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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, Hamster said:

     👏 👍 Indeed it is and criticism duly accepted and noted but it was somewhat on purpose because it's no more  assumptive and ludicrous than

    "but they didn't gripe how it wasn't fair, we were brought up wanting to work not sponge off the state"

    which is the gist of an awful lot of what has come to define the responses to this thread and which you sadly failed to spot. 🙄 🤔

    How is what you quote assumptive and ludicrous? It's absolute fact because its how i was brought up. If you grow up being told you have to make do because money is always tight then you want more, you get a education and a trade and work funky shifts so you can earn more.

  2. On ‎06‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 00:38, suburban shooter said:

    Bruno that was by far the most well written account of a day's squirrel shooting that I have read in a good while. Keep up the good work and the good prose.



    1 hour ago, suburban shooter said:

    Got three 

    Come on son up your game 😘 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Hamster said:

    Cutting out tax loopholes and forcing multi nationals to pay ALL due taxes with no fancy excuses would be a start. 

    That would be great, but it wouldn't help those on minimum wage, and certainly wouldn't affect people on benefits that don't want to work.

    The system has been wrong for a long time, how can it be right that your better off not working than working?

    I grew up with my dad working, but due to ill health and disability he stopped so mum started working, minimum wage job, obviously things weren't as dear then and they claimed disability allowance for dad, but they didn't gripe how it wasn't fair, we were brought up wanting to work not sponge off the state.

  4. It's all well and good saying the rich are too rich, its a shame for the poor, so what's the plan ? Let Corbyn in? Everyone gets £10 an hour? Paid for how? Everything would just go up in price.

    If your only on minimum wage then you need a better job, which is easier said than done when you need to pay the bills and put food on the table.

    I'm sure the rich have always been rich?

  5. 48 minutes ago, Hamster said:

    Actually it rather is, most clay shooters I know spend at least £400 a month on just that one hobby alone, some double that and god knows what some spend on game shooting. I know it's all relative but to live off £1200 a month will mean doing everything on an absolute shoestring with near zero money left for even a drink out let alone a hobby or buying the odd thing that makes you smile. 

    I know for a fact some people where i work are on £8 an hour so £320 a week less tax and stoppages 

  6. 44 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    Did you miss the bit where I said, if theres no problem now, why would there be a problem then ?
    How many illegal immigrants have been known to get into the UK via Eire, hardly any .

    Hardly any we know of, if there is money to be made someone will exploit it.

    It's certainly a stumbling point.

  7. On ‎15‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 13:05, Walker570 said:

    You are correct they are slightly larger.  Pity because they look like a useful pellet.  If nobody wants them they will go in the melting pot.

    I might want them nev? Think the barrel on the bsa i was given is big, I'll measure the wasps he gave me see what size they are.

  8. 4 hours ago, Nial said:

    If you take a step back does this ever increasing price of property do society any good?

    Shortly after I started work I was able to buy a terraced house in Belfast for £33K (27 years ago). As a young engineer that was affordable, I was still able to live and enjoy myself. I sold that 5 years later for £80K, the profit on that, and the profit my wife had made on her flat allowed us to buy our current 5 bed house just outside the Edinburgh bypass, without hammering ourselves again.

    Salaries have gone up a bit, but I pity a similar young engineer trying to get on the property market now, it's as if the people my generation and above have sucked the value out of the market, and they're paying for it. 


    yep, everything more or less doubled over night and the only winners were the banks and a few folk who downsized or inherited.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Fatcatsplat said:

    The offside was interesting - Not sure I've seen a TMO mess about that long for years. Poor old Underhill.

    It would have been a fantastic try for him, brilliant the way he turned his man inside out and finished the try.

    I finished watching the rugby league game, despite getting an absolute kicking i thought it was great that the crowd hadn't left, they stayed and enjoyed the game 👏👏 

  10. 5 hours ago, Mungler said:

    The market is in for a downwards adjustment but it's not going to make much difference for most home owners - they have one home, they have to live in it and market adjustments don't manifest unless you are moving. So, people just sit tight.

    There are bubbles around London that ought to burst - logic tells me that a 2 bedroom flat in Hackney can't really be worth £695k+ but a family detached commuter belt house in the South East near a station and a good school, well that's going to be fairly static as long as London as we know it doesn't disappear to Frankfurt or Paris.


    very good logic, i have never understood how or why people would pay the sort of money they do to be in London £600k plus for a flat makes me cringe. I always think folk should want to sell up and move away??

  11. We'll you won't like this but "countryfile" said this year that we eat lamb at the wrong time, we should be eating mutton in spring and lamb in winter as you folk have said, but don't think I've ever eaten mutton? Unless it was in a pie?

  12. 6 hours ago, Fisheruk said:

    Still ended up finishing them off with my 22lr 😂 tin hat on, I’ll get my coat 🤭


    6 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    The skirt on the Wasp is twice the thickness of the Mossie and putting them back to back the Wasp does look very slightly bigger.  I wondering if tolerances have changed over the years and these were designed for air rifles in use in the 70s.  Certainly they are of little use to me ........ any takers ?????

    have you tried measuring the head size? I'm sure their bigger, something like 5.52, so obviously your barrel doesn't like them.

  13. 8 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

    But statistically I am living in abject poverty? And frankly I can’t agree with that? My

    I think that's probably one of the most honest things I've read Lord Geordie, i would imagine you should be claiming something to make your life a bit easier and you would make the most of it.

  14. 1 hour ago, Vince Green said:

    Part of that (and I don't want to open a separate discussion on European immigration) is because the bottom end of the job market is flooded with unbelievably cheap migrant workers who are not only happy, they are delighted to work for wages that no British man with a family to support could ever survive on.

    Its no surprise that the Brexit vote was highest in areas that should have been traditional  Labour strongholds. The working man has bourne the brunt of unfair job competition and if they complained they were called racist or BNP scum by the VERY PEOPLE who should have been fighting their corner.. 

    Its not just that, if you look at something like machining, and there is still a lot around, companies will pay pretty much the same as others nearby so they have no reason to be competitive, the staff will generally stay put thinking better the devil you know.

    This will likely go for most manual trades as well.

  15. 5 hours ago, Whatmuff said:

    You're bang on mate. There is a lot of generalisation on here as to poor people just spend money on cars , fags, booze and sky TV. Who's sky cost £100 a month? Don't put numbers into people's heads when you have no idea. Cost of living has gone through the roof due to inflation, average food prices have risen 10% in a year which is insane, everyone just blames the fall in the pound. (Bull) . Millionaires are getting richer every day and the rest of us are getting poorer. It amazes me that people can just judge an entire population on millions based on pub chat, "they just breed kids and watch TV with no job, and we are paying for them" 

    Try a nurse on 30k in Kent when the average home is 300k. Still think it's easy for her/him to survive with 2 kids. In today's society?

    Cost of living is very different depending on which part of the country you live in and people are finding it very tough, so don't generalise. I agree there are families that have taken the **** with benefits in the pass and there are definitely millionaires and CEOs that take the **** and pocket stupid amounts of money and avoid tax to add to their wealthy estates, but again not all of them do. And I can't help feeling sorry for someone who takes home 1 million, regardless of how much tax he pays.

    Oh and I can't wait for children in need this year when we get the tax avoidance celebs who tell us all to dig deep for some money! 

    Found it, i said early on about how much dearer things are but that says it better, a nurse on £30k should have a great lifestyle but then an ordinary house "down south" might well be £300k which to us "Northerners" seems crackers, and that's without childcare costs.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    That’s exactly it, you stopped at 2, and it sounds quite sensible. 

    Clearly you thought it through and decided that 2 were sustainable and you could balance the cost VS what reward people have from having children. 


    Or just a bit emptier? Aren’t class rooms apparently bursting at the seems presently? 


    As the poster above shows, some people think it through and decide based on what’ they can afford 🤷‍♂️


    Im not sure i could have managed any more babies, lots of disturbed nights, kids change everything, but most of it is for the better.

    But a question your asked when you go for the snip is "what would you do if you split up with your partner and a new one wants more kids" you can hardly say how many children someone can have, its how you pay for them that matters.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    The issue is though, not looking at this personally - does anyone HAVE to have 2 kids? Or 3? Or 4? Or it is a choice you make? 


    Surprised lots of people don’t think of childcare costs when they consider having kids. I know lots of people don’t, they just get on with it.

    You obviously have to accept that if your going to have kids however that you will have to make sacrifices, whether financial or your time etc and life isn’t going to be the same, especially when they’re young

    Someone said to me once, possibly my old fella, if you looked at how much kids cost you would never have them.

    Do people have to have kids, yes if your healthy and able you do, we stopped at two because we can manage well enough so the kids get nice things.

    Imagine if people just stopped having children? It's people who have never worked banging out 4,5, 6 and up living off the state that is a massive problem.

  18. well 3 pages behind and wow! I think some of you have completely missed what TT was saying, he hasn't had kids so he or his misses can avoid work, he said that his second partner has had two kids and he now has 4 in total, so he's already paying for two with his ex, he said it wasn't worth his current partner going back to work because of the cost of childcare.

    I have two kids and we decided the same thing, we didn't look at child care costs before deciding whether to have children who does?

    But i agree with TT, his misses would like to work but why should she when there is no financial benefit, I'm sure if the government paid half the fee of child care so people could work it would work out better.

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