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About Shufti

  • Birthday 03/03/1959

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  • Gender
  • From
    North Essex
  • Interests
    shooting,paramotor flying,open canoeing

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  1. Shufti


    Most certainly is !
  2. Our Siskins have now gone.
  3. Siskins here in my garden in Essex.First time in the 32 years we been here! Six of them!
  4. Heard my first positively identified Nightingale singing tonight. He was a way off , but heard from approx 9 pm until I left the field at 11pm. Gorgeous! One happy bunny!
  5. I had a similar thing with one of my chinese pumps locking up. Can't remember exactly but pumping it with the vent open cleared it ! Been fine ever since! Worth a try
  6. Highly suspicious! Can't imagine anyone pro shooting would do this. A rabid anti though?........
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-64316504 Just heard on radio and found this. Idiots! Words fail me. RSPB and wild justice offering rewards.
  8. That is some session even with a shottie! Outstanding!
  9. Spot on as always Simon Really enjoy and appreciate your videos, thank you
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