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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Well that's been an interesting read, i would certainly say there are levels of poverty about but some of it will be down to how you cut your cloth, if that saying is right?

    some guys i work with say their skint, but earn exactly the same as me, difference will be in how they live or what debts/ child care their paying etc

    Then you will have other people who don't work but still want things so they rack up debt, this might well be the same for people on minimum wage.

    I would say that everything is dearer now a days than when i was a kid 40 years ago, we had to make do and save for things and probably made do with a lot less, my kids are probably spoilt but i can. But their also learning the value of things as they grow.

  2. changes made, kiwis well up for it after having lost two games, three disallowed tries and the ref letting NZ get away with a lot early on, It was always going to be tough but the score line didn't really reflect the game.

    and I've still got ten mins to watch 😂😂 

  3. I only saw the highlights and didn't know why the hakka was being sung over, i wouldn't have been happy if i was at Twickenham and didn't hear it, I've just put the rugby league game on, a very respectful start with all players paying their respects and the hakka then given its own respect.

  4. 3 hours ago, Westward said:

    If only Corbyn could be as respectful...


    It beggars belief when you think that the majority of the casualties would have been Labour supporters yet this sack of turns up in an anorak whilst wearing what appear to be someone else's trousers, his tie not straight, no visible poppy and he couldn't even be bothered to clean his shoes.

    The three folk around him look as though their giving him some proper daggers, if looks could kill.

  5. I already new the result and saw bits of the game yesterday, saw a lot of line outs go wrong.

    Just watched the highlights, looked a good game, should have kicked the penalty but hindsight is wonderful, it probably was offside judging by CL reaction or 50/50 would have been a great end to the game.

  6. 2 minutes ago, 7daysinaweek said:

    It sounds like it was a wonderful celebration at Leyland, I take it the kids were with you?

    Yes all of us were out, dismal morning raining but still a good turnout.

  7. 33 minutes ago, 7daysinaweek said:

    I was in work on Friday in clinic and had just bought pt in for a consultation. Suddenly hears the tones of what I thought sounded like Dame Vera Lynn outside, this was accompanied by many voices singing along, almost choir like. It was quite audible and myself and the patient appeared a little perplexed. It suddenly dawned on me that it in the grounds of our work we have a memorial to the gentleman and ladies  who served in ww2 . I said to the pt that it will be a service for remembrance day coming.

    After i had finished up the consultation I nipped outside to find half a school of kids ranging from the ages of about 5-18 i would say. They had a choir singing along to the 1940's songs and they had laid a large poppy reef on the memorial. It was very moving and wonderful to see so many young people paying their respects and they all appeared to be engaged. I could not stay outside long but the service lasted about 30 minutes by the sounds of it. 




    Sounds great mate, I'm so glad the schools still get involved and it hasn't been deemed un pc and stopped.

    We played rugby in York yesterday and had a minutes silence before the game, something I always find very proud, when players and spectators alike respect the silence.

    This morning we were at the cenotaph in Leyland and there was a great turn out as always.

  8. 38 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Thats the beauty or sometimes horror of LTIP bonus scales some u win some u loose. Factor in 45% tax and we are all winners. I would be sacking remunetation committee signing it off in first place. 

    That's the thing, someone signed his contracts, checked them over and was also probably on a lot of money.

    But how is he going to spend £75 million??? It's not real, so he buys an island sets up his family and their families, he was probably already earning more than most of us could imagine anyway.

    Role the dice.

  9. 7 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    Did anyone watch Question time last night, one audience member had a novel approach to knife crime.
    15 years for carrying.
    Extermination for using !

    Also a fascinating demonstration of 'sky drawing' from Dianne Abbot , coupled with some impressive eye rolling.
    Jordan Petersen barely got to speak, and when he did, she took it that far out of context it was like he had said something completely different !
    Good to see shes just as entertaining as ever. 🤣

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIqeayENY2o   7m35s

    They actually let Diane abbot on the telly where she could be questioned!!

  10. we've got a few nice memorials around town now and I'm sure they'll all be busy on Sunday, the new world war one is something, and trying to explain to the kids about all the names and why their there means that the new generation and next will always remember.


  11. On ‎07‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 20:48, Scully said:

    But no 2nd Lieutenants/Subalterns. It is claimed that of all the officer ranks, this rank lost the most of it's numbers. Mostly ex public school.

    I was watching something this afternoon having my breakfast on world war 1, it was on BBC 2 and quite good, they said that Lieutenants life expectancy was around six weeks!!

    Another interesting thing was that the prog said how people especially the very poor were better off after war, the men that came back were better fed and stronger, there was more work during and after the war so people could afford more food, mortality rate in infants dropped, think they said it had been 2 in 4 were likely to die before the war.

    It also said how women were better off as they had had the chance to work in areas never open to them before.

    I had never thought of something good coming from world war.

  12. 1 hour ago, team tractor said:

    While on the subject of working. My mrs finishes her maternity Xmas but the child fees are the same as she earns . 

    Shes gutted and wants to go back to work to get out the house but it’s actually going to cost her. She’s going to be £30 a month down .

    its wrong 😞  she’s even qualified while on maternity for her new job (government related) but no spaces available just yet. She’s really trying. 


    It’s annoying she’s trying but she’s better off on benefits and being forced onto them 

    My Mrs stopped work when our daughter was born, like you say child care costs vs income meant she might as well be at home as your practically working just to have someone else look after your kid, worked ok for us but everyone is different.

    my sister has gone down the child minder route, so she's working from home and getting paid to stay home .

  13. 49 minutes ago, ferguson_tom said:

    Dont let yourself get worked up about the vocal minority, look and be proud of the vast majority of the country who are proud to wear a poppy and line the streets on remembrance day.

    correct, makes me smile when you look around and see completely different people wearing their poppies.

  14. 11 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    ......and they are spending billions on some stupid high speed train......

    It will knock minutes off the trip to London though????? If your going on the train you don't care when you arrive just that it turns up, they should just copy what the Netherlands have done, wonderful system 

    7 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    No doubt the Police will get around to investigating the crime - just as soon as they have dealt with 5 men burning a cardboard box.

    Bang on, go for the easy target when what should be done is find the scum then publicly drown them.

  15. Some of these responses have made me giggle, obviously depending on where in the country you are wages varry, I'm a skilled machinist and regularly see jobs advertised paying £10 an hour so if this was £100 a day for labouring i don't see the problem.

    As for getting someone to do the job that's probably down to area again, we had trouble getting some plastering done a few years ago, folk turned up measured sent a quote then vanished never to be heard from.

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