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The 9-11 Pentagon Cover Up


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I guess this is to replace all the JFK conspiracy theories that were finally put to bed years later!


I have seen stuff like this before and the expanation was that the plane more or less vaporised, but that doesn't really explain the eye witness reports :(


BTW There are now websites with conspiracy theories about how MI5 planted the 7/7 bombs in London, 'and the beat goes on'.....

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Elvis is alive

the cia did for JFK

they didnt land on the moon

it was a missile that hit the pentagon

the twin towers were downed by mosad

Princess dia was done in by mi5

and of course as reported excluslively in the daily sport a london bus is on the moon!

god the list for the gullable is endless

Cheers KW

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I saw a TV programme about this some time ago and the "experts" came to the conclusion that it wasn't a civil airliner involved and more likely a missile fired either accidently or deliberately or a military jet crashing into the pentagon, either way the evidence presented certainly ruled out a loaded civil airliner.

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I have to say it sounds like a load of rubbish to me.


I will watch it again, but one this immediately springs to mind. Its the bit where they ask if a jet punches neat holes in reinforced buildings. I say, yes, they are far more likely to than any conventional weapon in current service. That kindof damage would be caused by something big and heavy moving very fast. That is kinetic damage, not explosive. Even a ground penetrating bomb would have blown the bejesus out of the first few sections and then caused only blast damage to the rest. Also, something like that would not have penetrated horizontally, as the are not designed to do so. Were it some kind of shaped charge like an explosively formed warhead, then the penetration would be uniform and would have caused more internal damage than external. In my opinion, that kindof damage is due to a big, heavy butrelatively soft object hitting the building with massive kinetic energy which dissipated until the object stopped or disintegrated.


Hope that hasnt sent you all to sleep!



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I think it’s a load of bunkum.

What everyone on the video seems to be forgetting about is the plane and all of its passengers that went missing.

What happened to them? B)

Were they abducted by aliens?? :lol:

Did they crash into the sea and disappear without anyone noticing??? :lol:

The plane was tracked by radar for a while and it was only when it went too low to be seen that it was lost. So where did it go?B). :lol:

Nah, this is just another silly ******* theory to get people thinking “Conspiracy”.

Even my own daughter believes that the Americans never landed on the moon because she watched a program about it. But if this was so, then how come the British and Russian governments, who both tracked the rocket all the way to the moon, didn’t blow the gaff if they suspected a hoax.

And, I believe that there are now new powerful telescopes on earth that have actually been able to see the remaining parts of the lunar modules that were left behind when they took off from the surface.

We have become a nation of people who find it impossible to accept the truth, even if it is shoved up our ar$es, but readily accept any bull$hit we hear as gospel.

No wonder the nation is hooked on programs like “Big Brother”……we are all ******* brain dead. :(


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I saw a TV programme about this some time ago and the "experts" came to the conclusion that it wasn't a civil airliner involved and more likely a missile fired either accidently or deliberately or a military jet crashing into the pentagon, either way the evidence presented certainly ruled out a loaded civil airliner.

Yes but it also "ruled out" the people who eyeballed it going in?

cheers KW

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When I posted saying that I saw a programme about this, there is nowhere in that post where I said that I agreed with the theory. In fact I deliberately highlighted the word EXPERTS and was trying to make the point that just presenting one side of an arguement to a large audience can get people believing anything.

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I had no idea that this post would spark so much interest. Either way the video seems a little far fetched. The penetrating holes dont figure out. I it were an airliner I doubt it would have continued so far into the building whilst making such pefectly formed holes and where is it! Secondly a missle would have exploded on inpact and infact, the video explains the blast was on the outer ring!


Did someone mentione the twilight zone!





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I can only assume that the aircraft would have been slowly shredded as it went through each section and there eventually wasnt enough to keep going. Bear in mind that although airliners are soft when compared to a reinforced building, the impact would have been massive. Ever been hit by a large beetle while riding a motorbike? OWW!


The principal is quite similar to how some tank armour works, hard layer (building) soft layer (grassy bit in between) har layer soft layer etc, using each succesive impact to degrade the projectile and diminish its kinetic energy until it disintegrates or stops. This leaves a distinctive pattern of big hole, smaller hole, smaller still until penetration stops. I will try to find an image of this and post it.


Pete, If this had been a bunker busting weapon with a delayed fuse, there would have been small holes followed by a great big one, which is the opposite to what the video showed, as bunker busting bombs use kinetic energy to penetrate the target and then chemical (explosive) energy to destroy the target via the kineticly created hole.


Damn you lot, you've got me into geek mode again! :oops::rolleyes:



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