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  1. I won't bore you with the details but thought I would add as I'm under Northants Licensing. Submitted renewal Feb 14th, Running with a Temp Cert 2023, Off to the Kwaks to submit my Wifes Medical Information Proforma ready for Her renewal, Thought I was being over looked for some reason but reading this post has me feeling easier now. If they offer me 35k I'll go give em a hand
  2. Snoozer

    Lager, ebay.

    Why is it Her Fault
  3. Airports should ground all Commercial flights full stop, We're trying to combat a Global killer not pander to the few that would put the rest of us at risk.
  4. Don't blame your Wife, That's what you get for telling her everything she see's is actually Bigger !! Unlikely as I can't see any Blue lights !
  5. Snoozer

    furlough pay

    Redundancy pay You’ll normally be entitled to statutory redundancy pay if you’re an employee and you’ve been working for your current employer for 2 years or more. You’ll get: half a week’s pay for each full year you were under 22 one week’s pay for each full year you were 22 or older, but under 41 one and half week’s pay for each full year you were 41 or older Length of service is capped at 20 years. If you were made redundant on or after 6 April 2019, your weekly pay is capped at £525 and the maximum statutory redundancy pay you can get is £15,750. If you were made redundant before 6 April 2019, these amounts will be lower. Redundancy pay (including any severance pay) under £30,000 is not taxable. https://www.gov.uk/redundancy-your-rights/redundancy-pay
  6. Snoozer

    furlough pay

    As a side note and you may know this, Redundancy pay is not Taxable so make sure you take that into account when working out if your employer is getting off light.
  7. By deduction, If it was Female ( a Rodet) then it would be flying into objects not deftly avoiding them.
  8. Now we're getting somewhere
  9. Looks like an interesting upgrade.......
  10. You Snooze, You Loose, That's how I got my Name 😞
  11. Can I be the first to congratulate the winner whilst I go off an sulk
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