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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. The girl is a gold medal winning gymnast, would she have sued the Olympic committee if she landed on her head and injured herself tumbling across the floor during practise or a routine? I doubt it. You know signing up to a show that involves jumping off a ledge on skis travelling at speed, that there’s a rather high injury risk. It’s common sense, which is now very common in its abscence!
  2. I’ve never smoked but if I were ever going to I like to think I’d smoke a pipe. There’s something distinguished looking about it. If you ignore the dying from cancer bit 🙈
  3. Benthejockey


    Chickens terryaki with hot chilli, pepper cheese, lettuce, onions, tomatoes and jalapeños on whatever the cheesy/herby bread is called. It’s not good for you and there’s definitely tastier food out there but I’ve done the thick end of 30yrs eating my mother’s food and not died and unlike the Italians my ‘momma’ wasn’t and still isn’t a capable cook!!!
  4. Runs at 645 tonight. The other runner in the 615 is worth an e/w bet if she drifts out in the betting. Fayetta. On paper in our opinion there’s only the haggas horse to beat and that hasn’t beaten anything noteworthy whereas we’ve been placed behind horses holding entries for the derby etc.
  5. Um shama won under Laura last week, she’s been hit with a 6lb hike in the weights for that win, but despite the handicapper being harsh Laura’s claim negates that rise somewhat and the way she won the last day she should have a few lb in hand.
  6. Yeah we’ve just been riding fresh two year olds in the snow and she’s jumping in the car and steaming off to Chelmsford. She rides False ID tomorrow who should appreciate 7lb off his back.
  7. It was a typo I meant strike rate 😂🙈 she’s a bit shy so her stroke rate is a bit lower than 50%. Im allowed to bet but I’m not allowed to back anything I’m riding in a race myself.
  8. I know some of you follow racing and some of you may be unlucky enough to get the odd tip off me. We’ve got an apprentice jockey who works in the yard who is riding out of her skin at the minute. From her last 4 rides on horses from the yard she’s got a 50% stroke rate, she rode a 20/1 outsider in a class 2 race on a horse that hadn’t won since he was a 2yr old. She won on a filly later in the week at 5/1 that is a tricky customer and then last night she had a couple of rides for us finishing with a 4th and a second beaten a nostril on a horse that in my opinion couldnt be more of a pig if he was pink and had a curly tail! He lead, got headed and swallowed up by the field and then she’s managed to galvanise him and very nearly get him up on the line without picking up her stick. The way she’s riding at the minute she’s definitely worth backing e/w on any of our runners. She’s called Laura Coughlan.
  9. I registered with the council under the crazy idea I’d shoot enough deer to sell some to the pub dad was running at the time. The EU legislation is particularly badly written. For example you have to be a trained hunter. No mention of what training or what constitutes a trained hunter. There was loads of other daft things in the legislation that when I had my first meeting with the man from the council, he had to go away and read it again because it didn’t make much sense. I did my food hygiene level 2 because I’d be handling and processing butchered meat. He was happy with using the garage for skinning and the house kitchen with an oil cloth on the table for butchery. It’s not difficult to get sorted and the bloke I dealt with was very helpful. As it is I never shoot enough to want to share it!
  10. That’s why I want one. And tagging the AOLQ on will give me chance to play with it and justify it to Mrs BTJ if she notices it’s not like all my other black guns which of course are all just one gun. It’s an awfully big cabinet I’ve got just for one gun 🙈 what rifle have you got?
  11. The cow was a big, wild, limmy bullock that had tried to jump a gate to escape from being Tb tested and had smashed both its front legs to pieces. Poor ****** was out of his head with pain and rage and every time we went in the pen it was coming at us even with 2 broken legs. We had to use a big straw bale on a loader to push him quietly into the corner so I could get into a safe position to shoot him. In that instance had I had something like the 357mag carbine I could have shot him from outside of the pen, behind a big solid steel barrier!
  12. I agree if we’re talking about an animal down and unable to move far or too quickly. But a semi mobile or angry animal is a different kettle of fish.
  13. Januhairy must be hitting them hard.
  14. I’ve done two. Both times were when my best mate was driving home and found the respective accidents and he hadn’t got a gun or a knife with him. Both times there were no spectators. Both times it was night time and on a quiet country lane. Both times the deer were immobile and in all likelihood would have been dead by the next morning. Both times I used a knife in the thoracic cavity and they expired very quickly. Not much fun and I’m in no rush to do it again but I would if I had to. I am going to put in for a 357/38 carbine for HAD and AOLQ- I kill a few sheep and pigs each year for home slaughter and have had to euthanise a cow and a horse in recent memory and would prefer the compact pointability of a 24inch rifle rather than a 40inch shotgun. If a condition of that meant I had to sign up to the HAD register I’d definitely have a cover note in my glove box that said something like “I PC....... have authorised Mr BTJ to discharge X firearm at X location on The X of X 20XX at Xam/pm” then I would have proof I’ve been instructed by the police should any of the horror stories you hear happen. But it’s not something I’m going to rush into and not a job that most people want to do.
  15. I thought they were goats when I first saw the picture thumbnails on my phone!
  16. I might get chance to go and have a look this afternoon weather dependant, also the munchkin has been awake since 2 this morning and me and her have been up since 4 watching the discovery channel! Just managed to get her to go to sleep in her swingy chair whilst her mum had a couple of hours sleep! Hopefully she’ll give Mrs BTJ an easy morning whilst I’m at work! Otherwise getting out shooting might be a bit tricky 😂
  17. That’s the one! I had soft points and hollow point 20g. There wasn’t any noticeable difference from the 17g rounds.
  18. It’s probably naieve to think if someone wants a baseball bat covered in barbed wire they’d go to the effort of buying one of tinternet. Some people collect stamps, some people collect swords, some people have a large collection of firearms...
  19. I can remember having two different types of 20g. I can’t remember what the difference was. Used them. Liked them. Think I probably couldn’t get any more that’s why I didn’t get any more.
  20. I spoke to the farmer after I’d seen the photos. I said not to tell anyone they’re about for that very reason. The main issue maybe how many people have already seen them. It’s a fairly quiet spot so hopefully they’ll be ok!
  21. I had ostrich steaks in a posh gastropub in Warwickshire somewhere and thought they were lovely.
  22. The T shaped ridge bone on the back of the head, the oval shape and the big bitey teeth all spell billy badger. I picked one up last week with its canines missing. If they’re worth £60 I’ll go back and remove it from the tree I hung it on.
  23. Went for my one and only days driven shooting last week courtesy of FIL. Used to live over that way so knew the area and knew the keeper and have even hunted over the one part but I’d never been shooting before. Had a proper day! Peter and David (I think that was his name) were very hospitable, the food was very tasty and the shooting was very good. First birds on the first drive I may as well have waved at the birds - I’m not the best shot gunner in the world but I’m competent and have been know to floor a few sky scrapers once I get going but even the pegs above and below me had some very dead fresh air but the birds just flicked them the V’s. But once we got going the birds started getting brave and making mistakes, fatal mistakes. Second drive I was walking gun probably because I was at least 30yrs younger than most of the other guns 🙈 never been a walking gun before but it was possibly my best ever drive. The keeper said anything that behind us was the boundary and nothing was to go back over the boundary. No pressure then! A tricky and slow start for me partly because the birds all went the right way and secondly I spent more time looking where the beaters were than in the sky. Once I copped on a bit and after a little tuition by Dave the beater ‘Whatever lead you’re giving them double it!’, I was on fire. I won’t say how many I shot but it was plenty! A few got back but that was usually when I’d shoot two or three in a row and then get cocky and start poking at them again. I was absolutely buzzing after that drive. Third drive was after 11’s and was ridiculous! When they say quality not quantity this is the drive they’re on about...if you can shoot. A dozen or maybe 20 birds at most were pushed 1 by 1 off a small hill. Unfortunately we were in a small valley with their home above us. I couldn’t have hit these with a heat seeking missile but it was good to watch the crack shots try...and miss and then get ribbed by everyone else. Until it was my go and despite my best attempt I don’t think I even scared him! Then lunch with more pheasant goujons and scotch eggs than you could possibly eat plus a full beef roast dinner! We waddled our for the last drive which saw sensibly high birds that still couldn’t be hit 😂 they flew like missiles, the lay of the land and the tree line meant they flew low ish onwards you and then about 75yds out did an amazing climb like a fighter jet and jinked left or right. I connected with plenty and sharing the peg with my nephew he knocked a handful over with his 28. The drive finished with me taking a high cock bird going a million miles an hour and then looking over at my other nephew to see him crumple an even higher bird with his sxs. We had a great day, great food and plenty of banter. Hopefully FIL I’ll take me again next season!!! Definitely recommend a day there if you can. And definitely ask to be walking gun if you like fast woodland snap shooting and a bit of banter with the beaters.
  24. Saw a photo of a fox this week or last that someone had shot and it had a rubber band round it’s middle. Obviously been there since a cub and was slowly cutting it in half.
  25. Tanned some skins but never gone any further than that. I’m probably not artistic enough to do it!
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