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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 56 minutes ago, Jim Neal said:

    Interestingly, reports are that A&E has been like a ghost town in the last week or two - it's almost as if most people who go there can really do without it if they are forced to really think about it!!  I'd love to think that's because they re being considerate and not wanting to overload the NHS in its hour of greatest need, but it's probably a completely selfish decision because they don't want to risk catching the virus by going to hospital.  If only it would always be like that.

    My Mrs. mentioned something about this, where are all the idiots that are normally blocking A&E? Same with the Dr. Surgeries. 

  2. 1 minute ago, lancer425 said:

    Good news, i think at least some of the uk will be getting bad weather this weekend, if significant it remains to be seen. If we had rain like last year we might have seen an better  compliance last weekend.

    Absolutely,  the sun came out, mothers day and I think people were expecting a lockdown so it seems loads went out,  hence being told to stay in.

  3. 2 hours ago, washerboy said:

    Only 6 of us in my machine shop and 3 had to go today. Just hope the 80% wage system kicks in and they don't have to wait weeks. 

    Never nice losing work force 

    Hopefully they get back on when things get back to normal,  never nice when people get layed off.

    1 hour ago, Cheshirelad said:

    My town centre is totally closed apart from food shops and the Post Office. I hope the folks in the affected businesses don't have to suffer financially, and that includes the business owners, because the smaller ones will really struggle to meet wage bills.

    Watching north west news I was happy to see Preston was almost empty,  a few people out getting some shopping,  so hopefully the message is getting through. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Newbie to this said:

    That was not my point.

    The "key worker" is for school not going to work.

    I understand the confusion the Government put it on their website, but it was quickly edited.

    Yes, it is definitely coming

    I saw a screenshot of something this morning saying the government had updated going to work only if it was essential work,  not essential you go to work but I can't find it now.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:


    When did "Key worker" come in?

    It's those who cannot work from home and need to go to work.




    20 minutes ago, AVB said:

    Isn’t that exactly the reason we are allowed to shoot pigeons. For crop protection. If there wasn’t any benefit then we wouldn’t be allowed to in the same way you can’t shoot blackbirds. 

    Normally yes, but the country has been shut down for three weeks,  BASC have put a msg out.

    I'd like to see a schools reaction if someone said my kid needs to come into school because I'm pigeon shooting

  6. 1 minute ago, Demonic69 said:

    Would it not be classed as Food Production?


    Do you get paid for it? Is it your job?

    At the moment it's a three week shutdown which will likely lead to another three weeks, I don't think he wanted to say two months because people would have freaked out. 

    Shooting pigeons is a hobby. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, AVB said:

    There is no definition at the moment of essential work. You are not going to be congregating, you are providing an important service and it is keeping you mentally and physically fit. Go for it I say.  

    I've read something today saying the essential work is what was on the government's list for school children to still be allowed in school, NHS,  police food shops etc, not shooting pigeons.  But I doubt anyone will stop you, its unnecessary travel really though.


  8. 1 minute ago, AVB said:

    The price of a companies shares has little benefit to a company in the short term.

    No trader will be buying shares for sentiment. You buy if the outlook for a company is good and therefore shares will be in demand and will go up. I can’t see any companies I would recommend to buy at the moment. 

    I did read something last week saying China would be buying all the stocks at low prices!


  9. 17 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, seems the BBC are still sending out reporters to film in parts of UK ?

    They'll say its essential to keep people informed? They could well be local to the area their reporting from?

    I was more concerned about the person reporting from China with no mask on yesterday. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, AVB said:

    I just saw this in twitter posted by Robert Jenrick MP Secretary of State for Housing, communities and local government:

    Advice for the housing, construction & building maintenance industries:

    🔹If you can work from home, do so.

    🔹If you are working on site, you can continue to do so. But follow Public Health England guidance on social distancing.


    Italy have shut down construction as well?

    Everywhere you look people are confused as to whether you can go to work or not?

    Hopefully there will be more information tomorrow. 

  11. This is the problem when things aren't spelled out exactly,  everyone thinks going to work is essential because they have to in order to earn a living and pay the Bill's.

    It sounded as if Boris was saying only go out for food, medicine, or work if you can't do it from home?

    That's how I heard it, don't meet friends don't go play in the park, dont go up Snowdonia with thousands of others.

    I think he should have gone further,  apparently the tube was packed in London they certainly weren't 2 metres apart.

  12. Just now, grrclark said:

    I didn't see it so don't know, a mate told me about it earlier.  Agree with your thoughts about what they deserve.

    I saw it on Facebook,  if my 5 year old had done it would be cheeky,  a grown up being filmed doing 🤬🤬

  13. 12 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    Just human like the rest of us and with all the fears that go along with that.

    As a hypothetical example, I’ve not personally seen the clip, but apparently on GMB there was a clip shown of an idiot in a supermarket licking goods on the shelf, because it was funny banter.

    If you’re a soldier asked to impose civil rule with the potential of deadly force, your parents/grand parents/pregnant wife are hooked up to a ventilator and you’re terrified they are going to die.  What would you do to that lad?

    I know i’d leave him with no tongue to lick anything.

    Often just young lads trained to follow orders and armed,  but depending on how long things go it could well get messy.

    If the clip was the one I saw of the lad biting a french stick and putting it back while his mate films it they could do with a good kicking.

  14. If things keep going the way they are, a lot of people will be eating very different things than they have before. 

    2 hours ago, DUNKS said:

    Still happens in our house too we have survived 83 years. Decent size chicken lasts till Wed and I have a passion for fried mash.

    I might make a chicken last till Tuesday,  but none ever gets thrown out.

  15. 2 hours ago, Teal said:

    Well I reckon in my scenario you don't differentiate at all, I think you just give every adult a payment, it's a fixed rate and an extra allowance for dependents. Super simple, super fast. It would have been better if the govt had done this. Some may not need it, but you could either deduct this from a future payment if things get more targeted or just think of it as a stimulus package. No-one would miss out and the money could go out almost instantaneously accross the country.

    Great idea but too simple,  some will moan their on far more, it would be interesting though how it would be given out, might suddenly find a load of people who aren't officially here?

  16. 17 minutes ago, bavarianbrit said:

    My main income is from rentals that I worked for 50 years to accumulate, so if renters are to get a gov sponsored rent holiday where does that leave me and many others like me? I understand you cannot legislate all things away but why not just pay everyone £1000 pm and cancel or put on hold council tax and utilities to give all the same deal. That would reduce the unmarried mothers of 3-5 kids freebes a bit too.

    Some people are probably paying £600-1000 a month on rent, you make an income from rent, so if these measures come in you should be able to claim a percentage?

    Strange times for everyone. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Scully said:

    Someone said to me that he would just live off his savings for the interim, but my argument is why should you, even if you have savings, which I don’t?  All those people who have been forced to stay at home who aren’t self employed are receiving money either from an employee via a government initiative, or via another means, regardless of whether they have savings or not. No one else is expected to live off their savings so why should the self employed? It has to be a level playing ground. 

    I know what your saying and its going to be a massive headache for someone to sort, but if we only needed to buy the essentials and not pay all the Bill's for a few months it should be do able. 

    As for restricting movement they could just restrict fuel, that would stop the day trippers for a start.

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