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Everything posted by PPP

  1. Yeah, recently moved shooting bags out to garage to keep domestic bliss, but this one has sneaked back in!
  2. Thanks for the suggestions gus, I went with nature trek in the end having not an enough improvement to justify spending more. Are there any issues with keeping them in the shooting bag in the garage?
  3. I wish they wouldn’t refer to guns and rifles as weapons, they don’t call knives or cars weapons.. It paints a picture of negative intent.
  4. Doubt it, most of these houses are in offshore holding companies or trusts (hence the change in stamp a few years ago) with multiple nominee ownership structures meaning a recovery is impossible. Just more quickly and poorly thought out legislation and a token gesture at best to try to keep us plebs quiet.. London is still the best city in the world to be domiciled if you can afford to be outside of the law.
  5. Ban hasn’t gone through, it’s being read on Monday
  6. Love my wooden stock running Hornady Vmax and Atec Mod, wouldn’t change it, Vermin hate it!
  7. We were in recession last year, just didn’t hit press.. Q4 2019 looks like it could be painful if Brexit is a mess, general election and ⅔ tough budgets
  8. PPP

    Canada goose

    Or feed it too dog, taste awful..
  9. Same for me, shop advice was to only clean when accuracy screwed, and to never clean 22LR (mind you they sell new guns ...)
  10. Ok, Im biased because I hate anyone that refers to themselves as a celebrity, worse ones that are famous ( in their living room) from reality TV But Anyone see the ‘shark attack’ on Bear Grills show? Ive had worse ferret nips.. No wonder we have a nation of snowflakes... And anyone that refers to a mango tree as a community of mangos (Jo Wood) should be banned from speaking..
  11. That day was also a washing day!! I genuinely was amazed, it was a ‘here goes nothing’ moment and having grown up with GS I was amazed as it’s not a brilliantly trained dog...
  12. Weirdly, I managed to stop someone else’s GS running flat out me and my little cocker 2 weeks ago, not sure who was most surprised.. Didn’t have anything but sheer luck..
  13. Always found Nick at Avalon to be brilliant, unfortunately it’s 200 mile from me .
  14. I like the low light idea of 56 but you are tight, I need to try some ... I like the convenience idea of 32 as well!
  15. Brill, thanks! Nope hadn’t even considered it, other than size, what’s the upside?
  16. Crikey, that does sound serious, I’ll stick to the brand I end up with most of following testing... thanks guys!
  17. Really brilliant, thAnks.. I wondered about these..
  18. Excellent, thanks, I like Hawke stuff and their service is very good, that’s encouraging! I liked the idea of endurance 8*56 but thin they might be too bulky?
  19. Hi My Hawke premier binoculars have started to fall apart and aren’t really up to the standard that I now need. Any suggestions? If I could se change from £300 that would be good
  20. Drive around and find them, then find farmer and hope he’s in a good mood...
  21. Thanks guys, reloading is now sounding more appealling, local gunshop suggested 150 kit to start out plus materials.. Can I use a variety of cases, or should I just pick one type ( I have used brass in Winchester, federal and prvi) Thanks!
  22. Either anschutz thumbhole because of trigger or t bolt laminate because straight pull is great and being stainless it’s kess of a pita if and when you get caught in rain... didn’t look past these as got bored, sorry
  23. Insurers won’t charge a fee in cooling off period, or they shouldn’t. Tell Swinton you are unhappy with their marketing and that you don’t feel they have treated you fairly and acted in your best interest and having been a longstanding client you expect the cancellation change to be waived as you feel they have unfairly profited from you in the past and see what happens...
  24. Full tweeds for driven days, moleskin breaks and schoffel gilet for rough stuff, always shirt and tie, usually boots unless heavy ground then wellies.
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