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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    My thoughts 

    Its a great distraction  , isnt it .24 hrs of every policeman and woman and mi6 trying to find 3 or 4 drone pilots causing havoc. 

    Where is the real crime taking place...??

    Crown jewels.  ? Banks ?.gold .? 



    Ps the solution is obviously  a helicopter and a 12b with 34 grm of no 4.

    sounds like the British version of Die hard 🤣 maybe Corbyn has hired some drone pilots to distract the media?


  2. 7 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Been there this morning at first light and only had the one squirrel come. It went directly to the lid, lifted it and selected a peanut, turned and had two chws before it fell off the bench.

    I am leaning still to smooth tailed rats based on that becaue I would have thought that squirrel would have gone to the hole. It was very confirdent it knew where the food was and did not hesitate to push it's nose under the lid and half climb in.  It did not need to waste time chewing at the hole.

    See what the camera comes up with. It may mean sitting on it later after dark,when all the farm/reconstruction noise has died down.

    It only occurred over one afternoon and overnight as I found the damage at 7am the next morning.  I have seen some serious work by rats on all sorts of materials including bricks and concrete so ally would be easy going for them and ALL the peanuts had gone so whatever had to have gone in through the hole.

    How wide is the hole? Looking at the pick again it seems bigger than a rat would need to get at the goodies. 



  3. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    I doubt that the perpetrators of this event would worry about licensing.  This has the hallmarks of someone well organised who has carefully planned the operation.  TO have enough batteries, keep appearing at sufficiently frequent intervals, avoid airport GPS restrrictions etc. 

    Like those who use guns illegally can (apparently) obtain them easily enough, so it would be with drones.

    Does anyone believe that the GPS restrictions are real🤔 I'm thinking it would be incredibly difficult to maintain this invisible barrier.

  4. 11 minutes ago, guzzicat said:

    More important than a politician being proved a liar in the one place he should respect?

    Corbin doesn't respect anything does he? And as for more important, just about everything, shame Mrs May didn't just point out that corbyn was resorting to petty name calling, but then most of what goes on in the "house" seems to just be a pantomime anyway 

  5. 2 hours ago, amateur said:

    It was also neat the way that Leadsom skewered Bercow on the same subject

    Saw that on the news, the bloke was livid, but how much has it all been blown out of proportion? Everyone knows corbyn said it, it's like an argument in a primary school, pretty sure they should have more important stuff too do.

    Is it still going on? 

  6. 4 hours ago, soulboy1957 said:

    Plus another 13 to the mighty 20g hush power, we're reducing the numbers nicely now. Feeders are full in 3 places, so HW110 in. 22 flavour next trip on Sunday. 

    Hope the weather is nice for you then on Sunday soulboy , don't forget to add your numbers on the vermin section.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Fisheruk said:

    We’ve had a couple on that land where we both shoot. Cat food mashed and put on a raft for a few mornings. Then from the other side of the lake shot it off the raft at 4.30am. With the HMR. At about 100 yards. Summertime of course.

    Yeah I knew that mate, fished a few places years ago where the moorhens and coots had suddenly vanished. Just never seen one, or an otter. Not yet.

  8. my phone isn't letting me highlight bits Scotslad, 

    PM's for me would suit the FC just fine because they'll eat any squirrels they find regardless of color, especially in their dreys, there was something called a "Fisher" shown on pointless a while ago which looks very like a PM lives in America but is rare and I keep meaning to look it up.

    I think your right regarding the time of year felling should take place if there are reds present, and if land owners thought they couldn't harvest the timber then problems could occur.

    The red squirrels certainly help tourism but not forestry.

    I can't see contraception working either, too costly not 100% coverage, cross species affected.

    agree regards killing greys, keeping them away from red areas just for a start, I couldn't believe it when I found out that the reds are pretty much gone up in Arbroath where we used to live.

  9. I'm sure the petition came about because of trees being felled on Anglesey, I know what Scotslad means people need to be able to work the land but felling in the middle of the breeding season? Apparently they looked for reds but didn't see any? Probably a quick walk through and that was it, I'll try and find a link.

    12 minutes ago, 7daysinaweek said:

    Great news K

    I did not see any reds this time but have seen them in previous years, in the newsletter for 2018 it gave an estimate of around 150 reds in that single block which the it owns.

    We went to Lowther castle in October mate, stunning grounds covered by rsrjerry, we only saw one red squirrel late on in the afternoon but more importantly we didn't see any "American grey"

  10. 12 minutes ago, 7daysinaweek said:

    Just come back from center parcs in the lakeland fells this evening. Have visited this site probably 10-12 times over the years and always loads of greys about despite them always hankering on about red squirrel conservation. Have asked a few of the rangers over the years what measures they take in managing the greys and never had a straight answer from them.

    Visiting this year for the four days was different from every prior year. I did not see one single grey and was actively looking for them. Was out on the bikes every day and covered plenty of miles around the site which was great, even around the feeding stations for the wild birds which you see plenty of and a  good dollop of pheasants about and we did not see a single one. 

    Encouraging and it would appear they have increased their efforts in control significantly. 

    I hope they have done the same in the the Nottingham one as that is just Greysville!




    The rangers have been hammering the greys up there, and I'm sure there are reds on site again, think it was mentioned on the grey area page on FB.

  11. Well the BBC has had some stick and deservedly so, Fury never got a look in, apparently all decided three weeks before his fight and Claire Boring apparently talked over Billy Monger when he paused thanking the people who saved him.

    So usual BBC 

  12. Haven't been able to get out on a Monday afternoon for some time thanks to work, fisheruk let me know there have been several squirrels arrived on the bird tables last week, wasn't in work last night so planned on a few hours this afternoon.

    Turned up nice and quiet with a squirrel waiting 😊 rifle out squirrel sat still and I missed? Twice!! Sound was a bit off, went outside to check my zero and was hitting low probably 6 inches at 15 yards!! Low air, disaster, the downside of having an old air rifle with no gauge.

    Chat with the manager then off home, nice to be out but Doh!


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