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Im sorry if this is not the right thing to be putting on here if so pl


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I am not a gynaecologist,but i will have a good look at her if you want ?


Dont go mental yet mate as it can lie dormant for a long time and the overwhelming amount of people dont know they have got it as there is no symptoms.She probably only found out because of tests for the other period stuff.

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'Fraid the incubation period is only 2-6 weeks (though very occasionaly can be longer).


The good news however is that she wouldn't have had to have had full blown rumpy pumpy to catch it :good:


A good nosh would pass it on too!! :angry:




Webby says incubation upto 1 year, if not more given that it can incubate for a year and then go full blown.


Interestingly, I didn't know about the "noshing" bit, but having read KW's link, you are correct. Someone better tell MM and the Northern boys :good:

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yes i am still with her. im just praying that she hasint been treating me like a mug for 7 months and gone behind my back. been reading up for over an hour now and read that it can lie dormaint.



Do you trust her? If not drop her like a hot rock, but if you do then you need to stop stressing. Being cheated on isn't being taken for a mug and it's not something that's easy to spot. It can happen to anyone. That's always a risk when you're in a relationship but with the right person it's worth it because the risk is low and there are many better things to think about!


If it can lie dormant and you don't think she's likely to cheat then she's probably good to keep. If however she's got a bit of a reputation then get rid before she brings home something that can't be treated!


My main thoughts would be 1. Can you catch it from someone even if it's dormant in them? 2. If so, how accurate are the tests? 3. If you can catch it when it's dormant in her and the tests are accurate, how come you didn't have it two months ago? I'd be worried, but you need to think about how you handle this. It's time to do some serious homework on the matter!

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Dont see why this should be pulled, people offer advice on everything else!

And 99.9% of the time, yes you do have to have sexual contact with someone to catch it.

She may however have had it and it may have lay dormant and you may have never caught it as you may be one of the people who are immune to the disease. However to be brutally honest i do not see that either and if you havent got it, and she has. There is probably only one answer.


And i do have up to date experience with this topic, i provide advice to others. Plus it has happened to me. There are lots of ifs and buts with regards to STD's, however chlamydia is occurent in 6-7 out of 10 in todays under 25's. Its nothing to be embarassed about, think of it as getting a cold, or the flu, theres no shame, the only shame is deceit behind it.


Good topic, very current.

Edited by robmiller
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ARRRGHH! so ,any things running thru my head. i dont want to ask her as i know it would kick off a big fight and end up losing her and i dont want that to heppen as we are soo good together.


im going to the doctor 2murrow anyway about my tenis elbow so might ask her then.


guys thank you very much you are a lot of very kind and helpful people. to early to call you a second family lol

Edited by Sammy_D
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The doctors may direct you to your local clinic.

I would advise to ring your local clinic first thing in the morning, explain the situation and ask if they have a drop in clinic you can go to. If they dont see if there are any other places close. Results take 3-5 days.


Do you know if you were clear when you met her? If so you may have already been infected? Dont go pointing fingers just yet. Either could be to blame. Its a very common problem. Dont feel alone.


If you want to chat drop me a line

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From her word. She probably assumed she was, thats a huge difference.

Sometimes a test can even miss this.

Were you tested? Or did you just assume?


I appreciate and can whole heartedly sympathise with your situation, i really do understand how you feel.

Please dont worry or get worked up.

It can be dealt with and sorted very easily.


With regards to your girlfriend. Have a chat look at the possible root causes and if you both trust each other draw a line in the sand and move on together. If this is something which is always in the back of your mind, call it quits and move on, as it will eat away at you and you will never trust her.


We've all done bad things we regret in early parts of friendships and relationships where you dont know where its heading. This doesnt mean you have to end up on Jeremy Kyle and if you can forgive and forget and shes happy to stay with you and put this as an "unkown". Do so.

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ARRRGHH! so ,any things running thru my head. i dont want to ask her as i know it would kick off a big fight and end up losing her and i dont want that to heppen as we are soo good together.


im going to the doctor 2murrow anyway about my tenis elbow so might ask her then.


guys thank you very much you are a lot of very kind and helpful people. to early to call you a second family lol



But you post it on the WORLD wide web? Sorry mate but if you two can't talk about this then you aren't as 'strong' a couple as you think you are. All i'll say is a relationship's strength is is measured and tested at times like these. All then best.

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It can lay dormant for a long time. So it doesnt automatically mean she has cheated on you, it may be from some time before you met, just for some reason it has presented now.


Can cause a lot of stress for those involved with issues of trust etc but dont go jumping to conclusions


Not nice for you either way

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Chlamydia can lie dormant for many years without causing symptoms; this increases the chances of it being spread to others, as the carrier is unaware.

Because of this, if Chlamydia is diagnosed in someone who is in a longstanding relationship, it does not necessarily mean that either partner has been unfaithful.

In women, the infection can spread upwards from the cervix, to involve the womb, fallopian tubes, and pelvis. This is called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).

If not promptly treated, PID can cause scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can result in infertility (difficulty in getting pregnant), or an Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in one of the tubes instead of the womb). Chlamydia is the commonest cause of infertility.

If a woman has a Chlamydia infection when she is pregnant it can be passed on to the baby in the womb or at birth. This can cause miscarriage, premature birth, or eye/lung infection following birth.

In men, the infection can spread upwards into one or both testicles (balls), causing severe pain and swelling.

Both sexes, but more often men, can develop Reiter’s Syndrome following Chlamydia infection. This causes inflammation of the eyes and joints.




hope my partner dont check the search history of the computer shell think i got the clap :angry:

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