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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 3 hours ago, eddoakley said:

    I've been self employed since I finished my apprenticeship.

    That's involved sub contracting to companies a few times but mainly finding my own private work.

    I've always used an accountant to file my tax returns.

    Never claimed anything from the government.

    I currently have a couple of limited companies but they haven't filed accounts yet.

    My own (se60) tax return is late as apparently it needed to tally with the company ones.

    Also my shop is closed and has no record of what I was taking so I'll get nothing for that. (Sole trader until recently)

    I've made little proffit from building work in the last couple of years as I've been ploughing it all into new business that will get nothing.

    I have already had tenants tell me that they won't be able to pay their rent this month and I'll get no help there although I can maybe take a break from paying the mortgages but that's just added onto the end.

    I filed a VAT return last Thursday but it seems unlikely that I will get the (not insignificant) rebate any time soon.

    I'm a builder so apparently immune to this flu and have to continue to work but my customers are cancelling and supply chains are disrupted not to mention people can't work as they are either "self isolating" or can't get child care.


    So 20 plus years of trying to create something being self employed is all looking very grim and I honestly don't know how I will be on the other side of this.


    Still think being self employed is a big scam and this is the cummupence? 



    You see Edd, you've bucked the trend. You've taken chances and risks,  worked damn hard trying to improve yourself and your position. 

    You should have just carried on working for a boss till you reach retirement age like those that moan about what they can't claim because they are PAYE. Good luck.

  2. 2 minutes ago, NatureBoy said:

    These are my big earning months

    Can you not still do exterior work? Or have the jobs been pulled because of the uncertainty?

    This is my third stint contracting,  I enjoy the flexibility,  being able to say I'm working these hours rather than being told what I'm working. 

    You'll often get guys moan your on more money than them but you haven't got the assurance they have like now, and often their not good enough or brave enough to take the risk of contract work.

  3. 58 minutes ago, The Heron said:

    there was a couple he was a painter and decorator and she was a mobile hair dresser with a fantastic house. 

    O you have made me laugh. The couple you mentioned have probably worked for someone else most of their lives then gone it alone for the flexibility and to make more money, but why aren't they allowed a nice house?

    I'm sure there are some living week to week, they might have had no choice but to work this way?

    Personally I only started contracting again in 2019 so I'll get squat if I'm not working. I'm not bothered it was my choice but I am glad there is help being given, although it will be tough for many waiting till June for the payment. 

  4. On BBC news they have just shown people driving to a beauty spot to walk the dog and the police said its unnecessary travel, sounds very similar to going out on the pigeons for a few hours.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Demonic69 said:

    Goes well with "Crops fail and people starve because pigeon shooters were scared to go out"

    I may be ascribing too much importance to pigeon shooting though, I thought it was pretty essential. Judging by the attitudes of many on here it seems I was wrong, and it's just a hobby.

    In many cases it is a hobby I would say,  you shoot a few and move the birds on, it needs doing but how many are out 5-6 days a week?


  6. 38 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

    ThisNo photo description available.

    I've just seen that on a squirrel group, but others are saying their FEO in a different area has said no, other than lambs being taken I see no reason to even think of going out.

    People keep saying they will loose pigeon shooting if it's not done.

    39 minutes ago, islandgun said:

    Perhaps a good time to get photographic evidence of the damage to crops, then use the evidence against wj later

    This is a better, imagine the backlash of the headlines,  shooters ignore travel ban to shoot pigeons while the rest of the country stays in.

  7. 4 minutes ago, AVB said:

    The problem is that this is going to go on for months not weeks. And you know that Wild Justice will then be saying “ah the farmers have survived without pigeons being shot” and before you know it the general licences are revoked. The actions we have been forced into taking because of this virus are going to have an impact on all walks of life and shooting will be impacted. 

    And I really doubt licences have been revoked. Just social media rumour. 


    What if loads of farmers are saying how much damage has been done because their free pest control wasn't available? 

  8. 36 minutes ago, spurs 14 said:

    agree and also if a farmer is having his lambs attacked then yes something needs doing straight away , but what I’m saying is just go ahead and do it , don’t boast about it and post pictures , people look at shooting in general and before you know joe publics pointing a finger at us for not doing all we can in this crisis 

    That's spot on, everywhere you look there are people saying they are self isolating in the woods, getting their exercise shooting, should still be able to pest control, there might be a need in some cases but keep bleeding quiet about it. 

  9. 16 minutes ago, AVB said:

    was my first experience of Lidl and I wasn’t impressed. Defiantly felt dirty coming out

    That has made me laugh, Aldi had a bouncer,  he was apparently making sure folk didn't go in too close together,  then it was up to people to try and keep there distance once inside.

    18 minutes ago, AVB said:


    Not that posh around here😉

  10. 2 hours ago, lancer425 said:

    Probably but think we would be pretty much done by then and then struggle if it really clamped down. I an reluctant to shop at all but thats just a risk i have to take.

    A lot depends on your area, if your on Facebook take a look what people are saying about the shops local to you.

    My mrs went on Monday,  she said everyone was being civil following what they were being asked to do, only issue was some people not keeping their distance at the check outs.


  11. 37 minutes ago, Harry136 said:

    Heres one for the amateur doctors, I feel light headed/ dizzy, have the chills, lost my sense of taste and smell, feel very fatigued, limbs ache and get tingles in them, nose was running  yesterday, very light intermittant cough and a headache, general feeling of loss of strength/ grip. I have had a flu jab this year. Best guesses please!

    Have you been trapped indoors with your other half? Not gone a week and it's making you ill. 

    But seriously go with what medic 1281 said.

  12. 22 minutes ago, AVB said:

    I can last for about 10 months. This is going to go on for longer. What do you mean by playing the system? I use legitimate tax reduction techniques used by all businesses.  Are you saying I should pay more? If so why and how much? How much extra do you pay over and above what you are legally obliged to pay?

    The government said “nobody will be be disadvantaged by having to make the sacrifices demanded by the government” which isn’t true is it? 

    I hope it doesn't go on for more than 10 months, if it does then everyone is in serious trouble. 

    I pay what my accountant tells me to and no more, which is what I mean by playing the system, the changes to IR35 were going to change the system. 

    And no it's not true,  something might change with regards limited company payments but I think we're way down the list.

  13. If your working through or as a limited company then you should be able to go a month or so without pay, this happens if your between contracts.

    It's far from ideal obviously but your playing the system in minimum pay, dividends and expenses so your only going to get a small amount of pay from the government.

    Personally I'm expecting very little and I'm not sure if it will even be worth claiming for a few weeks, if we start talking months then I'll have to look at it.

  14. 26 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    And I understand certain functional heads getting tested, but anyone reasonable would want to see a front line doctor getting a test before prince Charles. It should come down to how can we save the most lives? not who can pay the most money?

    Prince Charles is 71 so in the at risk age bracket,  it shows that if someone as privileged as he is can get the virus then anyone can.

    I would have been disappointed if he didn't get tested,  2nd in line to the thrown, as to whether it's right he gets tested? I see no issue with it.

    I saw something about Iceland having loads of tests for some reason,  so were testing loads of people,  why test if you don't feel unwell.


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