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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 28 minutes ago, walshie said:

    How cold did it get your way last night?

    -5°C sometime during the night and -4°C at 6 a.m here in West Wales.

    Brrr. ❄️

    -1deg at 6am this morning with a car park full of frozen cars.

  2. 5 hours ago, sitsinhedges said:

    Hope it has a big middle finger poking out to remind all the spineless remainers to get stuffed

    this was my first thought, but aimed at the folk in Europe who want to keep us under their heel.

  3. I recorded the fight as the constant adverts ruins it for me, but that's the price of the fight not being on sky, put it on thought the entrance and build up was good with a really good crowd backing their man, started nodding, not the fights fault up early and out beating.

    but after reading the comments above don't think I'll bother watching it now.

  4. 3 hours ago, Dave at kelton said:

    Lasted me about a year before splitting along the side where they flex

    My last pair of hunters lasted less than a year. Just bought a pair of Musto from John Norris, currently half price. Let’s see how they go but with the musto name I expect them to be good.

    well they get a two year warranty so any problems and there going back.

  5. 25 minutes ago, flynny said:


    Look at me, look at me ,look at me,


    she/ he just wants her 15 mins of fame, which unfortunately social media promotes, she will jump on any agenda that's suits her "social status"


    get a a life little girl



    And she can say what she likes because of the sacrifice those white men and many others made, as well as plenty of other colours.

    I really hope she isn't studying history. 

  6. Looks like a nice rifle and a good detailed write up.

    8 minutes ago, bumpy22 said:

    great guns but as time moves on so does development i am afraid 

    I know what you mean, but good guns are still good despite age.

  7. 11 minutes ago, old'un said:

    Talking of social media, I am not into social media (apart from PW) but I wonder how many of us who are into social media actually us it to counter the rubbish put out by the antis, some of the post above are very good and would counter a lot of the rubbish being spouted by the media/press, or are we just preaching to the converted on here?

    Probably preaching to the converted, as an example there were several people basically arguing on Facebook a bit ago concerning a pox outbreak in Formby, despite all the usual points being put across by a lot of people about the need to control grey squirrels and remove them from red areas, there were plenty of folk who refused to believe it was needed.

    Same folk will always agree and disagree, problem now is social media puts everything at your finger tips.

  8. 50 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    they just see the piece of meat, shrinkwrapped on the shelves at the local Tesco......the public do not want to see dead animals.....so don't show it to them!....if we do, we will get this reaction every time! 

    like the screen shot TT put on, my kids were helping pluck some pheasants two weeks ago, my sister in law said the exact same thing "disgusting! just buy it like everyone else"

    folk want food but don't want to see how it gets there.

  9. Not surprised a SMP has no idea what actually goes on in rural Scotland, the article says £155 MILLION is generated, if shooting was banned what are they going to replace this money with?

    The woman in the article probably did more to boost tourism than the smp ever has.

  10. On ‎16‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 18:47, rsrjerry said:

    Red Kitten, been hand rearing few weeks now, came to me eyes and ears closed , lots of time and effort by myself and the Mrs and he is about ready to go out into the outside enclosure before release back out into the woods


    Great picture that Jerry, and out come for the little red.

  11. On ‎21‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 00:13, Ultrastu said:

    Another one in flight 


    Love that pic stu, the reflection on the water really makes it great.

    The collar issue will always raise different opinions, I've never heard of a dog being injured because of its collar, obviously its a risk but then so is a dog running into any cover.

  12. 19 hours ago, Scully said:

    Sounds dire. I can honestly say I watched part of one episode when Evans started hosting, and not even part of one since. Great shame, it was compulsive Sunday night viewing at one time. 

    Quite often stick it on on Dave, old but gold.

    11 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    I think you've promoted him a level or two but yeah. He presents Take Me Out, but I don't know what that is and feel no compunction to look into it.

    Just watch the first few minutes while the girls walk out.

    Best thing paddy ever said was they couldn't do a program with blokes behind the lights because they wouldn't turn them off.

    Pretty sure flintoff was really good behind the wheel on league of there own.

  13. My brother had a can go off in a tool box 😅😅 

    As for pictures off your phone really simple, click in the choose file below, select pictures, click one then press the plus symbol that comes up on the picture.

  14. if you had gone off the thread then back on you could have put another picture up.

    our feeders haven't been getting touched, as you say loads of natural food about, bring on the frost.

    And good shooting.

  15. On ‎12‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 05:52, getthegat said:

    I'm only a little way into this book, but already loving it. My sleep pattern is rubbish, often I'm awake at silly o'clock and rather than start worrying about work, now I can pick up this book. This morning I was struggling with not laughing out loud, but managed to keep to snorts and sniggers, so as not to wake the snoring missus beside me. The preparation of the birds and animals, the smell of the blood and poop on his hands being an effective contraceptive 😂 and some of the dog training parts, wrung so true to me. I picture the buildings he describes, the land and tree's, the outbuildings full of piled up furniture, it's so expressive, a feast for the mind that does not need a screen, just your own imagination. I can't wait to read more. Thanks so much moondoggy 😀

    very off topic, sleep patterns!!

    There was an article about nigella Lawson ( yum) in the paper yesterday, apparently we used to sleep for around 4hrs get up do stuff then have more sleep but the industrial revolution changed this, it was saying that this is how she sleeps.

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