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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, AVB said:

    What have we become? I was speaking to my daughters maths tutor this morning (on skype) who said that her 90 year old blind mother who lives on her own in Wales was having to care for herself as her 85 year old sister who cares for her had been tested positive for Covid-19. She wanted to go and see her mum but was afraid of making the journey “in case she got arrested by the police”. So this is a respectable, intelligent woman afraid to do the right thing for fear of the police. 

    I tried to reason with her. 

    I can't believe an 85 year old is caring for a 90 year old?? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Paul5tag said:

    What is this cotton bud test you speak of, ps. I might as well have closed my eyes the bsa might group better😃

    You can use a cotton bud to check the crown of the barrel,  it should obviously be smooth so not catch,  this could effect your accuracy.

    Put your mounts together on the rifle, making sure there level and not twisting. 

    If only you had time to fiddle.

    And your right, things should just work, tuning should be about improving not making things work.

  3. 20 minutes ago, lakeside1000 said:

    I missed my fortnightly collection yesterday, the bins full and another two weeks before the next collection, plus I have about 150 frozen pigeons and some rotting decoy birds to get rid of as I cannot get to the dealer, no trips allowed to the tip so fingers crossed the freezers don't pack up or the neighbours are going to be really upset with the stench, I wonder if I can send them to the tip by courier, might be a bit costly though !!!!

    Are you on Facebook? There is bound to be someone who would take your pigeons either for themselves or ferret food?

    Have a look for giving up the game, or advertise them on here?

  4. 5 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    Come on! No one happily pays for any licence!............however, the law states that all gun owners must pay for a gun licence, which I suppose is fair enough........what I object to, is gun owners being required by the police (on the threat of not being granted a gun licence) to obtain and pay for a medical report, for which gun owners must pay a private third party, whatever amount they want to charge for it!........Especially when it was agreed by all parties involved in the review, that provision of a report by the GP (and placing a marker on an applicants medical records) would be at no cost to the applicant!

    Think you need to moan about this elsewhere,  it's not really relevant. But you've needed a rod license for as long as I can remember. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, mel b3 said:

    I can just imagine what the average copper must be thinking ,when he has to turn out to investigate two Jeremy kyle throwbacks, that are having a Facebook spat  over a packet of fags and a bag of weed on giro day , he must really want to give them both a good bitch slap 😅.

    We need a like button 😁

    I watched something last night on BBC possibly, about the police,  the amount of time spent going to ridiculous petty arguments like the above was shocking, coppers leaving because they are fed up wasting time being called to nonsense call outs.


  6. Have a look for the Farage video, I've seen part of it on Facebook. It makes a lot of sense, we can only go out once a day but flights coming in from all the hotspots without any checks being done and off they go.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Cosmicblue said:

    The professional guidance this evening was to stay healthy and be vigilant over infection control – there isn’t any effective treatment, no drugs to fight the virus and all an ITU can do is buy the patient a bit more time.  It isn't just the elderly and vulnerable that are being taken out, much younger victims are surfacing.  I suspect that our politicians know the grim reality already but dare not let the brutal facts escape?


    It's the brutal facts that are needed, if people are going to stay indoors for who knows how long, they need to know the reason why. 

  8. 2 hours ago, GingerCat said:

    Hgv drivers need a medical report as do pilots and many others. How is having access to a firearm any different? Why are we so special we don't need it? If the burden of proof was as you say and the police making it up as the went along don't you think one or perhaps all of the shooting organisations would have taken it to court? Instead they sat with the police and gps and discussed it, promoted it, basceven have their own drsto help out and provide reports. The public by and large will be supportive of it. 

    You can't argue that upsetting a minority when the majority support it is not policing by consent because you simply  don't like it. 

    Far from a police state. I've nothing more to add to this. 

    It does make me laugh how much people are against needing a GP letter to have a FAC certificate,  but they'll happily buy all the gear.

    Stay safe GC, and not too many kebabs 🤣🤣

  9. 1 hour ago, Walker570 said:

    That is why I am sitting tight and going nowhere.   The one good thing has been the fantastic response in our small village and from our REAL friends, offers of help and also collection and delivery of food items.  We are both more han physically capable of fetching our own buy trying to stay out of danger and if that means staying on our own property for a couple of months or even more , fine by me. 

    Glad to hear Nev, this thing obviously effects older people more, so sit tight and take care.

    2 minutes ago, lancer425 said:

    I look at it this way this is not flue, dress it up with% all you like. But i reckon if you catch this your in big **** end of story .

    Me i am going nowhere doing nothing, and ill do that as long as i can.

    Can't argue with that, if you have no reason to go out then don't. 

  10. 47 minutes ago, Jim Neal said:

    Apologies, I went off on a bit of a rant last night.  Must have been the wee dram of Scottish talking juice I indulged in! 😂

    Thanks all for your support, I maybe made it sound like I was about to do something silly but we muddle through day to day without killing each other!  I could explain in a lot more detail his behaviour but that would be WAYYY off topic!  Yes we have already discussed getting some help, and will maybe even try to see if there's any help available immediately if it can be done via video call or something like that.

    Let's just hope the idiots who don't care if they get it or not get their act together and don't prolong this torture unnecessarily!

    Nothing wrong with a vent, you certainly sound like it was needed.

    This might already be obvious but try and find a primary school that deals well with autistic children,  not all schools do to the same level, and it will make a massive difference to you all.

  11. 3 minutes ago, NatureBoy said:

    As we couldn't go to funeral we were all going to line out beside the road in our shooting gear as a guard of honour for his last journey off the farm

    Well when you have the memorial for him I'm sure it will be a great turn out.

  12. 49 minutes ago, loriusgarrulus said:

    Everyone else would have just made a phone call or face time in these troubled times.

    Why would he put his parents at risk by visiting. 🙄

    I've just seen it on the tv, he sat away from them, but still made a pointless journey,  saying he had to deliver essential supplies??

    They also showed a footballer who had done a stay at home video, who crashed his car coming back from a party!!! Now that guy is a clown


  13. 9 hours ago, Jega said:

    Have a quick look at  the arrivals  schedule for Heathrow today .......

    Beijing ..6

    Rome ..10

    Madrid / Barcelona ..22

    New York ...11

     Shanghai ...1

    All those passengers will be getting on buses ,taxi's ,tube , and trains to all parts of the U.K.

    Stay safe .......

    Well that reads well doesn't it??

    They could well be Brits coming home, but they should be straight into quarantine otherwise us all staying home is a waste of time. 

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