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Everything posted by PPP

  1. On purpose or when you happen to be cycling past?😀🎃🎃
  2. So a big enough handful of big enough pebbles thrown by an experienced, competent thrower solves the matter right?
  3. No, that was Tunisians ...😀 I’ve caught yellow fins off the rock break waters in canaries on spinning rod, to simulate this just hook up (quick) motorbike ..
  4. Yep, all legal expenses insurance claims are accepted when the balance of probability is success.. Any pre existing won’t be covered... ‘my house is on fire, can I now buy insurance’ ..
  5. This, although most conscientious guns ask about birds going to food chain, however if shoots lie.... I think a big part of the problem is overseas teams who don’t give a damn, fly in shoot several back to back 1,000 bird days and **** off...
  6. I’m afraid that your logic doesn’t follow, there are no clays that simulate high bird shooting, end of... Unless shooting can stand together and not fight itself we have not chance of standing up to the anti pressures, as I mentioned before, the real issue is that some people shoot at birds beyond their skill level. And as for you your reference to German teams, we often beat and pick up for a team of visiting Bavarians and the amount of ‘double tap’ pillow casing that goes on is no laughing matter... Shoot the birds that give you pleasure and unless dangerous or unsporting don’t criticise others choice to shoot what gives them pleasure.
  7. For when it starts blatting down with rain on the range and you want to sit it out...
  8. Any suggestions for a waterproof rifle slip?
  9. Sure they weren’t sugar Beet?? 😀
  10. Thanks, no plans to head to Scotland yet, but when I do there is a .275 in Italy that is ‘mine’ (left to me) so I’ll be having a chat with FAO and bringing that back.
  11. PPP

    How cold?

    2.5 at 6 am this morning on way to work
  12. Thanks, that makes sense, my rifle is raggedy holes at 100 yards (even in yesterday’s **** weather) with both Winchester and Federal 80gr and an inch and a half with the 100 gr Winchester and 90gr prvi, I’ll stick to the 80 taking your point about Scotland on board. Neutron, thank you, cap doffed!
  13. But what if speeds were different and energy was the same?
  14. Thanks, I had Roe in mind.... thanks for putting my mind at rest 😀
  15. Surely energy being made up of speed and weight is the same energy, by which I mean heavy and slower vs lighter and faster, if they are both delivering say 1900ftlbs, surely that’s the same.. The reason I ask is that my 243 prefers 80gr rather than 100gr but a number of ‘experts’ have. dismissed the 80gr as being too light, even though it delivers more energy.. Surely this is nonsense...?
  16. ,Highly recommend then!!
  17. Thanks, I’ll have to take other side apart to ascertain sizes...
  18. www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-45865403
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