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Everything posted by discobob

  1. discobob

    Linked in

    If you are connected with them you can remove them and they don't see you or any of your updates until you invite them back. I hope this helps to sort out your problem
  2. I own one - I got it for the wife to give to me last Christmas It does have good and bad points. A big one is the sling is positioned wrong - try navigating stairs with it slung over your shoulder unless you are 6'6" tall and it has blown over in wind when empty. Also, it is bulky However since I have got my CG with a floating high rib it has come into its own as I don't like to rest it in the rack in case the gun gets banged and damages the rib. It also takes my 32" with extended chokes - snug but it fits Hope this helps with your decision
  3. Just swapped to a summit Impact Black 32"- has the high rib and adjustable comb from a 682 Gold E 30" I absolutely love it - although I was getting good scores with the 682, I shot the CG and it felt so much more comfortable. After a blast at the Pattern plate - bang - maintained my scores and then went on to improve - now shooting low 90's (Skeet)
  4. There is a trophy that is shot for every three months for people who have shot a 50 straight. Yet to win a penny
  5. As an idea for you, I participate in a Saturday Skeet Club at FD which is a 50 birder. £20 for the clays with the difference going into the Pot. Can be anything from a single squad upto 4 squads. Quite relaxed - about 3/4 of the requirements of a registered shoot in formality May be an idea for you to do something similar?
  6. What a cracking thread Good luck to all and keep us posted on the result.
  7. Or buy a sporter with an adjustable rib although yet to try DTL with my CG Summit Black Impact!! If you have an adjustable comb try raising that so you are shooting higher than you are looking and wont need to block out the clay
  8. She done a mini display over the CPOP the other week. Killed two birds with one stone by taking my lad to it who is a petrol head! He wondered what his old dad was on about when I wittered on about the Vulcan until she flew over. Now he is sad that he won't ever see it fly again as he thought she was amazingly!! Which she is
  9. Agreed a price and payment method then told today he gave it to a friend yesterday and Bryan then left the conversation so I couldn't reply on there I am sorry but not good practice and you have let me and yourself down Bryan
  10. Amazon fire tv (boc not stick) side loaded with Kodi or Tvaddons now have their own build Cracking although wife won't let me cancel sky as she like the tv catchup and on demand as well as the sky +
  11. Go on - I will take it from you for my new (to me) Summit Impact Black!!! PM us your details Cheers Steve
  12. I was on a forum when my wife was in labor with our second. From when it started she 1. Drove her car from Chester to Mold (with me following her) 2. Had a bath 3. Put false tan on 4. Watched Eastenders THEN we had to put the eldest in the car, the dog and all the paraphernalia, drive back to Chest to drop the aforementioned off at the inlaws and then get to the hospital. The youngest was born 30 minutes after getting in the hospital. Looking at the time - I hope it went well for Martyn with the nuptials!!
  13. Great meeting you Mitch!! Looking forward to shooting with her !!
  14. discobob

    Best BBQ

    I didn't know we were related via my Wife's family!!!
  15. My wife and I stayed overnight in N.Cyprus 20 years (my God!!) when I was stationed at Episkopi. We stayed in an all inclusive resort to the east of Kyrenia whic was full of Germans, and had military training grounds around it!! Back then, the Harbour at Kyrenia at night was absolutely brilliant - no pounding music or flashing lights - just chill time. We also went over on a number of day trips, one of which nearly resulted in a diplomatic incident. It was winter and limited hours for crossing (10-4) and we went across with the in-laws to show them the harbour. Well, at 3.30pm I was there dragging them out of a bar - ****** as newts with me cursing them like anything. I made if from the bar to the crossing point at Nicosia (including getting to where the car was parked) in 27 minutes - powered by me in full swear mode. 4 minutes later would have resulted in me being in serious trouble
  16. Do you know how to browse files and folders on your old computer is the first question you need to answer? If yes, then it is as easy as anything. Also, what is the OS on the old computer?
  17. Sorry - the room with the thermostat in should not have TRV's fitted. It could be the radiator is not big enough for the area and not bringing it up to temperature... However I might have read the issue wrong as having a few beers in the hotel at the mo.
  18. Good old technical training from the forces. Tool bag always had a couple of different size "adjusters" - if they failed the was always the sledge hammer for driving in the earth spikes.........
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