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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 12 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

    totally fail to carry out it's result - that would be true, but if we now get on and clearly leave we will be seen to be standing up for ourselves and siezing back the control that was promised

    That's my thoughts, we are leaving on our terms, that to me says we are in a strong position.

    A deal may have been better, but not when it's basically the same as before.

    I hope this gets us out and then we can start fresh and move on from the brexit shambles.

  2. 4 hours ago, Arron yeates said:

    Me and my wife went to gran canaria last year playa de ingles how ever you say it lol.Β 

    I've been there, but I'm none the wiser on how you say it πŸ‘Β 

    Watching husbands and wives trying to beat each other or brothers and sisters was great fun.

  3. 2 hours ago, Pigeon Shredder. said:

    Well l’m sitting in the garden with a nice cold tonic, wife , son and daughter in law, granddaughter and a stack of xxxxxxx squirrels running up and down the trees, fence, garden, oohs and ahh’s, grandad squirrels look. 😀😀😀😀

    They'll be back tomorrow, be ready with a brew and TX

  4. I've seen a few dead hogs lately, I doubt people even see them? Small slow moving and generally nocturnal, would you swerve for a hedgehog going at speed?

    just in the last few weeks I've seen rats, squirrels, badgers, hedgehogs, gulls and one deer all dead on or near the road to work.


  5. 9 hours ago, team tractor said:

    im wearing them 15-17 hours a day ,6 days a week. Β 


    9 hours ago, Big Mat said:

    I've worn redbacks for the last few years, dealer boots but they do, do a taller Lace up. I'm talking 12 hours a day 7 days a week use and I get 18 months out of a pair.

    Guys if your wearing safety boots for that amount of time I would buy another pair, change them daily or at dinner if possible, your feet will thank you.

    I'm wearing Jalas boots, I got them at my last spot as they were the only boot saying it was a wide fitting, got a shock when i bought another pair but there good.

  6. Just watching the last ten mins of Ireland v Wales, in Welsh??Β 

    I've obviously no idea what's being said other than names, Brian O'driscoll?? When did he start playing for Ireland again??


    Fantastic player but he retired a while back??Β 


  7. 22 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Warm up games are a useful guide as to who's playing well who's got confidence and who's not. England should come out of the warm ups with three wins out of four (Italy to come

    Wouldn't count Italy as a warm up game, just a chance for injuries, hopefully the main players will get a rest or short run out?

  8. 9 hours ago, bumpy22 said:

    have big worries at fifteen though. For me it has to be Watson. Daily has got talent with ball. But I think will be caught out big time against a stronger side in the finals. England are not going to dominate all the time as they did today. They will need to be able to defend under pressure and I think daily is too weak there

    I caught the end of the highlights, Irelands final try, Daily should have put him into touch, game was won yes but he was beaten far too easily.

  9. 40 minutes ago, WestonSalop said:

    I'm not bothered if no-one comments on this - I just need to vent my spleen.

    Given the weather forecast for the weekend, I decided to come on over to Harlech this evening rather than sit in endless jams tomorrow. I set off from glorious Shropshire, me and Eric the retriever. HRH and daughter coming tomorrow. Got as far as Llangollen with no issues, then was third car behind a newish Fiesta. We did exactly 36 mph all the way to Bala. And I mean 36 mph, constantly. Excellent road conditions, no traffic and as far as I was concerned, no excuses for driving at walking pace. There are a couple of places on that stretch with 30 mph limits. Our friend stuck at 36 and was oblivious to the signage. The one exception was when a large HGV came towards us. What did he do? He stopped!!!

    At Bala, he went straight on and I turned right to go over the tops. I can only imagine the stupid idiot is still driving to wherever he's going - at 36 mph...…...

    Rant over. Sorry.

    I think they were in Ulverston last week, same thing, luckily for me it was only ten mins maybe of him dawdling along touching the brakes until a short section of duel carriage, where everyone charged past the Muppet, certainly not a young driver.

  10. On β€Ž18β€Ž/β€Ž08β€Ž/β€Ž2019 at 09:56, Farmboy91 said:

    We've got shed loads, just had a bantam hatch off 10 chicks. You simply cannot top having your own eggs.Β 

    We've had ex battery hens in the past, feels nice to give them a decent life.Β 

    Edit to say I believe we started off with a handful of light Sussex, they were good layers.Β 

    You can top it, my neighbour gives me his 😁😁 my kids feed them but there not eating all my garden. Amazes me where they will get, great to watch.

  11. On β€Ž18β€Ž/β€Ž07β€Ž/β€Ž2019 at 13:17, gsalmons said:


    Haven't managed to get on the Trent for a while - had an evening session near Newark & landed a PB Barbel of 12lb 6oz! Only fish of the day but 100% worth it!

    Last year I managed several low doubles & a 5.5lb PB chub so its a decent stretch.

    Photo is bad as I was on my own & wanted to get her back into the flow asap

    Back again in a few weeks....


    12lbs 6 😯 that must have put up some fight.

  12. me my brother and dad used to do similar in the back garden, we starred off shooting mums pegs😯 then a chain hanging off the bird table, somehow ended up us shooting holes in the bird table roof, you had to touch the last hole that was made. We destroyed that bird table, didn't go down well.

    4 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    Mice that is awesome mate .

    The smiles and good times that a simple airgun can bring .have a great holiday and be safe .

    were back mate thanks, a week in the sun while it was throwing it down in blighty.

    need to sort something small now that the kids and me can plink with, loads of fun πŸ‘ Β 

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