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1st time lamping


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I had a message a week or so ago from Iaindp, explaining that his "mad keen countryside loving Nephew" was coming up from the Cotswolds to stay for a week, and was there any chance we could take a trip out lamping...


Naturally I excepted, and agreed to meet Iain and Jordon last night around 7:30. Unfortunately the only stubble farm left in my permission bank, had seen me take 7 odd foxes over the last month or so - and with the last 2 outings resulting in blanks, I wasn't to hopeful for some action.


We pulled into the farm, made a quick turn to the left and with the 1st flick of the beam there we're eyes looking at us - the problem was, they disappeared into the wood just as quick :) - We called for 2-3 mins to no affect.


Onwards we went, where we did one pass of the entire farm, with Iain at the wheel of the 4x4, Jordan on the lamp & myself with the rifle - before we found ourselves back at where we had started.


This time I asked Iain to take a wide berth of the wood, get downwind a little and then stop. I begun calling, and I guess 2-3 mins had passed before Mr Todd was poking his head out of the wood - Jordan did a fantastic job of keeping "with it" on the lamp, as it begun to run right handed on us towards another small copse.


A quick "Baaaaaaaaa" ensured it's final undoing as I squeezed a 55grn homeload to drop a nice vixen at 85 yards.


I think Jordan was over the moon, and now has one my prized Lapua Match cases as a souvenir


One more of us, ones less of them! - I understand he's out with Stealth Stalker tonight (hopefully not being shown how to miss them, eh mate :lol: ) and then out with the local gamekeeper on Wednesday, getting his hands dirty before a good day in the beating line on Thursday!


Here's a (crappy) photo of Jordan with the Vixen.



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Your a cheeky *** int yer, as I recall young charlie let it out the bag the other night that you've been having a few misses of late :good: We don't hear about those <_<


Didn't make it out tonite, had a busy day today & managed to gouge my eye on some blackthorn :lol:


Anyway well done on showing young Jordan the ropes.

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Thanks for the outing Gary - Jordan was absoutely made up. Hasn't stop talking about it since and he's even called home to tell his Mum all about it. Definately a 'keeper in the making.


We had a drive / walk around last night but apart from seeing a fox which I managed to scare off after calling in to 20 yards!


So the rest of the week looks like this for the boy:


Today - All day with local keeper, dogging in, feeding, marking out etc (He was almost scratching at the door to get out at 6.30am this morning)

Tomorrow - All day beating with the usual suspects

Friday - Perhaps a bit of pigeon shooting (SS, don't suppose you're out with the ferts on Friday)??

Saturday - head back down to the Cotswolds to meet a local 'keeper for a day's beating.

Sunday - Rest!


A really kind local 'keeper has said that if I take him on his shoot on Saturday, he might even be able to get a regular round, feeding the birds etc. All the support for a newbie is really heartening. Thanks & well done to all!



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Thanks for the outing Gary - Jordan was absoutely made up. Hasn't stop talking about it since and he's even called home to tell his Mum all about it. Definately a 'keeper in the making.


We had a drive / walk around last night but apart from seeing a fox which I managed to scare off after calling in to 20 yards!


So the rest of the week looks like this for the boy:


Today - All day with local keeper, dogging in, feeding, marking out etc (He was almost scratching at the door to get out at 6.30am this morning)

Tomorrow - All day beating with the usual suspects

Friday - Perhaps a bit of pigeon shooting (SS, don't suppose you're out with the ferts on Friday)??

Saturday - head back down to the Cotswolds to meet a local 'keeper for a day's beating.

Sunday - Rest!


A really kind local 'keeper has said that if I take him on his shoot on Saturday, he might even be able to get a regular round, feeding the birds etc. All the support for a newbie is really heartening. Thanks & well done to all!


Could do a mornings ferting in our woods on friday.


Molly was confidently marking some nice little warrens today, just back from the pen :whistling:



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