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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. hope whoever came up with this idea doesn’t get to use a firearm near me lol
  2. the whole firm are about as genuine as a knock of handbag next stop roles in eastenders
  3. all a pigeon expects to see on a field is other birds if you have a flightline to any field and use dead birds for your pattern you will shoot pigeons can’t go far wrong sticking with the basics
  4. SAID TO BE? obviously the firms pr chap is on the ball like to see this so called income in one pile
  5. no time for any of them but how is discussing how dark his skin will be racist when it’s EXACTLY the same as asking how dark his hair will be hag harkel obviously has no idea what racism is
  6. nice job there sounds like one of my farmers two hundred on the drill and it’s just spillage secret bird lovers i think lol
  7. brilliant idea just a shame nurses are above withholding treatment from the ungrateful who will still accept it
  8. trust me when doped up you don’t know your pulling all the pipe work and stuff out in the early hrs only one on watch to save you is the NURSE if she feels to short changed to check on you a few quid won’t matter when your dead
  9. exactly this is a debt not a pay rise despite being terrified of dying they stepped to the plate for the lives of others checkout staff don’t hold your hand at 3am in icu prison officers don’t clean your drain out that would make a pig vomit sir tom must be hanging his head with shame if they don’t deserve a few quid all government support should stop
  10. i’m glad someone is grateful those against it will be quick enough to accept treatment to save their life no doubt
  11. wow how to angry millions of VOTERS is one go boris gump must be drunk on drugs or insane
  12. rrp £609 and not even side lever loading
  13. clangerman


    he probably works for bristol city council staff around his age not mixing with the public or at risk are being jabbed in droves is there nothing this country can do without being corrupt
  14. as the water we drink comes from lead pipes if bill harriman does not feel a fool he should do if their new cry of toxic toxic is to be believed (none are that foolish!) their main concern should be the health of our children not a bit of shot so don’t drink the water strip your roofs it’s toxic i tell you toxic lol
  15. i don’t have time for any of them what sort of people reside in mansions while service men who fought for this country live on the streets never had a blister from a real days work between the lot of them worthless
  16. as you couldn’t get more feet on the ground opinions than on pigeon watch either they can’t read or don’t care no mistaking the views i left
  17. don’t tempt fate few whines from the pc brigade and that will soon change
  18. as few are closer to the brink of extinction than shooters if they are that big on conservation their next shirt will feature support for us
  19. excellent suggestion they couldn’t sell us out any worse if grotty greta was in charge
  20. very un pc today had egg collection as a boy kept them in biscuit tins on bed of sawdust friend fell climbing once biggest panic was the whipping in store still remember comparing our welts ouch!
  21. on plus side if your a fan who shoots you know these three are not worth supporting
  22. when the ban has been and gone your children will still be drinking water from lead pipes which just shows the motives of those pushing this rubbish are neither health or the environment
  23. had they not signed up to the ban i would have donated now it’s going on my lead stock pile life comes with consequences
  24. with micro plastic now found throughout the food chain rather eat a few bits of shot than a plastic wad and cartridge case those pushing this rubbish ignore the fact joe public’s biggest concern is the plastic not the shot
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