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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, Deker said:

    Me, because just like when i drive my car if a blue light and sirens come up behind me i pull over.

    No you think o poo!! What did i do? Where did that police car come from, and pull over not take off your helmet and race off on the curb.

  2. 9 minutes ago, B725 said:

    What's an iron? 

    You use them for playing golf.

    4 minutes ago, The gouse said:

    First you should have  bought the iron for her Xmas present.

    that would have been a winner 🥇

    and I've measured the wifes iron cable, had to, its 2mt but she also uses another magic cable that makes the plug socket nearer 😅😅 

  3. 12 minutes ago, otherwayup said:

    I'm not on social media.  Any talk of upcoming demonstrations by the people who voted to Leave?

    Don't see what people could demonstrate about, as yet everything is still just talk.

    I'm still hoping May says there is no dealing with this lot and gives them the Churchill fingers.

  4. 3 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

    I think it is that bad for them to be honest, I was privileged enough to be given a good start in life and grew up in a time where house prices weren't as crazy as they are now, I was also lucky enough to make decent money before the financial crash of 2007 and before this PC culture of today killed off any fun for the young.

    Think of it like this, WE all did crazy ish stuff in our youth and none of it is on camera!! Everything these days is filmed and put on line by people, so any mistakes can haunt you, you can't whistle at someone these days as your being offensive, i get what you mean.

  5. 7 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    Its funny how a large percentage of these people who live in  the South East have come  from many countries that really do have low wages, a poor standard of living, and some with crushing poverty.
    Yet they seem to live in properties with a price tag I can only dream of, who pays for it ?
    Do these cleaners , tube workers and bar staff earn the wages necessary for the rents in London, or are they subsidised by the state ?
    And thats the ones that do work .
    If you get benefits, are you automatically in poverty ?

    I completely agree with your assessment of travel costs, my ex wife used to commute from Nottingham to Birmingham 5 days a week, at a cost of £2600 per year, and that was 10 years ago !
    But she still did it for some reason.

    Im guessing a lot of the workers you have pointed out will be renting rooms and living / working in London because they want to be there in the hussle and bussle of the big smoke and probably don't expect to ever buy a property in London.

    As for people paying big money to commute to work, you negotiate your salary at the interview and factor in travel costs, i can't imagine people travelling for less money or a dead end job.

  6. Just reading Saturday's Daily mail, apparently yesterdays England game should have been a formality, a training exercise for the world cup in using squad players to win games while resting or saving the starting 15 , and considering a NZ 2nd team beat Japan 69-31 two weeks ago you would have expected the same.

    I'll bet there were some unhappy people in the England camp today, and some cracking hangovers in Ireland.

  7. 9 hours ago, team tractor said:

    4 months just to have a ridge put on for me. I’d do it myself but I’m working every hour I can . 

    £50 for 15 minutes work but saved me so much hassle . 

    On ridges they tend to build a collection up and do them on one day doing the rounds.


    what exactly are you after doing ?

    With your luck you would fall off the roof, almost a guarantee. 🤣🤣

  8. 22 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    God .those tins take me back 30 years. 😉

    The magic of opening a new one 

    I thought you meant the tins were thirty years old at first, the bsa i was given must have a big barrel, i put an accupell in it when I got it and it didn't seat it dropped in.

  9. 23 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Embarrassingly, do watch it! Japan were so entertaining...

    England were a bit of a second stringer in the first half and japan made us pay. They were electrifying with ball in hand

    Just  watched the England Japan highlights 😯😯😯 it was like watching a different sport after yesterdays game, yes it was a second string team but they should be trying to say look at me, play me.

    Japan looked really unorthodox but entertaining, no fear in their play.

  10. 13 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    I reserve judgement! We have to remember that England pushed the AB's hard with key players missing from the lines. Plus, I think Eddie Jones is still tinkering. I think he desperately wants Tuilagi fit - but has too many centres to start them all. Same problem at the wings. And I'm still not sure Eliot Daly at FB is a good move; he's just not secure enough under the high ball and come the six nations, Ireland Wales and Scotland like an attacking kick; he will get tested. We'll see...

    I'm not sure Tuilagi will ever be fit, and i know what you mean England were missing key players, but Ireland were great and things didn't go wrong when they made changes, like the line out.

    watched most of the Scotland game and they were ok , not sure how wales were 24 a piece then scored 40 odd unanswered points.

    Six nations will be interesting 

  11. And breathe!!! That's how rugby should be played, the ref was great not constantly going to the replay so the game flowed, it reminded me of wales Ireland a few years ago superb defence constant pressure, and took their points when available.

    Ireland for the six nations?

    2 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    I wish the ABs had given us that many pens and errors! That said, what a test match! Ireland's second half defence was impeccable. phase after phase of discipline. England could learn a thing or two about that

    We didn't pressure the all blacks enough, Ireland certainly did.

  12. 2 hours ago, Whatmuff said:

    Yeah it's kind of got out of hand and I can't argue with children. I'd like to see those 4 up against the professor though. I'm out.


    13 minutes ago, Whatmuff said:

    I live in the South East and there really isn't anything for 90k. As far as Luton or Ashford may get you a flat for 150k but this is insanity in itself. Anyone who buys a flat for 150k with interest rates at near zero is asking for defaults and repossession.

    Thought you were out???

    can't imagine most folk wanting a 90k house in most areas, everyone wants to start with a nice big house these days.

  13. 4 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Now my blood pressure's settled, I'm good to watch it! Who's brain-dead idea was it to put Jack Knowell as a centre? He was diabolical for 80 mins and only looked good when out wide - where he should be! penalties, knocks on, missed tackles, let's hope that's never tried again.

    As you say Mice! this one should be a belter

    I watched the last twenty mins of wales, they really ran away with the game.

    Don't think I'll watch the England highlights from what you've said Chris.

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