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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Do you mean their flouting the rules and it's on Social media?

    Then I would say yes, my place told people if they were off for self isolating and were spotted in the gym or shops then they could face discipline procedures.

  2. 1 hour ago, Paul5tag said:

    At the risk of sounding redundant ,why is a regulated rifle less reliable than a unregulated rifle? To have regulated shots would surely make it more reliable or am I missing something.

    A regulator can go wrong is all, same with a quick fill. Chances are they won't go wrong,  R10s have a bad rep for the regs failing.

  3. You probably went to tesco on a bad day, obviously each area is different with how people are acting. 

    It's quite strange watching people walking around avoiding each other, hanging back at narrow points and bridges, the few cars that I've seen going along our street are going a lot slower, like the usual rush has gone.

    Glad you haven't been Ill 

  4. 2 hours ago, fatchap said:

    don't know what I was hoping for, the pubs are shut. lovely day so much potential but people are dying everyday the NHS is up to it eyeballs and I think I was being kinda selfish.

    Don't think you were being selfish at all, you've stayed indoors doing your bit for 14 days so you didn't pass anything on, were you Ill or just a precaution?

    I haven't been far from my house, just walks out with the kids, back to work Monday and I'm expecting it to be very strange. 

  5. Just now, 12gauge82 said:

    It's plain wrong, I don't care who they're, one life isn't worth more than another based on wealth, private tests shouldn't be available while this is going on, they should be allocated on most need basis.

    If they were going to confiscate the tests then it's the health service who should have them, front line staff, care staff, those who are working with vulnerable people. 

    But we have the system we have.

  6. 51 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    How absolutely selfish that people are still returning from overseas and walking thru our Airports unchallenged - they should be isolated for at least 2 weeks, obviously 3000+ deaths is not enough to wake people up? This whole situation was totally avoidable and I'm sorry but the blame is with Boris. When this is all over there's going to be a lot of  questions to answer.

    I understand people coming home, but there should be checks in place for anyone returning,  it's no wonder London is as bad as it is.

  7. 8 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    you phoned up and said you were in the at risk cat and your partner had tested positive

    But were talking about the future Kings wife, its hardly the same as me calling.

    I wonder what someone with Bupa would be told?

  8. 1 minute ago, 12gauge82 said:

    Well now your just repeating my point.

    I don't know what point your trying to make? mine is clear, some people are  getting tested for no other reason than they are rich and powerful, which is wrong, someone's life shouldn't be worth more than someone else's, especially based on the amount of money or power they have.

    But the rich and powerful pay for private health care, if the wife of the future king of England can't get a test then there is something wrong,  she may have underlying health issues so was tested as a precaution??

  9. 5 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    nice to hear on the local news folk are being sensible and not hitting the coastal areas cause of the glorious weather

    Its supposed to be warmer tomorrow, that will be a test for if people stay home.

    Someone wrote somewhere,  if you don't go out it can't follow you home!

  10. 3 hours ago, mad1 said:

    Just seen it on the news they are to release upto 4000 prisoners from jail to ease pressure on the NHS if they where to be infected inside

    I saw it this morning,  we are releasing you early to go and  stay inside somewhere else?? Pubs are shut, shops are shut, and work places are shut, why would they let them out??

  11. 4 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Charlie didn't look well today when he opened the new field hospital.

    I thought that, he looked very flushed or red faced, like his collar was choking him.

    Maybe her Majesty should have spoken tonight,  asking everyone to stay in and maintain the lockdown.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    The thing is you don't NEED to take your dog to the park by car. Its not complicated

    Totally agree,  this is likely individuals driving there so the dogs get a good run, I'm surprised the gates to the park are open really,  close the gates job done.

    I was talking to a chap who's kids are in my daughter's class across the river today,  asking what's going on in the outside world, seems like weeks since I went out.

  13. Got told today that people in one of our local parks have been getting warnings on their cars, they are driving to take out their dogs out, obviously different areas are doing different things. 

  14. 25 minutes ago, TRINITY said:

    Again putting into perspective that will be less than a weeks wage. Yet there are thousands of people working themselves into the ground and putting their lives on the line . They are doing it on yearly incomes on less than some of these wastes of space earns in a day.

    Don't doubt that, but it would be nice to see all the footballers doing similar to this, he didn't have to do it.

  15. 21 minutes ago, toontastic said:

    In Spain the footballers have taken a 70% pay cut and also agreed to pick up the wage bill for non playing staff.


    I had heard the big clubs had done something and fair pay to them, their on crazy money so it won't harm them helping out, but it will do them a world of good when they get to play again. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, AVB said:

    You are possibly right that it proves to be ‘no worse’ than a bad winter. However in the meantime the irrational fear of it has trashed the economy for the next 20 years. 

    The virus highly likely won’t kill you. The poverty that will follow will. 

    Given the infrastructure we have in this country, what follows shouldn't kill anyone. But I'm sure some are going to be in for a shock.

  17. 15 minutes ago, kingsy18 said:

    Been thinking s/h,as i,ve seen quite a few good deals ,but it's the thought of only £100 cover with parcelforce that puts me off,don,t fancy spending £600 on full kit and it gets lost.Looked at pellpax but not delivering rifles ,only enquired on here to see if someone had purchased something lately ,would be after a PCP.

    I'm sure you can insure for more than £100, put a wanted add up, there might be someone local to you?

    @eddoakley has a shop in Wales I think, he might be able to fix you up with something 

  18. 7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    Good luck with getting the unemployed on work schemes & I don't mean the recently unemployed that have lost their jobs because of the virus I mean the long turm ones.

    I did think this. I already think those able should be out doing litter picking and such.

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