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Everything posted by PERCE

  1. Make a date in the diary for this years event, bigger & better than last year.
  2. If you have the papers why didn't you just do it online?
  3. Well I'd be unsteadying her & making it all a big game, fun for her to chase, fetch & bring you things. Start indoors or in the garden, use anything that she'll happily retrieve, let her give you it & don't grab at it. To me what you are describing is a dog lacking confidence.
  4. have you got her steady to a thrown dummy or are you still making it a fun game & allowing her to run in?
  5. Don't look at your dog before you send it, all that does is encourage him to look at you, he can then loose his mark.
  6. Too much too soon, once a dog makes noise like that it'll never quit. Either put up with or send her off to pet land.
  7. You'de be better off spending a bit more & getting a magazine type one from Gundog Gear, EMGE or Rohm, they last longer & are less prone to miss firing.
  8. Dogs have to be under control in the beating line, your invites to help will be greatly reduced if you have an uncontrolled headbanger wrecking the drives & running through the flushing points. You see all sorts in the line & on the peg don't knock them if they can do a job.
  9. Ordinary dummys will also stand up on their end without too much hassle, you set a line of them out getting progessively further away to help increase a dogs blind range. Vary the track you use though or you can end with one trick pony.
  10. Just use an ordinary dummy & stick a sports sock over it.
  11. http://www.gundoggear.co.uk/dummy-launchers-34-c.asp
  12. & you might go through 1/2 a dozen dogs before you get one that YOU are good enough to trial.
  13. Why then did you start the thread in the first place?
  14. & great number of pups are bred & sold for good money on the back of others work. How many adverts do you see 'Sire by xxx FTCH'? I'd buy direct from FTCH stock, at least you know that the parent has abiltiy & trainabilty, proven & judged by others.
  15. It's worth getting a relationship with a local butcher. Mine gives me free lamb breasts (approx 8kgs a week) & sells me chicken wings & carcases at a cheap price. I might have to pay more for our own meats than supermarket shopping but it is always top quality. It might be worth seeing if DAF deliver in your area http://www.daf-petfood.co.uk Their products are okay but similar can be sourced cheaper, look for local suppliers. I feed RAW so only give pulped veggy /eggs once a week or so. I wouldn't worry about moving a pup over onto this style of feeding straight away, although I'd be looking to give it minced feed & supervising it closely with wings etc. I bought in an older Cocker & she struggled with wings for quite a while, I had to smash them with a hammer, she didn't struggle with lamb breast though. I've fed RAW for over 2 years now & my only regret is not buying a bigger freezer when I started.
  16. A barley horn just about killed one of my dogs, it worked its way down through her system casuing temporary blockages until it finally got stuck, it virtually trashed her guts & she was very lucky to survive.
  17. Well put it this way, the last time I had a shot at a clay was 30 years ago & I don't think Will is that old. & well shot by the way
  18. Thanks for giving us a spell away from stand 6, most of the other lads that worked the traps didn't get the opportunity, looking at my score though I think I'd better stick to my dogs. Your score was one of the best on the day, didn't see too many better whilst I was working. When we were clearing up somebody said that there was 270 entries taken for the 40 bird, it was also commented upon how the regular clay shooters enjoyed having somewhere different to shoot.
  19. I just hope there's a decent turn out of folk there & the weather is good.
  20. Mike might want to do summat else at 9.00am tomorrow.......................
  21. Mike said 20 for the pool just before I left today. I also only left clays at 5 stands but I did then go on the pie run so something more than likely changed Confused as ever but that's half the fun of going to Aske during the winter
  22. 20 bird pool shot, £5 a go, I think there'll be 4 traps for this. This will also double up as a have a go stand. There's 5 different stands for the main shoot, each set up with 2 traps. Now I didn't ask but it would appear that the main prize is 50 bird not 40. There's 1 stand for the flush. All set up in a wooded valley, which should provide some fun shooting.
  23. As far as I know it's £15 for the 40 Bird Sporting & £10 each (ie £20 in total) for the Flush. I was told this when I collected some posters, one of which I scanned & posted on here. I'll check again incase I wasn't listening & confirm it.
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