whole system is rigged, and untill people use there general election vote to vote someone in other than labour/conservative government nothing will change, nothing surprises me when I hear dirty little tricks played by politicians.
  14. Getting back on topic, the problem brexit faces I believe is mostly those to young to remember the UK before being part of Europe who will probably vote to stay in, couple that with the general lack of knowledge most of the UK has about politics and we'll end up with a better the devil you know vote to stay in.
  15. Not meaning to be pedantic but when sxs and ou are in a gun slip you can't tell they're safe either. Sounds like snobbery to me, just ignore them.
  16. Probably because he views it like me, a practice that causes unnecessary suffering to animals, something that most hunters will do all they can to avoid.
  17. Different yes but similar in that struggling companies were proped up using public money, I beleive that industry like steel, energy, prisons, NHS etc should be government run as they are at the core of the UK, and if run by a private body leaves us open to many issues and problems, sometimes you get what you pay for and keeping money in the country can't be a bad thing.
  18. They were quick enough to prop up the banks. I know planes are not made of steel but critical parts and weapons I assume would be and I can assure you war needs steel and alloys which I would guess ta ta make or could make if it were needed
  19. This goes beyond cost of our steel vs china, its about being an independent country with the ability to produce our own steel, what happens if we end up at war in future and can't get steel for ships tanks and planes etc?
  20. The death penalty should be bought back for people like this. They're not safe to walk the streets. The sentence they received is a joke.
  21. Couldn't agree more, I'm tired of living in a nanny state where our rights are being slowly taken from under our noses, I still can't believe they're halfway to banning airguns here in Scotland, thought it would happen eventually, just hoped I wouldn't live to see the day.
  22. I won't shoot anything that doesn't require shooting whether it's pigeons or hares, that's just me though
  23. I know how you feel in a moment of madness I sold a mint theoben SLR 98 with scope slip lamp and pellets for about £350, I miss that gun even though theoben must of had the worst customer service in the world
  24. I didn't see anyone have a dig at blue badge holders, one of my family members is also a blue badge holder and has been for many years, the only post I could see reference blue badge holders appeared to have a dig at those who abuse the system, I've seen many myself.
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