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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. Bombs are relatively easy to make. For example tannerite although used for reactive targets in a big enough quantity - like a 5 gallon bucket so not a huge amount - would make a massive bang and although relatively difficult to detonate it only takes a shot with a bullet going a bit faster than rim fire velocity. Or home made Anfo - nitrogen prills and fuel oil - makes a big bang. And depending how intricate you wanted to get you could make it go pop by lighting it on fire or source proper electronic detonators.
  2. I'm not abreast of NZ gun laws but if this is the case - you're licensed but the guns aren't- then that's the problem isnt it. If you don't know who's got what you cant know what's out there. As for military style firearms the new chassis systems are becoming more and more popular in the same way as synthetic stocked rifles became more and more popular. I quite like the look of them myself. It doesn't mean I want to dress up and play call of duty or think I'm Rambo. At the end of the day if you want to go on a rampage you don't need a machine gun, a sawn off shotgun will all but cut a person in half at close range and can be reloaded very quickly, a single shot 308 scoped rifle can kill a lot of people from a long way away, a small knife in a large crowd can be used to stab a lot of people before anyone knew what was happening. It's not the article used it's the person with the mental deficit that is the problem.
  3. Just heard on the radio that the kiwi PM is rushing a law through banning all semi automatic firearms to prevent an act of terrorism ever happening in NZ ever again. Because clearly the problem is the availability of firearms that can shoot quickly. This really winds me up. The problem isn't with the firearms its with the odd loony that wants to kill people. Target them instead, they could ban guns throughout the country and true terrorists would still use their AK47'S and nutters will use bombs, knives, fire, vehicles, poison the list is endless!
  4. Bellman and Flint terrier locator set - collar, box, charger and on/off magnet. It's the red one not the older PIEPS box. Only lightly used - the old dog used to do plenty free range before I could get the collar on him! Slightly muddy but I'll give it a good scrub and have it all fully charged. Might even have the original box here somewhere. £325 posted. Only selling it because I'm awaiting wrist surgery and the terrier is 14 and I doubt I'll be replacing him anytime soon!
  5. Yeah that's not tasty. I aggravated an old wrist injury racing on Sunday which has lead me to retire from racing, so I'm glad my girls are lambing away quietly on their own. Only had to intervene the once so far. I'm busy trying to promote the southdown as a terminal sire and the ease of lambing is a definite plus!
  6. Benthejockey

    White deer

    Fallow. @Walker570has got a particularly nice one on his wall.
  7. Out of their bottoms.....had it eaten them? On a serious note having the lambs born is the best part of having sheep. We're lambing now for which I've inconveniently managed to injure myself, and it's still amazing to see the little floppy snot covered creatures come out and minutes later they're up on their feet.
  8. I've got a pair of tickets for Wednesday 13th - ladies day. Tattersalls enclosure, prepaid parking in the green car park which is on the racecourse - and I'd hazzard a guess very close to the main entrance because they were bought for my gran who carts around her own little gas tank of oxygen and isn't the best on her legs. They've got a face value of £48.50 each, I'm after £35 each posted first class super super speedy delivery. I've also got a pair of tickets for Friday the 15th - gold cup day in the same tattersalls enclosure with the same prepaid parking in the green car park. Face value of £68.50 each, I'm after £50 each posted. Obviously time is of the essence for the Wednesday tickets. If you want them and you're close I can meet you somewhere. If you want both sets I'll let them go for £150.
  9. Feltwad that's a decidedly comely looking wench in the middle. What is it? I'm fascinated by old black powder guns, it's my inner pyromaniac I think. There is a quaintness about them like your just nip down to the blacksmith to get your horse shod, your sword sharpened and whilst you were there hed just before you a mechanism for the old family blunderbuss.
  10. They’re not particularly nice to look at and they’re covered in sharp prickles. And as a child having to extricate footballs, hiding chickens and an angry goose I can safely say they are horrible trees. And you can’t climb them which is especially important when you’re young!
  11. Burn it with fire spiky sharp devil tree.
  12. Another vote for ozark and the umbrella academy. Also better call Saul, I’m halfway through the 2nd season and it’s a bit samey but the first season was good. I might persevere I’m not sure yet.
  13. We’re also supposed to be having rain, snow and winter but last week we were having 20 degree heat wave so you can’t blame Harry hedgehog for being awake. Although it could be a fatal mistake if the weather turns properly bad. The lighter poo is almost certainly fox. Never noticed hedgehog poo but I agree with Jdog the Fox is over marking the other.
  14. I finally got chance to have a look at the poor old girl this afternoon. Took the scope off and with more room to manoeuvre a bit of a whack with my palm and I managed to get it to slide the bolt back. Got the case out and as we are all in agreement of there had been a pressure spike. The primer had flowed, flattened and cratered, the primer pocket had stretched and the case head was indented from the ejectors. All signs of an over pressure incident. BUT I am certain I didn’t over charge it. For starters it’s a conservative load albeit listed by Lee but if you compare it to the hogdon data it’s very conservative. And secondly I doubt I’d get 68.6gr of powder into the case - I’d have to check but I doubt it. Which led me to do a bit of thinking and research. And thankfully our American friends do a good line in trying to blow themselves up regularly and like to document it. The one bloke carries a dead blow hammer with him in his range bag just in case!!! What I think has happened is I’ve had a flash fire which has caused a pressure spike and jammed the bolt up. For anyone reading this in several years time because they’ve filled their pants because of an incident like this; normally the primer is ignited and the fire travels from back to front at a set speed which causes pressure to force the bullet up and out of the barrel. What I’m calling a flash fire is when the primer sets fire to the powered but instead of a controlled burn the whole surface area is ignited and instead of a controlled burn it all goes off together which spikes the pressure, in my case jams the bolt and in the worst cases takes your head off. Now this is a ****** because 34.3g - a 2.5cc dipper of H4895 has been very disagreeable to a huge number of foxes, crows and pigeons. I was shooting bottle tops at 100yds with this load. It’s also not good because I had only last week loaded 100 cartridges with this load that I’m now going to have to sit and pull apart. Also it’s going to cost me to get the gun given a service and once over by the gunsmith. But I’ve still got all my fingers and my good looks so it’s not all bad. Once it’s been looked at I will at the least be using a set of digital scales, I will probably upgrade to a bench mounted reloading set rather than the Lee loader and I’ll try a new and improved load that isn’t going to blow me or my favourite gun up. She’s only an old bsa but I do love the old girl.
  15. As above what’s everyone’s preference. Got around £100 to spend, not looking to be doing tonnes of work, mainly screwing - easy ditchy it’s only Monday. But would also like to droll the odd hole if and when the need arises. Will an impact driver do both? I’m expanding my DIYing from ‘hit it with a hammer’.
  16. Now Rem708 you might be into something there. The tub has been open for a good while. Probably 18 months or more. Obviously with the lid on.
  17. I’ll get it to the gunsmiths and see what they say.
  18. My first reaction would be that it’s an over charge but 34.3 is a very conservative load and I weigh every 5th one. I looked back through my records and there’s an average difference of +-0.4 grains. And when I first started reloading I weighed every charge so it’s a very calculated average. I know the dipper isn’t the most accurate thing ever made but I do it the same way each time to a satisfactory level of accuracy especially when working with this load. I’ve shot the thick end of 400 of this recipe up to today. So I don’t think it’s a heavy charge. Definitely no blockage before hand, the bullet left the barrel and I saw the cloud of dust in the backstop behind the target after the strike. If you were closer Neville I’d nip round to yours and let you have a look.
  19. Went to check zero on the 243 after missing a Fox the other day. First shot at 50yds bang on. 2 and 3 out at 100 were 2 inches high. Strange but I adjusted and tried number 4. Funny bang, very smoky, a load of **** blew back in my face and I duly missed. Went to lift the bolt and it was stuck right down. Managed to get it to lift with a bit of a whack with my palm but couldn’t get it to slide or eject. So firstly how do I get the bolt to slide and eject? And secondly what do we summise has gone wrong? Yes it was a reload but it’s a tried and tested recipe. I use the Lee loader kit including the dipper which I know a lot of people don’t like but up until this round I’ve been happy with it. 34.3gr (2.5cc dipper charge weighed every 5th one) H4895, fiocchi primers and Winchester brass having its first or second reload. 62gr Barnes varmint grenade. The charge is very conservative but it’s been adequate and very accurate to date. OAL is 2.6 I think. I haven’t changed anything so I’m confused.
  20. If we could afford it we’d use removals but we can’t justify or afford paying £1500+ For removals.
  21. Sold my 7.5 ton box ages ago. Got access to a sprinter van but a big wagon would do the job in one go. Having moved using a horse box and a lorry with a tail lift the tail lift gets my vote every time! Tripping up the slats on a ramp carrying a washing machine makes you swear! The horrible walking glue pot I moved this morning DEFINITELY didn’t load itself! I can drive any rigid lorry, I would like to do my C+E but can’t justify the cost. I definitely don’t qualify for grandfathers rights for passing pre 97 - I was only 10. You only need the CPC for hire and reward and as I do neither nowadays I don’t need it or and operators license. And I think we might have found a local company. Phew!
  22. If it was bone dry then they’re deep enough that if you fell in you’d almost certainly break bones and if it had been emptied it would have still had juice in the bottom and if you fell in and banged your head you’d drown.
  23. Morning gentle folks of PW. We’re hopefully moving within the next month, it could be a fortnight or it could be 6 weeks it’s now pretty much dependant on the solicitors pushing bits of paper around. I can get a lot of stuff gone between now and then and stored in FIL’s garage and shed but obviously there’s still going to be a fair amount of stuff to go so I need a 7.5t wagon with a tail lift. Where’s the best place to rent one from? Or has anyone here got one they’d be willing to loan out for some cashhhhh? We’re Shropshire so the outer hebridies or Cornwall are probably a bit far to fetch one back from.
  24. I love a bit of brawn. Never had roasted pig face because before I’d even taken my boots off it was in a pan simmering away to become brawn or as we used to call it pigs head pate. It’s more of a terrine than a pate. I’ve also been a huge fan of trotters since I was tiny but as I’ve got older and more discerning the bones annoy me more and more!
  25. Yeah I went to fetch the ewes off the top field this morning so they’re easier to check now we’re getting near to lambing and I went up in 2WD 10 days ago I couldn’t get through the gateway with 4WD and the difflock in!
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