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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 3 minutes ago, rovercoupe said:

    Another big issue is with people doing high stress jobs not being used to wearing masks and getting fatigue a lot quicker as anyone who has worn masks doing a hard job for any period of time knows it really takes it out of you. I would not want to wear one for 5 hours solid or longer. 

    I don't like wearing a mask for a short period, I cant imagine how surgeons are coping. 

    Nice to hear that stuff is getting through. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Nuke said:

    We are in part, not a total blanket lock down though. The Stockholm area is looking more and more likely especially with the upcoming Easter holidays.


    Watching the news this week it seemed they didn't want to lockdown as winter was just coming to an end, people heading out.

    I was also surprised when they said about the number of people who live on their own so less spreading if the virus through families. 

  3. 10 hours ago, NatureBoy said:

    What have figures have your counties had folks?    NB

    Me and the Mrs were looking at this this week, if you take out London then the figures drop right down.

    The lakes have had a lot of cases and this is also likely to be from people bringing it to their second homes or holiday homes. 

    1 hour ago, AVB said:

    The problem imo is that in today’s society we have become too afraid to face reality and we are running scared of shadows and flawed statistics. Yes this virus will kill some people (but overall a relatively low percentage) but **** happens and people die all the time. Sad but true. A friend’s 10 year old son died a couple of days ago. Not of the virus but knocked of his bike. So don’t ride a bike ever again. The mass hysteria that this is generating, globally not just the U.K., will kill far more people than the virus itself. When we are all queuing up at our state run soup kitchen watched over by the army to ensure we stay in line we can all take comfort that we followed the rules. 

    This is why I'm still amazed at the global response,  USA stopped,  Japan looks like its slowing down with parks closed despite the blossoming trees, sounds nothing but its huge in Japan.

    Then Sweden aren't locking down??

    10 hours ago, Retsdon said:

    But even in my wildest dreams I never thought that I would be personally affected to the point that  I'd be thinking twice about seeing my own kids. 

    That is bad, thank goodness for modern technology. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, mad1 said:

    I have had someone kindly offering to run his pack of laminating pouches through his machine and send them to us...free of charge !!

    Thank you sooo much !!



    It might be an idea to contact local schools, they normally have a laminater that wont be doing anything at the moment. 

  5. 16 hours ago, NatureBoy said:

    remember them A10's  canons cracking off practice rounds

    That would be something to see.

    16 hours ago, NatureBoy said:

    like they clock ya truck then come looking sometimes? When i have asked them if that what they doing/using us for they just smile and say now

    Good training looking for someone who is hiding. 

  6. 2 hours ago, loriusgarrulus said:

    Laminating pouches could be used for visors. Run them through the laminater they go clear and hard, but still flexible enough hopefully.

    That's what they were doing at the care home, it's only to stop liquid getting on the face and can be wiped clean.

  7. 19 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    They'd also probably want brand new

    I'm talking stuff sat in boxes, not used.

    20 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    if anyone should be wearing them, it's the sick so they don't spread their germs when coughing and sneezing

    That would make a lot of sense.

  8. We keep reading how there isn't enough ppe in hospitals or it's the wrong type, now the WHO is suggesting people wear masks? That won't help supply. 

    How many companies are currently closed with stacks of ppe that could be given to the nearest hospitals?

    Are hospitals really short of ppe? I've read comments saying yes and no to this?

  9. 1, so who are they actually testing??

    2, if they had said the lockdown was 2 months the country would have fell/ torn itself apart. 

    3, ??? Tell everyone there is money but they can't get at it?

    I do like a conspiracy,  like you say all the top guys are getting a mild dose, while their families get nothing. 

    Have you watched the kingsman?

  10. 1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

    The minority and not the ‘Majority’ 

    I'd have to agree to this, the problem is the minority aren't clamped down on,  but they make the news with their vile behaviour.

  11. 3 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

    1.18 in town but 10 mile away it's 1.01. Guess I'll be shopping 10 miles away then 

    Probably do your car more good going for a little run.

    Not been near a garage for a few weeks so I've no idea, but its certainly coming down in price,  but I topped up before the lockdown just in case so it might be a while before I need any.

  12. 29 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    What's more to the point is why the government is awarding a multi-million pound contract for ventilators to a vacuum cleaner manufacturer (who's never built a medical appliance ever) without ever putting the contract out to tender. Etc, etc, etc.

    Not the time for tenders, if a company says they can deliver then crack on, I'm glad there not using China.

    29 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    why Germany can test 100,000 people a day while the UK is struggling to test 10,000

    On yesterday's news they said the tests Germany are using are made in Germany,  we are trying to buy more?

    And I've read several comments off different forums of people saying hospitals are ready and fine in their area.


  13. 21 minutes ago, AVB said:

    farmer who I shoot for (I only have one) has said he will prioritise shooting in the future for those who have helped him out during this period. 

    That's called blackmail 

    5 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    I will be contacting Leicestershire Police and Stafforshire Police  and Warwickshire Police by e mail for clarification.  I need it from the horses mouth in print before I will go out.

    I'll bet you get three different answers. 

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