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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 24 minutes ago, Scully said:

    I’m not expecting any handouts at all; to freeze all my monthly outgoing finances would do. That includes vehicle insurance, council tax, electricity bills....everything except food shopping. 

    Absolutely for me, I've read lots of things saying people don't have savings so have to work,  if we were only buying essentials and the government froze everything else then locked us down for two or three months to try and get control of the situation it has to be a start?

    Probably why there was next to no beer in the shops last week🤣🤣 folk are taking it that seriously that beer is a priority 😥😥

  2. 7 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    In essence that is what Robert Jenrick announced last night as part of the community hub initiatives for the shielded and vulnerable groups.  There will be many diet fashionistas falling off their pedestals before very long.  Things like GF products will only be issued to those bonafide coeliac sufferers, not the elective i'm a wee bit gluten intolerant brigade.

    The trendy veggies and vegans will have some tough choices to make real soon too .  For those with absolute genuine dietary limitations i feel sorry for them as it is going to get tougher.

    Yes, there is a maximum cap which there needs to be.  If you earn say £2000 per week and if you are furloughed by your employer you are not going to get anything like 80% of your wage, more like 25%

    I could cope happily with all that, I wouldn't expect to be given what I earn if I'm told I can't go to work, freeze mortgages and rent payments and give it two months,  see how things look then,  my garden will be immaculate and if I get stuff ordered I can hopefully sort my garage roof.

    But we will see??

  3. 3 hours ago, Scully said:

    That’s the thing really; if you’re self employed then you have to work, unfortunately. I’m getting ready to go now. 

    I fully understand that, I'm a contractor and as far as I know I will be in this afternoon.

    Like Teal has said the government needs to sort some sort of payment but I dont see it being simple.

    I think with regards shopping we should be arriving at the shops to collect ready made up bags, like you order takeaway,  4 people in my house so you get food for four, and people will have to make do without luxuries for a while?

    Put the Army in the stores,  see if people want to argue with those fellas.

  4. Just come off the phone to my mate,  his Mrs had gone to Aldi last Monday and done her normal shop spending about £90 she said, not getting anything she wouldn't normally buy and not buying 40 toilet rolls,  two people had a pop at her saying it was ridiculous even after she said there are 5 of us, this is just normal.

  5. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    Cheers. She thought that it was pretty inevitable 😞. She has just finished a 72 hour six day week and now her day's off are cancelled. Work load is off the scale. 

    Two ENT doc's in London (late 20's) were on ventilators having contracted the virus, having received heavy doses of the virus through work. 

    That seems nuts, I realise the NHS is stretched but working them to the point of exhaustion isn't going to help surely. 

  6. 26 minutes ago, KFC said:

    Everyone had to produce an NHS card to get in.

    Well that's a good thing 👏👏

    1 hour ago, AVB said:

    The only thing I can think of is their fixation with cleanliness and wearing masks. Japanese people don’t wear masks in order to prevent catching something they wear them in order to prevent infecting somebody else. They are very aware of their social responsibility. 

    If somebody sneezes in the office before you can blink they have put a mask on. 

    Or it could be their love of whisky. 

    Yet people here keep going to work with colds etc because otherwise they don't get paid,  spreading the love as they say.

  7. 1 hour ago, Westward said:

    My wife has a Japanese friend and she goes back once year to visit family. All the usual junk food outlets have set up there now so the health of the younger people is of course declining and will soon be as bad as ours, but older Japanese who still have a traditional diet are probably the healthiest older people anywhere on the planet.

    I've always thought a lot of what Japan does is great, the way people exercise together at work just for one, but the low number of cases and deaths compared with us seems very strange.

  8. Just watching the news, it looks like a bank holiday,  sun is out and people have flocked to the countryside and beaches?? Showed a market in London with loads of people there.

    I wonder if they don't want to declare a full lock down because they can't enforce it?

  9. 1 hour ago, soulboy1957 said:

    Its a knock you for six flu, temperature, aches, shooting pains, sore throat, headache, shortness of breath, i can run 2k easily, but I'm out of breath going upstairs, its bad, but it's not the worst flu ive I've had. Day 4 or 5 and im starting to feel a bit better. 

    Glad your on the mend. 

  10. 1 hour ago, AVB said:

    Spoke to some mates in Japan today. Pretty much business as usual. Encouraged to work from home if possible but bars/restaurants/shops still open. Trains still packed. 

    And yet they closed the schools ages ago? Very strange. 

  11. On 20/03/2020 at 15:11, KB1 said:

    I agree…...

    Apparently, he's staying in now, as a few more people got on his case.  It's worrying though, to think that many will have this same attitude towards the virus👎

    We were told last week, if anyone who says their self isolating gets seen at the gym or b&q then you could be done for gross misconduct, how this fella can be as I'll as it sounds but nip the shops is beyond me.  Communication these days is so easy,  he could have anyone drop him some shopping off.

  12. 33 minutes ago, soulboy1957 said:

    Have been self isolating since Wednesday with all the symptoms of coronavirus, 111 have advised me to self medicate and call an ambulance if i deteriorate.
    Believe me it is truly awful and im fairly fit.
    I understand the temptation to open bars for "take away" outside and take a few quid is it worth it????
    Stop behaving like ita a bank holiday **** up, trust me, you dont want this.

    But is it any different to Flu? Proper flu knocks you for six, it put my mum in hospital years ago and lead to other health problems further down the line.

    40 minutes ago, AVB said:

    I think some people on here need to give their heads a wobble. 

    It isn’t going to kill everybody  

    it isn’t a bio weapon  

    it hasn’t come from space

    the majority who get it will make a quick recovery

    a few will need hospitalisation 

    fewer still will die. The majority of these will have been poorly anyway. It’s a shame but that’s life/death.  Of the people who die nobody knows (the government have been quite clear on this) how many would have died anyway. 

    It’s important that we slow the spread but slowing it isn’t a solution. 

    Now if you truly think that any of the above isn’t true then I suggest you top yourself now as there is no hope for you. 

    That sums up my thoughts, have you heard from anyone in Japan as to how there doing?

  13. 9 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    I wouldn't rule anything out, but I think it unlikely they unleashed this on themselves, although not impossible obviously.

    If they already had a cure I think China would definitely unleash it on their own massive population,  but this is pure worst thought scenario in my head.

  14. 1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

    agree, it could well be a escaped bio weapon/research that has escaped.

    If it is a weapon who says its escaped?

    Look at how much more advanced medicine is now compared to when the Spanish Flu hit and yet the entire planet seems to be helpless??



    I saw this earlier, I'm not entirely convinced by all that's going on but this sums it up nicely. 

    The thing I dont get is we're being told to stay away from people, pubs gyms restaurants all shut, but Monday I'll be back in work,  where have all those people been??

    The country can't isolate and work can it?

  16. 58 minutes ago, vmaxphil said:

    Talking to a mate yesterday he reckons ao has had a run on freezers, surely the panic buying has to come to an end when everyone has run out of room to store it all or money to buy it 

    Lad at rugby is in sales, he said they had doubled their targets selling freezers, bread makers that sort of thing, now out of stock.

  17. I haven't said much lately because I haven't been out, I got fed up turning up to empty feeders so thought right I'll make a bigger one, I think a feeder needs to stay full for at least a week. That way you keep the squirrels coming to a regular food source and they turn up when you want to shoot @bruno22rf sounds like the ideal scenario,  having someone top up and tell you which feeders are being used most so you know which area to shoot.

    So I built a bigger feeder and was then told I couldn't put it up, we had to carry on doing things the same way, so I quit.

    Well my bigger feeder has been up for three weeks now, I went out last week with the Rapid7 and had a squirrel wave its tail at me for 10-15 minutes before it wandered off, it was on the deck and this wood is such a mess of fallen timber I could see the feeder but not the ground beneath it,  I set up another position to shoot from, site lines are terrible because of the growth but this second position means I'm barely in the wood so minimum disturbance. 

    I checked the feeder Wednesday and it was just about empty,  taken around 2 weeks which is perfect,  topped it up with the intention of shooting it this morning before we're all quarantined. 

    Woke up to frost and blue skies, perfect. 

    I arrived at the wood at 8:20 I know people say to be in position before day light but I don't think the squirrels like the cold morning's anymore than I do.

    I was shooting from the second position today,  the sun is on my left hand side and I'm looking up the slope at the feeder, not ideal again because to the right of the feeder it's open which gives a bit of glare in the scope but its manageable.

    Lots of bird activity around, great tits and coal tits, pigeons magpies crows and a buzzard, a lovely fresh quiet morning. 

    Then I see a  squirrel and it's on the floor moving towards my feeder, I can see its tail meerkat fashion obviously going through the bits on the floor, ten minutes of it showing me its bum hole and tail,  and every time it was likely to give me a shot, a branch was in the way!! I've done some serious stomping of branches now so hopefully its clearer now.

    Then finally "it" jumps up onto the tree then the feeder, it was massive, in and out of the flip top, it stayed in for so long at one point I thought it was stuck, then it sat up side on because the platform makes it sit that way, its paws holding something its nibbling at, stop breathing and squeeze the trigger. 

    CRACK!!! Flop, the squirrel is down,  the R10 has spoken,  her first time out, shooting JSB exacts 4.52 I haven't managed my pellet testing yet but


    That will do for now.


    I brought him home and weighed him 1lb 11oz I was convinced it was a pregnant female when I saw him on the feeder, just the one but it made my day and the land owner was happy as well, hopefully the first of many.

    @Sciurus my first south lakes squirrel 👍


  18. 8 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    At a time like this the police have better things to do.  Putting a limit on purchase quantity is more practical ....... as we are assured that there is no 'shortage of goods' - only a distribution problem due to people being greedy.

    You would think the police had better things to do but I'm sure I got done by a speed van on the way home today, country is falling apart but still time for speeding fines, doing 60 odd on a 60 dual carriageway 🤬

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