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Everything posted by Uilleachan

  1. I think this populist surge will continue, dark greens and the espousers of the politics of grievance/envy, urged on by the tabloid press, will have the politicians ripping up the current farm payment agricultural subsidy structure and as a result the rural landscape will look rather different in 10 years. Shooting isn't popular and an easy target for the vote hungry, I expect the countryside to become one big petting zoo for townies.
  2. Thats right, took a couple of days to deal with it as there was another hill fire burning concurrently in strath carron, at achantee/attadale estate.
  3. I know what you meant, the point I made was an entire hill behind me burnt to the soil and the same thing happened 18 months later. Cutting burning old heather won't stop a fire spreading, all that will do is limit the intensity in the location it's removed from. Grass last years bracken etc. burns and spreads just as readily in these conditions, it'll blow on the wind until it finds something else to set a light. In conditions such as these everything bar the rock is flammable. We've has two sizeable fires in my parish so far this year, well big enough to make the news. Bring on the rain.
  4. Completely disagree, unless the hills were dug up and replaced with fire retardant astroturf; heath fires in conditions such as these will always have to potential to occur. Especially when eejits set them on purpose. Where I am we had two big hill fires, on the same patch burning right to the village march fence, within two years of each other. The last one started because of someone conducting a controlled burn in a paddock. So focused on controlling his burn, it took his neighbour to point out that embers from his burn had leapt the wall and started a fire on the other side of the road. That last fire burnt for two days and was almost out when the wind got up from the north. Within 2 hours the fire had rekindled, traveled 4 miles and torched almost 20 square kilometres. The same ground had burnt 18 months previously. Short of utterly transforming the place, I'm at a loss to conceive of management methods, other than not conducting controlled burning in such conditions, that could be have prevented that.
  5. I think you're right, I heard arson mentioned.
  6. Regular controlled burning won't stop the kind of fires we're seeing up and down the country, unless you burn all of it regularly. Fire spreads over parched grass almost as quickly as the wind blows and so hot cinders will find fuel where ever they come in contact with it. This isn't down to lack of moor burn, this is down to dry weather high temperatures and negligent (perhaps criminal) members of the public. Hope it's put out soon.
  7. It would depend on the hourly rate of the person doing the job: a gunsmith is going to cost a good bit more than a handy shop assistant. Value for money would depend on the quality of the finished job and ones perception.
  8. It's not the smell, it's the surface tension/tackiness of the oil that makes it difficult for them to get a bite. As a youth I did a couple of summer stints dragging in the wood. As a cable monkey I was usually on the move and running around in cleared areas behind the cutters, so it was the guys on the saws working in semi cover that would get bothered much more than us. Baby oil + special ingredient remedies were used by quite a few, and were effective. But really only suited for prolonged periods out in conditions where it's only the biting insects and you. Anyway, with that kind of heavy dirty work you're going to need a dammed good wash when you're done anyway, so whats a little more grime? I wouldn't be rubbing it on for a night out or a barbbi in the garden, it's not for polite company.
  9. The Clegs' haven't really started here yet. A cleg/horse fly, needs two blood feeds to bring it's eggs to maturity. The first wave, newly hatched and whilst numerous, are easy to deal with by staying covered and swatting/killing them. It's later in the year where the more mature street savvy clegs, whilst in search of their 2nd feed, become perniciously sneaky. There's fewer of them but they're far more stealthy in approach and therefore more successful. Usually they stalk you from behind or otherwise out of line of sight. When they target you the only way of getting them to desist is to kill them. As they'll stay on you until they get a bite, following you for a mile or so whist walking isn't unusual, for them it's do or die trying. Better to be bit early in the season as that'll help lessen the negative effects for being bitten later in the year.
  10. Bog Myrtle in and off it's self doesn't work. The west highlands is covered in the stuff and also covered in biting insects and in plague proportions. I have had some limited success with myrtle oil based repellents, the one that worked (a bit) is no longer available. I didn't use it much as original formula Shoo was still available. A pal and I were at "the brammer loch", some years ago now, a stunning fishing loch and when it's on, it's really on. But being sat in a sheltered bowel, it's a terrible spot for the midge. As is often the case, the better the fishing the worst the midgies and on this occasion, truly diabolical. No repellent, so what to do? We ground up handfuls of myrtle with shore sand and water to make a green slimy myrtle paste which we dubbed on our exposed skin. Didn't work. My pal and I still laugh about that evening 20 years on. Not the ravaging, we're old hands at hill loch fishing and treat getting BTF as an occupational hazard, rather it was looking like a pair of extras from the movie Platoon, BTF and looking like a pair of eejits into the bargain. As I mention previously if I need to use something in similar situations I go for my old trusty bottle of Jungle Formula, but it has to be bad.
  11. Sure does, when I apply it I put a good skoosh on my palms rub it round the back of my neck and ears, suck my lips in and screw shut my eyes. then rub the residual on my face. Another half skoosh for my wrists and the back of my hands. Job done. Like the eyes you don't want it on the lips I don't use repellent much but when I do, it's jungle formula. I still have the tail end charlie of an original formula bottle I've had for 20 years which lives in my fishing bag. Jungle Formula Tropical is similar to the original JF recipe.
  12. Pattern plate & cartridge choice. Shot browning factory invector + 1/4 & 1/2 for long enough, in terms of restriction thats really skeet & 1/4. Using 28g FBlus' I noticed a marked improvement over simply using the cheapest available. And not for much extra, if buying 4 slabs at a time. Still sub £200, just. Bought a 2nd hand set of 4 Teague chokes off another site, 2 x 3/8, 1 x 5/8 and 1 x 7/8. The FBlus pattern really well out of all but the 5/8. The 3/8 at 30y is throwing all but a dozen or so pellets into a uniform 30" circle, 50/50 comb down. So for sporting I'm comb down 3/8 & 3/8, DTL comb up (1/8") 3/8 & 7/8. My misses are all mine, not the gun or ammo. With the FBlu & 3/8 I'm getting good breaks at surprising ranges. Great for the confidence. I was toying with buying a new gun, but now I more than happy with the set up I have I plan on sticking with my humble 525 for the foreseeable. I'm not qualified to offer advice, but I'd say, pattern a few cartridges through your chokes, select the best patterning cart/choke combo, stick with it and focus on shooting.
  13. Nah, it works by drowning them. I live in the midge belt, we've also plenty mozzies ticks n' clegs and when the midge is really on you'd need to apply your own body weight in SSS to stop them nibbling. The only answer for biting insects is to stay covered, including a hat, the only skin exposed should be hands, back of neck ears and face, the only caveat is that with mosquitos, the clothes have to be mosquito proof. Tight weave rather than tee shirt. By staying covered I find I only need something perhaps 1 in 10 outings, and that something is deet based. My rational, if you're going to use something you might as well use something that works. In my time I've tried all the remedies, hippy holistic to hostile pharmo-chems and most simply don't work. Deet based does. As does baby oil recipes, 1000:1 baby oil to diesel, but who wants to be lubed up like a turkish wrestler? This is what I'm talking about: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-44389775/midges-swarm-in-argyll It's situations like that I apply some deet, it doesn't keep them away but they won't land. Go solo SSS at your peril.
  14. Yeah, it tends to be quiet during the week especially in the mornings and early afternoon. Busy Wednesday evenings and the weekends, as they're usually hosting a comp of one type or another, plus the pay and play sporting. No descriptions, I think because they'er changing quite often, which is why I'm a member there rather than the others of similar distance for me, as it's always a challenge, I also prefer to buy my ammo there. As I'm usually shooting solo I'm shooting with the delay on, so I just shoot the pairs. For me the apprehension of each new stand really gets the juices going and getting on the first unseen pair never fails to brighten my mood.
  15. He didn't draw attention to it though, he's reacting after the fact and from what I've seen, is using the asian grooming gang issue to further his own cause, whatever that might be.
  16. You say "one sided opinion", yet the meat and veg of the article relates the known facts. Not, "new facts" or someone else's facts, Tommy's facts, the Author's facts etc. But the actual facts, complete with legal references. You may not like the tone the author takes, but that doesn't excuse you adding your own colour, "lefty Robinson hater", by way of dodging/denying the legal logic of the piece. Tone and opinion aren't facts. I'm not a lawyer, but I can read and I read the summing up of the judge who suspended his 3 month contempt conviction for 18 months back on the 22nd of May 2017, and I watched enough of Tommy's stream to know that he'd done the same thing in similar circumstances in direct contravention of the conditions of his suspended sentence. That he was headed straight to jail couldn't have been in doubt. That the 2nd judge also found him in contempt of their case is consistent with the law, as was the length of the 2nd tariff. Duty lawyer experienced criminal defence lawyer, it matters not, because even Houdini wouldn't have escaped the evidence. Evidence Tommy produced and chose to broadcast to 10,000 Facebook followers, evidence then of his own making or manufacture.
  17. He didn't go to jail for, supposedly, 13 months for breaching of the peace. 3 months for his original sentence and the rest on a second contempt of court charge, for which he pled guilty.
  18. The difference between Tommy and the TV reporters outside the court, is that Tommy's live broadcast was in contempt of court, i.e. against long established english law and the TV Reporters were not. To compound his contempt, he was still serving a suspended sentence for the same thing. Double bubble. Nothing more to it than that.
  19. Thats my reading of this. Below is the live (at the time) stream that he was doing at the time of his arrest, the upper link is the judge's summing up of his contempt case last year. If you read the summing up and then watch the vid below, you'll hear him incriminating himself by referring to the defendants as paedophiles, because the court hasn't delivered it's verdict at this point, that he is broadcasting live to 10,000 followers (his assertion in the vid), the use of the word "paedophile" in relation to the defendants is in contempt of court, as the judge makes clear when he suspended his sentence last year. Seems pretty cut and dried to me.... https://www.judiciary.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/coc-yaxley-lennon-20170522.pdf
  20. Skin So Soft won't stop you getting bit, you'll smell nice mind Deet maybe awful stuff, but it works. For the midge I can put up without repellant by just staying covered, but then I've a fair bit of immunity, it's annoyance factor with the midge for me. Cleggs I can handle too, provided there aren't too many. But mosquitos, especially our native variety, give me a horrid bite. I'm not that attractive to mozzies and one or two bites I can put up with but any more than that and it drives me nuts for days. Stay covered, use a hat and keep the breeze in your face, no breeze? stay home.
  21. I quite like Squirrel Hunter https://www.youtube.com/user/squirrelhuntertv . Air rifle pest control. Not so sure of the longer format they're doing these days, but I do find the vids quite relaxed viewing on a Sunday morning. Quite humorous at time too.
  22. I'll 3rd Auchterhouse. The sporting layout's good.
  23. Arrived within 24 hours, very many thanks, blankmag, pleasure dealing with you.
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