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About peejay

  • Birthday 03/05/1960

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  • From
    alfreton derbyshire

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  1. ferret finder collar, 15foot. perfect working order, with some spare batteries. £50, prefer collection so can be seen working, also some purse nets with it
  2. 😃 dint have that much either.. 😃
  3. bloody el hangover.... many appologies to Tightchoke....
  4. it states nikko left handed but not the castellanio
  5. is the CASTELLANIO multi choke 28ins left handed also?
  6. just added pics  on a new post

  7. Trout Flies UK, of Morecambe Lancs.. yes very good service from these. bought quite a bit off them and no problems.
  8. Hushpower 3 shot in 410. good condition and perfect working order. sling fitted, Theres a cartridge bag with approx 100 subsonic carts. Also included is a red dot sight that fits onto the top rail. £425. would consider a cheap 177 pcp in px.
  9. two tier keir will sort it for him
  10. peejay

    Fly Fishing

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