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Everything posted by PPP

  1. PPP


    Great job, hate magpies
  2. PPP

    Packing in booze

    I commented on a thread a few weeks ago and a couple of others were going to follow suit.. I thought it might be useful to support each other to maybe inspire/warn others depending on how it goes. Although I didn’t feel drinking was reckless or out of control, I had fallen into the habit drinking 2 or three beers every evening and sometimes more and had also put on a stone since Christmas ( a time when excess is the norm) probably 2 stone year on year and wanted to do something to break the cycle. The problem I found was that after 2 beers I would raid the kids crisps etc and that was the fundamental issue in weight gain. So, after 9 days, it’s been pretty easy, I haven’t suffered the **** taking I had expected ( don’t want to not to go the pub) and I have discovered Adnams ghost ship alchohol free which isn’t as terrible as I had expected ( however for gods sake don’t try St Peters zero) and satisfying that urge for a beer, although it’s still high calorie so a shift to diet alternatives is in progress ( very sweet though).. I definately feel mentally Sharper already, sleep is getting better and work shirts aren’t as dangerous as they were when I need to do top button up.. I don’t think I ll give up alchohol for ever, couldn’t never drink champagne again as a start but I’m definately dry until the autumn internationals, I’ll need a drink then as I have already realised how boring drunk friends are when I’m stone cold sober. However I’m hoping that this will break the habit for good and with a healthier diet and some exercise I’m hoping to lose 1.5 stone by Christmas, and keep it off!
  3. Steve, look into legal expenses that you get with home insurance, that might help or worst give an advice line. They might be able to help with cease and desist letters to remove the offending comment, financial remedy will probably be out of scope as that could get lumpy..
  4. Shame Netflix never took more series as availability elsewhere is patchy
  5. I heated the wax too, it did a 12 years olds jacket, treggings, hat and that’s it .. with me being built for comfort rather than speed I’m not sure one tin will cater for my jacket and treggings.. Conservatory worked well, hottter than Hades in there! Would last one day beating if lucky Indeed.. and to make sure outside of wellies! Yeah but modern materials don’t stand up to brambles...
  6. With two boys interested in beating (one having completed his first season last year, the other to start) and my own stuff I have a lot of rewaxing to do and the Barbour stuff isn’t cheap, any suggestions for decent alternatives? It’s a rubbish job so I don’t want to make it any harder than necessary
  7. What a brilliant bit of kit, certainly not doing things by halves ! Won’t being that accurate get boring ?
  8. Hi Trevor whats the format and if standing how many guns? Thanks
  9. Yep, on GL.. knock yourself out mate ? although it’s quite cool seeing them fly below office window chasing pigeons...
  10. I think this has raised another issue around the difference in attitudes of shoots, I helped out on two shoots last year, beating, picking up and Vermin control, one had a very open minded and thought out view of its place in the countryside, the othe had a scorched earth policy to anything that wasn’t a game bird. One struggles for beaters, the other doesn’t, I wonder why... Although neither in any way acted illegally the ethical view of one compared to the other was astonishing.
  11. Disgraceful, but Keepers are under pressure and shoot owners should also be held culpable to have more incentive to stop the behaviour. HOWEVER — No mention of Hen Harrier apart from in title .... 0Disgraceful, but Keepers are under pressure and shoot owners should also be held culpable to have more incentive to stop the behaviour. HOWEVER — No mention of Hen Harrier apart from in title ....
  12. Err, we don’t tip our keeper, we do pay his wages, house and car costs etc though...
  13. You’ll find the ride in the ml too floppy if used to cayenne
  14. AA got me out of the absolute pooh about 4 years ago in Italy, would never leave now
  15. Hi Mick is this still available?
  16. Low 30s is a good call, I’ve got same engine in 2017 VWTourag amd running off road tyres all year around I have just scraped 30 mpg after 18 months and 18,000 miles
  17. I’m on my second, which year are you referring to?
  18. I use Black gold Dark Storm in 30g 6 for everything now s the pigeon cartridges aren’t that much cheaper in relation to the volumes I Shoot (at) and consistency is king for me, the only exception is Black Gold 35g 5’s for tall stuff (or Hull HPX 32/5 if I can’t get the black gold)
  19. PPP


    Tons around our area, here I Shoot and also at home, very difficult to get within RF distance as you refer, stupid old trout next door has a next in her pine trees and feeds them...
  20. Stick to barrels and safety off only once barrels pointing to sky, your Gamekeeper will thank you, Beaters are hard to come by.. The other way round is sloppy but a habit some clay shooters have got into because it’s less of a dr,a shooting clays, the problem is when they so shoot game and can’t get put of the habit.
  21. I’d suck it up and buy Croots, will last forever if looked after, bit of a cost though...
  22. I find this all very strange... the cause of shooting and stabbing is well understood but the problem is never acknowledged like some dirty secret, murders are committed by gangs selling drugs and fighting for turf, surely the method of killing shouldn’t be the focus? Notwithstanding the fact that illegal firearms aren’t exactly in short supply. Bizarre..
  23. PPP

    Stopping drinking

    Thanks, I’ll give this a go. My plan is to do a few months off and then revert as you refer to.
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