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Honey Monster

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Everything posted by Honey Monster

  1. Also I see problem with permissions. Public/state forests, parks etc are usually full of people, dog walkers etc and shooting greys in such a environment might be problematic . Private woodlands- owners might be not interested in getting rid of greys . How was it solved in the past?
  2. That's very interesting. Reading an off topic threads..... "I just bought a new gun +picture".... " I jus bought a new car + picture"... " I just refurbished my bathroom +picture " Fascinating, people are very keen to make a second facebook here sometimes but put a location in their profile is a anonymity/security problem.
  3. I bought a scope in 2012. Scope was 110 or 120$ I don't remember exactly. No problem with purchase and delivery but I've been hammered with 20 pounds import charges.
  4. Good idea. As far as I know use to be something like that in 60's last time if "Im right. Probably today, would be a big problem with lots of "bleeding heart" do gooders walking everywhere.
  5. Good point old'un. What's the answer? Hard to say. I see only 2 potential reasons- people feel safer being anonymous. They are paranoid about safety (eg. we had few months ago topic about carrying guns from house to vehicle), or second they just feel safer and are more courageous to behave like an ***** and more tend to write something harsh. I can see something similar on the road. Sometimes some people in the vehicle behave very rude and they wouldn't do it in the face to face situation. I don't know. Just my thoughts.
  6. No. Topic isn't about poor business owner being robbed. Topic is about man who placed abusive sign about some people, referring to some ethnic group. And apparently he did it unlawfully . Almost all 3 pages of this topic are mostly about some PW users having b-hurt because some others said he broke the law .
  7. Yes. Unfortunately. And their "activity" is not limited to drinking only. For example Krakow is full of pigeons and people feed them from hand . But some drunk brits just killed them for fun in cruel manner. http://www.gazetakrakowska.pl/artykul/653009,krakow-brytyjczycy-zamordowali-nam-golebia,id,t.html http://www.tvp.info/1097123/brytyjczycy-meczyli-krakowskie-golebie. And I'd like to point out that nobody placed a sign- no dogs and brits allowed or similar. Panoma1 - if you don't hear too much about brits abroad stop reading "sun" only. Also I have no idea to what you refer.
  8. No. It is very easy to say something and then- google it. I can say, so far that brits eat swans more than "eastern europeans"( personally I never heard about even thinking about swan as food in Poland ). I googled and posted some links. Now I'm waiting for some info. Same like above- this is EOT. A lack of convictions doesn't mean it doesn't happen. What's the point to discuss then? Now I can say everything about brits behaviour on stag nights in Poland , for example in Krakow and then say the same if you don't like it- google it or lack of convictions.... ( but was a few as I remember.)
  9. Doesn't look like a red squirrel to me. And there is no red squirrels in the US as far as I know
  10. I have a PA08 in wood with 26" barrel. Now over 1000 fired not even one problem. I fired 65mm 70mm and 76mm. Very good gun for the money.
  11. Yes, fishing here and there is not much different. Honestly I don't know what is the situation now but 20 yrs ago all fees were quite expensive hence some people ignored it. Also penalties for poaching were quite low and "water rangers" ( for checking licences) were very rare sight. All above combined resulted that certain people used to get fish for free and unpunished. It is not like they don't know this is illegal, they do, but they just ignore it.
  12. Tastes terribly in my opinion, strong mud aftertaste Personally I don't like it( that's why I ate it maybe 3 times in my life) and in Poland this is not popular fish for meat except Christmas as davewh100 mentioned. As I remember there is 3 different kinds of carp in Poland. All of them are not popular as a meat source but are popular as a trophy because it is not easy to catch and it is very strong and big fish ( I saw even 24kg heavy ones ) . I have no idea about Europe but in Poland this is very popular species of fish, in some areas even considered as a pest. Also there is a lot of carp farms as well . About fishing in Poland in general I can say most of waters are under state management. ( over 90% I think) . You need to get license for fishing ( exams and general fees) and sometimes for certain waters there is additional fee. Depends on species there is daily limit you can take, minium size and protective periods ( I don't remember everything, last time I was fishing in fresh water was some 20 yrs ago and some laws been changed probably). Catch& release is becoming popular in recent years as far as I know. Other thing is private waters ( lakes and pond only, all rivers are under state management). On private water you can go without licence and all conditions are up to owner eg. you can take a fish but pay for every single one or per kg. Fishing without licence is considered as a poaching on state waters and as a theft on private ones.
  13. I know and you are right. Nobody knows when or if Brexit will be delivered and in what form. But I wanted to give some hope to Snoozer. He seems to be a bit lost..
  14. I think you're wrong. If his business is unviable it is not because of emigration. I think even in the UK full od PC is not a problem to ban some certain group of people or keep them away from your business. But way or manner how you do this is a key.
  15. Well... you got my attention and I've done some research about that urban legend with swans.(because I never heard about eating this in Poland). It seems that some tabloid newspapers started all of this for unclear reasons and it was first time in 2003 so long before "easterns" invasion began. Anyway I didn't find EVEN SINGLE ONE case when those legendary easterns were sentenced. But I found something else : https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2005/mar/19/arts.environment http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4361079.stm Apparently swan is a typical english dish And some more "easterns" but a bit far to east than You think : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2646337/Im-sorry-I-didnt-know-type-bird-It-tasted-nice-Turkish-man-caught-stuffing-beheaded-swan-backpack-apologises.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-418000/Man-tried-eat-swan-Ramadan-fast.html Could anyone give me some details/source about Poles sentenced for killing/eating swan?
  16. I'm still waiting for source of above statistics.
  17. ? Yes, I have destroyed my airgun. It was nothing special and I didn't want to give it to the police so I cut it into pieces. It was old Hatsan and after licensing was introduced there was a lot of good, cheap second-hand airguns in the market. My was worth maybe 20 quid.
  18. I had similar problem. After licensing was introduced my airgun had a meeting with angle grinder and I decidec to go for a SGC. I think it's better to do this in stages- SGC first and after year or two try to expand it to FAC. Where are you based exactly?
  19. I can try to get a new set from Russia, but price together with shipping would be around 70-100 quid depends on type of stock an wood ( walnut/beech).
  20. It is. I think beacuse of warmer winter.
  21. I'm very sad to hear it ( read it) but all above shows clearly that bigger problem is with police efficiency/quality than with anything else. Even if it would be 10 out 10 Polish if they were properly punished after got caught problem would be solved after some time. In this case no sign will make any difference.
  22. Probably it is true. at least partially. I'd like to see such a bravery in Luton or Bradford for example. I can imagine mr Evans attaching big sign on the wall of local mosque which says- no muslim pedo gangs, or something else about no-go zones, religion of peace and other "incidents' . I know it is better to focus on easy target.
  23. You should start from posting sign itself . And as been written above- there was many other solutions, ( not to mention that for typical brit every language from central/eastern Europe is polish). I can understand that owner felt helpless but this sign is not going to work obviously. What is going to happen next? His land so maybe he'll grab a shotgun next time? It is not working that way. I cannot shoot thief stealing copper pipes from my garden ( happened many times). Puting a sign on my gate " no scots an gipsies" will not help either. All I can do is call he police and await oucome. Same fishery owner. If police don't give a single .....ck about it ,well...... There is lots of other ways which been mentioned above - cameras, private lcub/membership only etc . This sign is just pitiful.
  24. So, again- any source of above of just ******** as usual? I doubt I'll get it. £3billion a year - seems about right, BUT IN TOTAL. I mean about 3mln people is living abroad, around 1 mln in the UK and ALL OF THEM sent 3billion to Poland. UK now is on the third place. Poles in Germany and Norway sent more money than from UK. The study also revealed that of the 390,000 Poles thought to be living in the UK around one in five – some 70,000 – are thought to be unemployed. - What? About 3mln EU imigrants in the UK in total. About 65000 are getting Job Seeker Allowance, which 14880 out of them were Polish. ( 2015). And so? What you can do about it? Or what do you expect ? Free movement is part of being EU member. UK could make a transitional period ( max 7yrs, Germany and Austria did) but didn't ,so thank Blair and stop moaning and talking ********. Also I'd like to remind you that there is a few milion non-EU imigrants in the UK beside other EU nationals but you seem focused only on Polish ones. Anyway, Brexit should resolve your problems hopefully, so be patient ( maybe except non EU ones).
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