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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Can't believe you would rather go shooting than work 🤣😂 🤣

    I was watching some videos of a Polish guy on YouTube shooting about 130yards i think.

    150 yard tins is a proper plinking session 

  2. 7 hours ago, ferguson_tom said:

    Thanks the drone idea is a great one, i will look into that.

    The one they did at my daughters school was good because they got all the kids and teachers on it

  3. Been a while, got two young males this morning both shot out of the pine trees, don't think I've fired a shot since the 25th August, thought we were on top of the squirrels as we've hardly seen any and the feeders haven't been getting touched but the tree tops were busy this morning.



  4. Really good photos.

    I realise what probably are the older generation on here are saying about the fact that the survivors of world war two wouldn't have made all this "fuss" on Remembrance day and its not surprising given they lived through it and with it the rest of their lives.

    Neither of my grandparents ever said a lot about the war, we took gas masks and ration books into school as kids, saw some pictures.

    but i don't think we should ever forget what happened otherwise the same mistakes could be made again.

    It doesn't matter whether you think they were heroes or just doing their duty, and the conflicts since, The Falklands, Yugoslavia the middle east to name a few, my daughter asked for 50p today so she can buy her poppy from school tomorrow, which i think is great, obviously the more money raised the better.

    And the fact that a generation that will likely not know anyone involved in world war two will ask questions about what happened.

    Wear your poppy with pride.


  5. 11 minutes ago, Winston72 said:

    We did 24 party bags for the children and we ran out, last year i was still eating sweeties a fortnight later, i dress the drive with cauldron and candles so it fairly obvious we welcome the trick or treaters, my bug bear is when you answer the door and say TRICK, the kids just loo confused and hold there bags out anyway, maybe i am losing my sense of humour along with my hair colour

    My daughter was asking why its trick or treat🤣🤣 we didn't go out but a few came round not many though, it seems to work that folk only knock where lights or pumpkins are obvious.

  6. Only an idea, what about getting someone with a drone to do an aerial photograph, some of the pictures they do are really good and can look good in a reception??

    need to be careful with gifts as these days lots of things can't be accepted 

  7. 1 hour ago, Sciurus said:

    Kev, I have an iPhone but because they don’t come with instructions, I haven’t a clue how to edit. There is an edit button but it only lets you rotate or change shade of photo.

    There are only so many things i can get my phone to do, but mines windows, same with computers im ok doing things i do regularly, everything else 😵😵😵 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    My apologies to anyone who may have misinterpreted my original post as somehow disrespectful. That was never the intention.

    fair enough, part of the reason I go to the remembrance service is to take my kids, they have never known anyone who served but i feel its important to be thankful for what those men and women gave up so we can live as we do. So every year we all buy several poppies as they go missing off coats, my Grandad always sold them for the British Legion and i wouldn't be without one in November.

  9. 7 hours ago, Retsdon said:

    I'm uncomfortable with this modern (and it is modern ) obsession with  Remembrance Day. From what I remember and know of the people who actually fought both the first and second wars, they'd have been deeply embarrassed by the extremely 'unBritish' (in the traditional sense) and mawkish sentimentality that pervades the whole business. What makes it even more ironic is that the generations doing the 'remembering' (although quite what they're remembering seeing as they never knew anyone who was there) have, over the last 30+ years, systematically destroyed the culture and social cohesion of the country that my father and grandfather and others of their generations crossed the channel to defend. It's all very saddening.


    So people shouldn't pay their respects?? I'm 42 and both of my grandfathers served in the Second Word War.


  10. sometimes if you try uploading two pictures together the second won't upload because you have gone over the limit, as the others have said you can crop the picture which will reduce the size.

    Or load one then go off the topic, go back and load more, you can resize your pictures but cropping is easiest.

  11. can the English literature police take a day off.

    I saw something last week but can't find it now, something along the lines of     we are living the dreams of those who gave their lives.


  12. 5 minutes ago, davewh100 said:

    is that not the lads from carnt pay we will take it away :whistling:

    ha ha, not where they were i wouldn't have thought, although you never know, bit dark late and hoods up, those types, just what you want the wife thinking about when you work nights 🤬🤬

  13. 1 hour ago, shootthepigeon said:

    It's bad around her for the quad bikes again aswell as anything else that isn't fastened down. 

    The quads are running around constantly, apparently three quads stopped a vehicle lamping last week, beat the occupants up and relieved them of there guns. It's lawless around here at the minute.

    Im surprised that didn't make national news!!

    Been a few cases around the Leyland area of people trying front and back doors, people been putting videos on Facebook.

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