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Getting one back on the deer

henry d

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I was a bit disheartened this morning after several unsucessful stalks, so I was full of hope when I arrived at the area I earmarked for this evening as there were seven deer in the field and I hadn`t even reached the high seat !

The only buck was young and I had intended to take him but when I got into position he was over 200 yds away and still going :angry:

As I got towards the seat I was spotted and 4 ran off so I just carried on to the seat. It was one of the 3 legged ones and a swivel seat and very comfy.

Long story short, several deer(around 16 all told !!) came and went and eventually I had the lad I wanted, fully grown and a poor head. I had a bad case of "Buck fever" and had to leave him and fortunately he was walking parallel to me and just as I was getting ready a doe was startled by a hare running past her and I had to take the shot as he was ready to bolt.

Pick the spot, squeeze, BANG ! he ran 20 yds and stopped then fell sideways. I found out when I gralloched him that I had taken half his heart out with the shot and it must have been the adrenalin that drove him.


Hope the hex is broken and I can getb the cull sorted properly !


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Well done HD, you are doing better than me!!


For the last month i have been absolute mustard on foxes (13), but cannot get near a buck. I had two near the start of the season and mostly they went in good-will presents to neighbouring shoots and landowners. I could do with one for the freezer!


atb, ft

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