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    Scotland, UK
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    Game shooting & stalking

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  1. Let’s hope the new owner enjoyed it and I will keep searching That’s right, do you know if the telescope was anything to do with the gunmakers Grays of Inverness? Or was that just coincidence?
  2. I have been looking for a Grahams 20 bore for over 20 years and still not found one!
  3. 100% Let's be honest there is a few on here have built up their posts by posting in the sales section "Welcome to Pigeon Watch" pretty sad really but if they get off on it, like everything else, who cares
  4. I don’t see what the issue is, buying anything unseen is a risk, I got scammed by a member on here despite doing all the checks and let’s be fair there are a number of members only seem to post sales threads and contribute nothing else
  5. 👍it looks even better in the flesh
  6. I'm a big AYA fan, and Spanish guns in general so was delighted after looking for a long time managed to pick up a 722 in mint condition
  7. Can you post some Close ups of the woodwork and action please
  8. Is it the leggings or chaps that fasten to your belt? If it’s the latter, I think I have a new pair, if interested let me know your size
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