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Everything posted by PPP

  1. PPP


    Apparently banana skins taped on work for some...
  2. PPP

    Cammo Net

    5*5? Jesus, how tall are you?
  3. Purely as an experiment I’d like to try a red dot on my Franchi BUT I don’t want to drop a monkey on aimpoint.. I see several places have Hawke red dots for 50 -150 which I can live with. Has anyone used one for a shotgun? Any recommendations please
  4. Aha! Because we always end up going over budget, so although we try to collect ½ if usually ends up being ⅓ of running costs... See above
  5. This may suit https://goshooting.org.uk/ads/essex-pigeon-and-vermin-shooting/
  6. PPP


    Terrible, I’ve heard they have resorted to wiping their ***** on £20 notes as a cost saving measure
  7. 50% on booking with email copy of licence and insurance, balance 50/50 at the start and end of day to cope with over/underages seems normal for us on booked days We have 2 places on syndicate for next season (1 retired and one extra gun so now standing 8 guns) prospective members are invited pigeon flighting and for a pub dinner at a cost of 50 quid before being ask to stump up subs. We collect 50% of subs end of March and 50% when birds arrive for syndicate (plus the further 50% in October when we see how costs have inflated)
  8. I wouldn’t use a payment institution (transferwise, Fairfx etc) for a USD cheque, it can take months to clear unless you are using a correspondent bank, that’s if those guys accept them as US cheques are a PITA. Id go to your bank but equally I’d not hold onto it, some interesting noise coming out of septics today ... we might be about to benefit from being less in the **** than US and EU again (same as ten years ago)...
  9. PPP

    Knives in cars

    Helping out over the shoot I’m forever needing, but forgetting to take a pocket knife me. I have a small buck lock knife which is perfect for the tasks that I encounter and I’m wondering whether to leave it in the center console with the gloves that I also nearly always forget. in the unlikeyely event that my car was broken into ( has never happened) or indeed someone crashed into me (never happened) and the police were to attend and become aware, where would i stand legally?
  10. Thanks for posting this, it’s easy to walk on by when you see it everyday and witness people changing into begging clothes and getting dropped of by car at hotspots and dismiss everyone as scamming junkie scum. Thanks for making me stop and think about genuinely desperately unfortunate people. Does anyone else remember ‘country coats to syria’, I wonder what happened to that?
  11. The perfect solution, especially if you can find one in 20 and then the carts are also less bulky to carry
  12. Good timing Dave, mine are going on tomorrow, a good month later than normal as it’s been sooo mild
  13. I’ve seen a few of these, seem quite expensive... any suggestions? Are they worth the money vs trying to bridge one togerher?
  14. Thanks, I didn’t realise that they did servicing!
  15. Any suggestions as to who may service a Hawke scope? I inherited a Hawke sidewinder but I’m not sure it’s been particularly well loved, the zoom is very stuff, the battery lid is chewed up and it has a couple of scratches and I’d like it tidied up. Thanks
  16. Howard leights for me, if clay shooting I also add foam plugs
  17. PPP


    Good Call.. Id suggest waders are best viewed as an investment.. in the last 12 years my vizion icon waders and two pairs of boots (due some more please Santa) have cost me about £30 per year and the waders are still great. Go for breathable waders and boots and you can always layer to keep warm
  18. Particularly helpful this evening 🙄
  19. Thanks, but not quite, it had a sleeve/tube stuck to the outside of the satchel
  20. Although I think most charities are only set up to help themselves and use a topical sad news story to extract cash.. £200k isn’t much for a vaguely ok CEO
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