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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. Benthejockey

    Kids TV

    There has got to be a special place in hell for kids TV presenters 😂 me and baby BTJ are sat here watching Mr Tumble having a biscuit and a cuppa now I've finished my jobs. I have to admire him a bit because for the uninitiated he does his show using macaton sign language and does a lot with kids with problems. I now have a small base knowledge of macaton sign language I use to terrorise Mrs BTJ. But I can just imagine him being a crazed serial killer in secret, killing people whilst grinning maniacally and signing furiously in macaton. It puts the lotion in the spotty bag 😂 I think I need to get out more 😂
  2. I keep telling mrs BTJ when the step daughter moves out to university in a few years we should buy a ranch somewhere abroad. Even with the rubbish exchange rates it looks like you can get a decent plot for your money.
  3. We had similar with mum and dad old place. Sold having never flooded only to discover that in the bad fluids of 2000 it had actually flooded. Long drawn out process later they were awarded £50k plus costs. Then trying to get the money they gave up in the end because she officially owned nothing on paper and had no assets.
  4. At least, well hopefully, the lab is pedigree really disgusts me so the labracockerjackerpugadors. My foster brother has a cocker poo apparently. He didn't buy it he was given it by his mother in law after it killed all her chickens. It cost £1200! For something that if you knew the dog had gotten to the bitch youd have taken her and had her injected! Its the worst combination of both of the breeds. And the hypoallergenic twaddle they spout about them, he has to have it clipped every 3 weeks or so so it doesn't get chance to moult.
  5. It's an object with moving parts and occasionally things go wrong or dont work quite as they should. Point the gun in a safe direction, cycle the bolt, rack the slide, break the breech check it's clear and away you go. Pointing in a safe direction means if its not clear through mechanical failure you make a hole in the carpet, laminate, tiles. Despite what the media would have people believe guns dont kill people especially when they're locked away in the safe...unless it was a big safe and it fell on you.
  6. I genuinely dont think they're persecuted to the extent people want the public is lead to believe. They hunt roadside verges so they're going to come into conflict with cars. They're BOP so dont breed as prolifically as other birds so a bad year weather wise will wipe out an entire generation before it's even fledged. Pestilence and bad luck will kill a large amount of the birds before they're even a year old. I'm sure like everything else theres the odd person that breaks the law and will shoot one but that's different to them being persecuted for living on a grouse moor. As a race humans have developed better and better strategies to keep our young alive - super premature babies are surviving being born younger and younger for example - but it wasnt long ago we were having 10, 11, 12 kids to make sure at least one or two made it to adulthood. Unfortunately for the hen harriers et al they're lacking the opposable thumb and brain power to discover the wonders of veterinary science.
  7. All bills including vets, shoes, entries, transport are covered as part of your £25/week.
  8. I'm training him, we've had plenty of success in the past but I havent had any in training for 2 or 3 years since I broke my leg. I genuinely think hes a nice horse more than capable of winning point to points. We dont come down as far as Lockinge, but we do venture down to Kingston Blount. We'll also head to Thorpe Lodge which is an old favourite of mine.
  9. £25/week or just a fraction more than 2 packets of B&H kingsize or Silk Cut kingsize fags! Theres got to be some on here that smoke more than 40 a day! Think of the health benefits 😉
  10. We eat quite a bit of red meat. I shoot a few deer a year, not as many as I'd like! And we substitute beef for venison. Although I am a touch extravagant as I cut my steaks at 16oz instead of child portions 8oz. We also kill our own sheep so we have a shocking amount of lamb and mutton, it scares me how expensive it is in the supermarket! We usually have a few pigs every 18 months or so and I like to have a few cob chickens knocking around either alive or frozen. So we eat a fair bit of meat. But it's all good quality, free range, semi organic, grass fed, chemical free etc. Red meat probably does have some negative health connotations but I think that's more to do with the chemicals used in the production whether that's whilst its alive or once it's dead. Preservatives probably have a lot to answer for, smoking or salting from times of old doesn't happen any more itsnall chemically based. As for making your bum bleed, depending on what meat it is its better for it to be dead and detached from its horns/antlers before you try and cook it.
  11. Not sure if this is allowed. If not apologies in advance MODS. We have a 5yr old Sir Percy gelding in to go Point to Pointing this coming season. Having previously run on the flat and over hurdles D'waterside hit the cross bar without ever managing to get his head in front. Lightly campaigned he achieved a rating of 115 over hurdles. We feel he will be a sure fire winner of a maiden and restricted point to point this season. He is halfway through his roadwork and will start doing some jumping shortly and will be cantering bythe end of August. Were offering lease shares for £25/week from 1st September until the end of May. No hidden costs. No paying whilst hes trotting round the roads! We will be aiming to have his first run at the end of November. You will get regular updates, visits to see him gallop etc and we hope to run at all of the meetings in the NW area and some out of area. We will be going out to win but also aim to have a lot of fun and a good time along the way! Hes a lovely horse that I feel will have a bright future pointing.
  12. We had incredible lightening at about 4 this morning. And a fair downpour but we were on the periphery and didn't get the thunder. Freshened everywhere right up this morning. Give the tractor lads an excuse to go to the royal welsh today because itll be too wet to combine.
  13. Ase Northstar. It's heavy but it does the job and in an emergency could double as a cosh 😂 good mods for the money though.
  14. Should have given me a shout coming down this way Neville, I'd have put the kettle on.
  15. 33 degrees here. I got volunteered to babysit the neighbours kid on her new pony. Imagine melting in the heat, being eaten by millions of horse flies and then having your brain melt out of your ears being talked at and too by a trio of pre pubescent girls! Then the wife decides this afternoon is the perfect day to take 3ft off our 7ft high holly hedge.
  16. Ex neighbours had one. They were paying me 20 quid a pop to know the lawn once a week which filled a nice 40 minutes before the school run. Did their substantial lawn well, kept it nearly as tight as having a flock of sheep on it. But it just looked short not nicely mowed if that makes sense. Couldn't cope with leaves off the trees and apples were a huge inconvenience for it. I wouldnt have one but it suited them.
  17. Pour petrol in and fill the pillar until it runs out the top then light. No more wasps. Or pillar. Or possibly house. Probably any killer is better but petrol is so much more fun 😂😂
  18. Cheers aga man. We had a tirolia when I was a kid which was solid fuel and ab absolute monster if a thing. Well it seemed like it when I was 7. I remember the Tom cat disappearing for a few days one day and reappearing after a bit with a nest of kittens. Turned out he wasnt fat he was a she! I am looking forward to getting it going, itll make sitting up to do late night checks during lambing much more bearable!
  19. No theres no wheel just a slot in the bottom of the door that's not adjustable...which I'm guessing means it's designed to be oil fired as you cant open it up or shut it down?
  20. I'll put my wine down and check..... It's got the big wick burny thing in the bottom left compartment. It's got the rayburn royal logo on the front which was originally red by the looks. And inside the bottom left door it says rayburn of 601. Its definitely done the hot water before but I dont know about radiators.
  21. Benthejockey


    Evening gentle folks I've been on the road since 7 this morning so forgive any driving addled ramblings. We've got a Rayburn, it's due a service but we're leaving it till the autumn before servicing and lighting it. We haven't used it yet since we moved in. Its oil fired and I understand they can chomp through oil like a fat kid and cake! I saw a rather elegant ESSE solid fuel thingy and thought it was a sexy looking beast and we might buy one but at £4500 I quickly changed my mind. A hundred miles later I had the thought what about converting our Rayburn to solid fuel. Were having some massive out of control trees taken down so well have years of firewood. So has anyone converted one? Ditchy I imagine you've built one in your garage when you were bored one night. Pitfalls? Is it easy? A job for a pro or DIY? Any ideas would be cool. Like i said it's a driving addled brain **** so it could be a stupid idea!
  22. Why at this fairly precarious time in british agriculture with the rampant rise in veganism especially militant veganism, are they showing a documentary that which ever way they spin it can only have negative repercussions?
  23. Good reason to acquire X caliber would be to shoot in france. Same as going driven boar shooting on the continent or shooting buffalo in Africa. There would be a fair few guns in this country try that are owned and used purely abroad.
  24. NoBodyImportant might be able to help you out. Hes our resident spokesman from the U S of A.
  25. Act of terroism: the calculated use of or threat of violence against civilians in order to obtain goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature; is done through intimidation, coercion or instilling fear. Sabs and their activities on the whole definitely fall within the terrorism act. They should be chucked in the equivalent of Guantanamo bay and not let out! The law doesn't matter to these people. The local antagonist Cathy Scott of the West Mid hunt sabs is a big fan of breaking the law and this season drafted in help from some rent a thugs from stockport specifically to intimidate people and draw them into fights.
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