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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 2 hours ago, welshwarrior said:

    Currently the Q7 has worked well for me but more day to day driving means a more efficient car would be very useful the allroad seems an answer, I see the Subaru out a fair bit doing the same but it’s too small for what the family want.  

    Seems I need to get out on a test drive 

    probably the same as Subaru, be careful of damage underneath if someone has bottomed it out.

  2. 2 hours ago, timmytree said:

    My ex and I were talking to the grandkids today and telling them about their Uncle Jims bed. At about 5 years old he'd seen a bed that looked like a racing car, he wanted one but money was really tight. Luckilya good friend offered to help us out so we measured up the bed base and cut all the panels out of ply, painted it all up, wheels, spoilers the lot. Then on Xmas eve John came round late with all the panels on the roof rack. We lifted the lad out of bed and put him in the other room and then built his car bed as quietly as possible, then lifted him back in still sound asleep. I've never forgotten the wonderment on that lads face next morning.

    Imagine how happy he was telling that story to his friends in school 

  3. Think you should have asked this a few days ago 😂😂 best get googling how to cook it before its goose is cooked

    I put that earlier but mustn't have submitted? Glad it was nice, went with turkey kids might not have liked the goose.


    An Aldi bird, very nice, get carving and freezing for another day.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    Sounds very odd... as you did I would just go and work somewhere else. 

    Did they really think that was acceptable? I can only guess that they were just incompetent?! 

    Some people make mistakes, some are incompetent, i worked at one place where you got paid your overtime a month in lieu, you really had to keep an eye on what you were working, between time and a third, half and double plus shift allowances it could get complicated really quick. There was always a queue on pay day to sort out mistakes.

  5. 6 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    I don't think that is so.  Gatwick is 1600 acres and two miles long.  The public/press are only allowed in a small part of the area.  Although reports say multiple drones would have been used, it is likely that at any given time there was probably only one in the air - and that far from continuously - as it only needs to be seen from time to time to serve to keep the airport closed (if we assume that was the objective).

    Cameras like those used to film wildlife at long distance are huge and heavy - and with the high magnification required, are very hard indeed to follow a moving target.  Imagine being asked to film a single large bird like a buzzard, that sometimes visits a 1600 acre farm - and being told you must do it without leaving the farm yard.  You would be very lucky to get any good shots.  Wildlife filming is carefully pre surveyed and planned - and uses huge and powerful lenses.  Birds in flight are difficult to capture even given lots of time.

    I spend as little time in airports as possible, but my recollection is that it would be hard with normal photographic kit let alone phones to get decent photos even of full sized aircraft using the runways.

    Also - if you are stuck at an airport due to drone activity (as the PA system will have told you), if you did see a drone through the window - it woud be a case of 'look there it is' rather than making a report.  I think with 67 formal reports (that is the number I have read) over say 36 hours, of which maybe 18 hours daylight(?) - that is about a report every 20 minutes on average - which I think quite a lot.


    Two pictures taken with an iPhone , someone would have got a good picture if there was something to photo.

  6. Managed to get out on Christmas eve 😯 pitch black this morning with a frozen car and a full moon.

    Arrived in the dark with an owl going in front me followed by two dog walkers, went to a spot we don't cover much in winter because its exposed to Joe public but i wasn't spotted and no squirrels about which was a surprise.

    Off into the main wood, all seemed quiet until a squirrel pretty much ran into the tree i was leaning on, it was playing games moving about taking the micky going between three or four trees before finally settling down with a pine cone, he didn't get to enjoy it, not quite a vertical shot about 80 degrees. Seemed to hit every branch on the way down, fine looking male.


    I then played follow the squirrel for 40 minutes or so, they always seemed to be four or five trees away, giving no shot chances.

    I headed back towards my bag to head off home when another appeared, same game tree to tree seeming more interested in the pine cones than me, finally stopped to eat, giving me a shot, that ones in the brambles for Mr Todd to find later. Seems when the sun is out with no wind, the squirrels come out to play.

  7. I went to a mma event a few years ago, low key but fun. We were told by the ref  " Watch this fella coming up next, never been out of the first round! We thought should be good.

    he had no corner men and lasted maybe 2 mins, got punched and kicked a few times then curled up in a ball? There had just been a great fight then this, total silence from the crowd, took his couple of hundred quid and went home, did it regular apparently.

  8. 7 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    Something high up that can shoot down onto a drone that may fly at several hundred metres high, on an airfield.  Don't you think that these gun towers might present something of hindrance to the normal operation of an airfield where really tall things are generally very frowned upon?

    Some of the comments on this thread are ridiculous, something like 1600 acres and we could police the skies above the airfield with shotguns.  A line of 400 guns down each perimeter fence i think was suggested working 8 hour shifts, gun loaded and held in the hip watching and waiting for 8 hours????

    You get one decent crack at the target, providing it flies lower than 60 yards or so and then it is past the line of guns, of course knowing there is a line of 400 crack shots who'll nut the target out the sky the operator might just choose to fly it over the fence at 3000yds high, maybe even hover there for a few moments to taunt the guns then fly off to do their disruptive work.  Having regularly watched pheasants that are considerably bigger and slower then a drone flying across a line of guns at 30m and soar on by to freedom I'm not so sure that this approach would work.

    The phalanx like mini gun is a definite contender though, have multiple autonomous radar operated machine guns around the periphery of airports that back onto logistics yards, warehouses, maintenance hangers, airline support services, hire car depots, car parks, public transport links, roads and motorways, hotels, offices, fields full of livestock, car parks full of plane spotters, etc  loosing off 20,000 rounds per minute safe in the knowledge that nothing could possibly go wrong with that scenario.  

    Of course knowing that all these mega machine guns are poised to take down that drone within the periphery fence of the airport then maybe the disruptive types will just fly their drones on the landing or take off flight paths when the aircraft are flying above areas of high density housing and still within a perfectly accessible altitude for these drones.  Phalanx machine guns might not go down so well if in your back garden.

    I was thinking of something mounted on the tower, obviously not hundreds of feet in the air or in the way of planes, this drone apparently flew past the tower and was identified?? If its hundreds of feet in the air then its an obvious no go.

    Something will need to be done, its obviously not going to be a line of guns dressed in tweed, but I'm expecting something from the military, loads of good ideas from having just watched Iron man 😃 

  9. 10 minutes ago, ordnance said:


    You want me to say why a radar controlled Minigun designed to shoot down aircraft etc, on a airfield might not be a good idea. 




    They could set something up which physically can't target the run way, but covers the approaching area, something that has to be physically activated in an emergency such as an idiot flying a drone onto the airfield, this could easily happen every week crippling aviation, I'm only surprised it hasn't happened before either for a demonstration or act of terrorism.

  10. 10 minutes ago, ordnance said:

    Ships shoot down incoming missiles using Phalanx CIWS and similar, i can't see them appearing at UK airports. 



    Why not? Given how much this will have cost, and how easily it could happen again then something will need to be done, on a smaller scale though.

  11. 20 hours ago, Munzy said:

    Had our roof redone last year and the roofer arrived to quote with a small (1.5ft diameter) drone. He unlocked his iPhone, opened the drone’s app, clicked a button and up came a satellite map of where we were stood. He drew a flight path around the roof, dropped a couple of markers over each chimney and then entered a desired altitude. Then he clicked “Go”. The thing took off, went off on its programmed journey with no controller, hovered over the chimneys and then circled them and then came back and landed in the same spot. The roofer left with HD video footage of the roof and chimneys and I had a detailed quote the next day.

    His drone cost £450 from a high street store. I assume there was nothing stopping him paying cash.

    Now, as I understand it my roofers drone could do everything that this Gatwick drone seems to have done but perhaps his had less battery life AND would need to have the software reflashed to remove GPS restricted areas. My brother-in-law who is a drone nerd tells me that you can download the required software and instructions to remove the GPS restrictions for all popular drone models from the popular drone enthusiast forums for free.

    There is no restriction to someone continuing this stunt other than how much it costs them. Therefore I maintain the best thing to do is ensure that every airport has a shotgun at the ready and they blast these things out of the sky. Ok, you don’t catch the operator but so what, they won’t keep buying new drones.

    I didn't realise that the drones available were that clever, certainly sounds a lot easier than having a look from a ladder.

    I'm sure they said on the news that there were 50 sightings of drones so one or more than one?

    let's guess that this drone is a decent one £1000-2k, I'm guessing here, loose one of those and us ordinary folk are going to be gutted, someone deliberately trying to disrupt an airport could have several of these flying circuits and not care less about the cost.

    as for shooting them down, how about something mounted high up with fire zones programmed in, so firing into the ground, if ships can shoot down incoming missiles how hard can a drone be? Just not with a shotgun.

  12. All this sounds like a great way to force airports to buy technology which will prevent drones flying around.

    Some former sniper just said on the news that companies have been developing the technology for a decade but Airports have been reluctant to invest 🤔

    He also made it clear why snipers wouldn't and couldn't shoot the drones down.

    3 minutes ago, Old farrier said:


    beat me to it, the pic I've been sent had the added words " council estate lad"

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