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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. How much trouble was there during the world cup in Russia? I didn't see anything and was expecting a blood bath, the Russians made it quite clear they were going to crack heads and come down like the wrath of god.

    When I see "another stabbing or shooting" i switch off or ignore it, London is like another country as far as I'm concerned, but its spreading.

    I was shown a video of some scrote trying to kick off with a fella putting his kids in the car at an Asda, he turned away when he realised he was being filmed, but him and his mates still stood there yelling abuse.

    Another was a video of a teenager standing/ jumping on a fancy BMW on the roof, car had slowed in traffic, fella gets out to chase the scum bag away, who has a two foot pipe, then another three or four "youths" appear !! No one comes to help then the video stopped.

    It's spreading these two cases were Fleetwood and preston/Blackpool, most folk have probably seen this already all over the country but i don't look for stuff on Facebook.

    I don't think any softly softly is going to work that ship has sailed.

  2. Well we went to the big display in Leyland tonight and it seemed like everyone else did as well, fun fair on bonfire live music, then about 15 mins of continuous fire works that were very impressive, before this and after it seemed like it was constant fireworks going off all around.

    I hope there not banned but i would prefer if the ones Joe public could buy didn't make it seem like Syria.

  3. 5 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    and that is one of the reasons why i finished work to look after the mrs...............the consultancy was starting to be run by accountants not engineers..........

    why employ me as a RE when they could get a univercity leaver to do the same for a third of the pay..................what they seemed to forget that i paid for my salary every month on re-designs and savings as a result of many years experience............they were just itching to get rid of me...the only thing that was stopping them was the clients programmed their jobs so i could look after them

    Sounds like typical management really, my place have had 40 plus leave so far this year, but they say everything is rosey, Muppets.

  4. 3 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    SPPPPLLLLUTTTTTEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!  Darn it! That's half of my amber liquid down the screen:lol::lol:


    Nice one Bruno.

    bit early for the amber nector? Aberlour 12 year old was on offer at Morrison's last weet, yum 😋

    Have your visitors gone now then Bruno 👍 

  5. I wouldn't have expected a shooting dog to be bothered, we took our old gwp to a display years ago, people were amazed and he loved all the attention, but some fireworks these days are crazy loud, my kids will have hearing protection on tomorrow night at the display.

  6. I enjoy fireworks over a limited time, but plenty of folk don't, pet owners for one, and when they seemed to have stopped then someone starts again at half eleven is bleeding annoying.

    Might be ten years ago now but driving home from work sat in traffic and some idiots used a length of drain pipe to fire a firework at the the cars, bounced off you road and hit the car in front, i couldn't get my window up fast enough.

    Stopped at the pretend police station, a walk in desk to report it, o yes sir happened a few times today 😯😯😯 they weren't interested at all

  7. 4 hours ago, Steveveets said:

    I think we were very fortunate to come away with a win yesterday and yes I agree it was a shoulder charge. Atmosphere at the game was pretty good but with so few try scoring opportunities the crowd didn't have a lot to get excited about but a win is a win!


    They certainly liked the hit that Ben T put in, i know i did.

    And i was also waiting on a drop goal from SA couldn't believe they didn't try it

  8. 2 hours ago, hawkfanz said:

    well guys this is why i,m asking i was surprised to hear of complaints,and ive been on said field today walking dog,,an its got loads of crows diggin up the barley,so i guess i,ll go out again this time i go further away and hope i get no complaints,this is exactly the reason i got the hushy so i wouldn,t bother anyone,i just wanted other opinions on noise level,so i thank everyone for comments/contributions on subject i suppose next step is hushy 410 make things even quieter.

    Is this near you mate? I can come and stand about if you want while you fire off some shots?

  9. Just watched the highlights, so crowd seemed quiet, SA made a lot of errors at the line out England seemed a bit flat in attack, but! Defence looked good, Farrell as always played a great game and kicked brilliant, thought the penalty was going to go against him at the death.

    How was the game in real time?

  10. 1 hour ago, Westley said:

    I am 3 weeks into a 6 week 'stuck in the house' routine. Problem is,  my Wife has just undergone a second bout of radium treatment and is in 6 weeks of isolation and all the washing and cleaning that accompanies it. So, no eating out or trip to the pub, or anything else that involves mixing with people. I seem to have more fishing flies than it is ever possible to use or lose and they just keep coming (at least for another 3 weeks)  !   

    That's proper trapped in the house, hope it works out.

    1 hour ago, eddoakley said:

    My boy was 1 yesterday and I have to admit that I don't think I could cope looking after him all day every day.

    I love having a few hours but it's much easier to go to work.

    But don't let Mrs Edd know that as I keep telling her how easy she has it!





    One already, that's gone quick. But your right don't think were geared up to stay home all day with the nippers, i had a day at home this week because our lad was sick, bike ride doctors chilled out, its easier once there a little older but not all day every day but shhhhhh don't tell the other half

  11. It'll be bed time soon so then you can get the pots and ironing done, we've just been playing snap, lots of fun, went out today and found some belting rhododendrons' for climbing they were growing on an angle, kids 7&4 and loved it

  12. 31 minutes ago, Sciurus said:

    I got up early again this morning to go shooting, it was raining so I made a cup of tea and went back to bed! It suits me fine to believe greys don’t like rain!😂

    I like your style, if i plan on going after work so arriving at 645am and its raining i don't go, i don't think they will rush out of a warm dry drey when its dark cold and wet.

  13. On ‎14‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 19:53, Sciurus said:

    have always been led to believe greys don’t like rain. Certainly on our trail cameras, the reds don’t mind the rain but the greys go absent. If it rained heavily on Friday and all day Saturday, perhaps the greys stayed in the dreys and by Sunday, they were driven out by hunger even if was raining? - just a thought.

    we were out in our local park last Sunday nice sunny afternoon we counted between 20 & 24 squirrels while wandering about, different park this afternoon overcast damp and breezy, by the time we left it was raining and the squirrels weren't bothered at all easily double figures doing there thing, some you could have poked with a stick, they just weren't interested in us.

  14. I saw something similar to this on a programme a while back, they had had wall insulation done which got wet and stayed that way so kept the house cold and damp.

    sounds like no damp course either??

  15. Typical, given i saw quite a few squirrels yesterday i dragged myself out early doors, never saw any squirrels!! A cold wind blowing today while yesterday was still and sunny, the whole wood was still asleep it seemed waiting on the sun getting up.

    Saw two roe as i arrived a woodcock got up, later as i was leaving the black birds and thrushes were on the roan berries and a family of long tailed t*t's maybe 15 of them worked through the rhododendrons, robins and wrens all busy doing there thing.

  16. I had this problem when my sister changed numbers, i had to do as others have said, delete the conversation on the old number, save any pictures you want first. Then ask them to send you a WhatsApp so you can reply to it.


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