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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 3 hours ago, eddoakley said:

    Why should they not be working?

    Have you read the government guidance?



    I've just been reading about different companies in Lancashire that are still operating as normal,  a clothing distribution with a thousand on a shift, hardly essential work, but the employees have to work to get paid, is it worth the risk? One example of somewhere that should be shut.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    The worldometer site is a good source. 

    However, have you noticed how the recovery rate numbers haven't changed for weeks? Other countries have, while the UK has bee static at only 135 recovered for 2 weeks now. 

    Does no one recover in the UK? 

    It keeps the death recovery ratio artificially high. 

    Recent estimates on total deaths going forward are being massively reduced from 100s of 1000s to low 10s of 1000, with some estimates never getting into 5 figure number territory (for the UK}) 

    Which makes the whole situation {mercifully} a bit of an anticlimax. 

    Other theories abound that the virus has been around much longer than thought, and possibly half the population have had it or have it already. 

    Iceland has tested more per capita than any other country, and of over half of positive tests recorded NO symptoms. 

    That would be wonderful news, but if there was any sort of official news like that put out everyone would relax and ignore the lockdown. 

    A few weeks at home is worth  it.

  3. 20200328_092651.jpg.323bf2905ebe4fe85665c70e8e9e19d2.jpg

    5 hours ago, Old farrier said:

    The moment you go outside the door you increase the risk of catching or spreading this virus 

    now it’s down to percentage the more you go out the more risk 

    the more people that go outside and then adding this to the length of time you are outside the chance of your contact with a stranger increases 

    the number of nurses and doctors is decreasing as there patients are increasing as there catching it from the patient’s 

    the number of dead and infectious is increasing 

    think of the % it’s a gamble and a risk to go outside of your home to get food  or to help your relatives 

    does anyone need to add to the risk and pay the ultimate price 

    for a pigeon a fox or a rabbit? 

    are you feeling that lucky?

    your being asked to stay at home how hard is it?

    Spot on. Did you catch gardeners world last night? Special on snow drops.

  4. 2 hours ago, eddoakley said:

    My office is attached to manufacturing company (ductwork). They have already told staff that if they decide to go self isolate the business will fold in a matter of days.

    And that's not right, their being forced to work .

    What's wrong with the company doing the furlough thing and claiming 80%

  5. 1 minute ago, eddoakley said:

    Why should they not be working?

    Have you read the government guidance?



    I'm at home not working and not being paid until where I work decide if we can work and remain the 2mtrs apart.

    I imagine there trying to decide if we are needed in, is the risk worthwhile? 

    I've read everything I can find, yes it says you can still go to work, if you can keep the distance required,  will a few weeks away do any harm?

    If they say right people aren't listening construction is shut for two months then that would really hurt the industry wouldn't it. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, eddoakley said:

    Had someone telling me yesterday that I would get fined/arrested if guys on site were not at least 2m apart.

    Tell me how that will work?

    Firstly it's practically impossible to work that way.

    Then at the moment Edd they shouldn't be working,  at the moment it's a few weeks,  if people continue to ignore it it might well turn into months, then we're all in real trouble. 

    Just now, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    But who is manning the phone lines?:w00t:

    Probably Andy at home 🤷‍♂️

  7. 1 hour ago, Lord O War said:

    What about companies making people work by claiming that the compay does essential work. I have have had mates tell me about this.

    There was something on Northwest News last night with the Mayor Andy Burnham saying they had set up a phone line and had 150 calls I think about people being made to work where it wasn't essential.

  8. 18 minutes ago, lancer425 said:

    Thats how i understood it, but at the moment are we doing same better or worse than Italy at our current stage. Just trying to get an idea how many might die.

    No idea, the way the media is talking it could be ten of thousands,  but I'm hoping they are very wrong.

    Looking at Italy and Spain the whole of Europe has to be worried. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Scully said:

    Quite. Which is exactly why we have empty shelves in shops. 

    And was there any need??? I doubt anyone has missed a meal, or been unable to wipe their ****, just muppets.


  10. 3 minutes ago, lancer425 said:

    I am finding the cases deaths and recovered figures a bit confusing, i know ours look lower . But is this just that we are earlier in the cycle if you understand me,.?

     Italy figures look terrible are we fairing better than them at this stage right now, or worse, we looked worryingly similar last weekend.

    Were supposed to be 2 or 3 weeks behind Italy 

  11. I heard this earlier on, unbelievably Rivington Pike is on fire again today,  they have just said it may have been started by a barbecue,  it beggars belief. 

    I honestly think if the police are finding people at places like this, miles from home having driven there they should confiscate their cars never mind fining people £30 or £60.


  12. 9 minutes ago, spurs 14 said:

    You should put that up as a post on its own so more people see it ! It won’t stop the few who will convince themselves they are providing a service and go out anyway but it does make it a bit clearer to what the shooting organisations are trying to do ! 

    They won't listen,  the same argument is going on everywhere. 

    Another good point is what happened during foot and mouth? Did the essential pest control continue then??

  13. 5 minutes ago, NatureBoy said:

    Jobs been pulled Mice. Others are second homes and holiday lets. Some goy there kids at home, folk older or are isolating! Had lean times before i'll tough it out. Be ok for next few months. Have done estimates this week for a Norman church, school, boat, large mural and a beach hut. That's why i like the diversity of what i do and the flexibility of being self employed to be able to do such jobs. And so many people say decorating is boring! 😉 If i get  half them jobs and can get back to work in next three months i'll be OK. Not religious but i love working on old churches. Church Dioceses slow payers tho. 60 days from invoice! But hey. That's the joys of being self employed! Some local authorities etc are 90 days. Not many realise that.      NB

    Well let's hope in few months you can put up some pictures of before and after 👍

  14. 21 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    I seriously feel for anyone who finds themselves out of work and not earning BUT if everyone can therefore go about their everyday business as usual then the whole thing will fail because the only ones sticking to the supposed rules are retired. 

    There are more people than you realise sitting at home, not making unnecessary journeys,  I'm hoping to be in work next week if its deemed safe.

    They keep showing London la la land with people packed on the tube, that I wouldn't do.

    At the moment you can still go to work if you can keep the 2m rule.


  15. 23 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    Debt yes! But debt to whom? All countries are spending their reserves and borrowing, trying to keep people alive! So all countries will be in the same boat......dunno of any country that has the monetary reserves to protect themselves and lend billions £ to the UK?.....

    Whatever cost, It has to be done, if this country goes bankrupt? Many, many other will too!

    I think they have over complicated things,  someone mentioned in another thread just giving people a set amount to live off, it's not like people are going out spending money,  but then it's all the other things people think they need, freezing mortgage payments and Bill's with enough for food would have been my way to go, got to cost less in the long run.

  16. Probably the reason for the 3 week lockdown,  if it's a two week wait for the virus to show and there are millions walking around not knowing they have it, spreading it around. 

    So by the end of three weeks loads could be at home with the virus, add another three weeks and hopefully the cycle gets broken or interrupted?

    Wishful thinking I know. 

  17. 17 minutes ago, henry d said:

    They would need to catch it first, I imagine that they are a lot safer than the three old biddies we saw this morning stood around for five minutes discussing how close to be (you are too close at the moment!) and where to go to feed the ducks 🤦‍♂️

    Well on the South Africa thing last night they 40 odd people had to use one toilet, and it was a porta loo, they also said that SA was obviously better off than other areas of Africa,  if SA can't cope there is no hope for the rest of the continent. 

  18. 22 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    what about africa.........?......virtually nothing there..........................................................yet


    ive seen how ill an african gets with just a cold.............if this virus hits them they will start dropping like flies....the continent will be empty as the medicle help is none existant................

    Watched something last night on South Africa,  and the night before on Thailand,  both in very similar circumstances,  they cant really shut down as we have because the infrastructure isn't there, people from towns were trying to go back to the countryside taking the virus with them, so it will be rampant with little health care to help. But then it might burn its self out? Run out of hosts. 

  19. Just now, panoma1 said:

    I wasn’t really pointing the finger at any one political party, but at all politicians from whatever party!........When a politician tells you “we can’t afford it” they are lying!.........They have the money..........but choose to spend it on something else!

    I thought politicians were lying whenever their lips moved 😁

  20. 26 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    I didn’t say the country could afford it....I was implying, they could find the money “if they chose to”

    Didn't labour always find the money,  then leave things a mess when voted out?

    1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

    I think people have short memories and will return to their same habits?

    What I would like to see is the compassion and neighbourhood spirit, to continue and supporting of elderly neighbours too


    I would say this will happen,  but that's if this lockdown goes for a few weeks, if it goes for a few months then I think things will get messy.

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