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this is my dog ,benny. im not a chav. he is a well balanced, very friendly,gentle family dog. he shows no sign of dog agression what so ever, even when he's being set upon by other differing breed dogs. he is noticibly extra gentle with kids and elderly people. he knows his boundries,whats his what isnt. he has mastered a multitude of obedience commands and most of the time does quite well with it.

he plays rough in the sense he can be boystrous,he loves to run and boy is he fast, but is ALWAYS soft mouthed when playing rough housing etc...

i trust this dog and it is often commented that he "doesnt have a bad bone in his body"..... he is freindly to complete strangers and visitors to the house...

i am responsible enough to understand, that he is an animal,not a person and does have the potential if prevoked enough to attack. if he did, well he's strong, doesnt feel pain much and has enormous amount of strength in his jaws..... im not stupid and i act responsibley with this in the back of my mind.


the attack whitnessed in the link is shocking. i agree with most of the comments that have been made here... and i agree that thats a nasty dog. the reason for this has to be down to the attitude of the owner. the status symbol dog, the scumbag with a dog etc, will always be nasty, reguardless of its breed.

in the 70's it was alsations. 80's rottwielers, 90's pit bulls and now....staffordshire bull terriers.


we've been here a million times before. its trhe owner, not the breed.


we've seen the links to face removing labradors and heard the arguments over the frequencies of small terrier breeds which go unreported etc etc... i dont want to get into another dog breed bashing debate....

just please.... think before you make any of the knee jerk cries of wipe out this breed etc etc etc.... its the owners.


if i can finally add.... i was also sickend by the guidedog attack... the ordeal that woman must have went through aswell as the dog is just shocking. they should destroy the dog,which i think looked like an american bull dog, and they should prosecute the owner and ban him from ever owing a dog of any breed again.


Cut the ****

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Cut the ****




*** ?i meant every word i said.

im not even sure how i should respond to that either....

ive tried to make an unhysterical, non insulting point and im met with comments like that :rolleyes:?:)


look.... i can write that post based on fact and experience as an owner of a staffordshire bull terrier.if youve never had any experience with the breed other then the information you have read in the sun well i reckon if youve got half a brain cell you should give my comments some degree of merit. otherwise your lookin a tad foolish mate.

Edited by myzeneye
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No need for that fella! :rolleyes:

Why? He always tries to divert attention to other breeds like Labradors, always an excuse for this type of dog he has, cant he face up to the fact that the breed is dangerous whether in the right hands or not?


Cut the ****




*** ?i meant every word i said.


You probably did but stop trying to bring other stories into this. Read the full facts why the labrador took the womans face off.

Edited by The BFG
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Why? He always tries to divert attention to other breeds like Labradors, always an excuse for this type of dog he has, cant he face up to the fact that the breed is dangerous whether in the right hands or not?
The breed in that sickening film is a different one to myzeneyes though so if we are talking about facts you firstly need to get yours correct. Also he hasn't defended that breed or the dog in that film.


Your attack on myzeneye though is well out of order.

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what...it tried to rouse her by ripping her face off...hahahahahahahha right.

i didnt raise that point to suggest that labs are a viscous breeds which shouldnt be trusted...no not at all.... i did say that we've been through all this...so its not somthing im ALWAYS bringing up..... if you want me to sit here and say nothing in the defense of my loyal loving pet whislt i read comments like "sterelize the dogs and the owners and the problem should go away in time"...well im sorry but it aint gonna happen.

in fact, thats comment even suggests that my child is something which should be destroyed :yes:?


im sorry, but this is bang out of order.

if you ask me, its ****in fightin talk. :rolleyes::):lol:

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The breed in that sickening film is a different one to myzeneyes though so if we are talking about facts you firstly need to get yours correct. Also he hasn't defended that breed or the dog in that film.


Your attack on myzeneye though is well out of order.


So why does he himself bring in a breed that different to the one in the video? Is it cause he knows that they have the same tendencies?

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Mykensye you cant defend the actions of this dog can you, they say its a cross breed between something so basically a pitball type dog.



So why does he himself bring in a breed that different to the one in the video? Is it cause he knows that they have the same tendencies?

You brought him into this thread though by pretty much having a dig at him before he had even posted. :rolleyes:

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ive even agreed that the dog in the vid should be destroyed..:rolleyes: and the owner prosecuted/banned etc.... why on earth would you think i would even try and defend it. ?

the point is that responsible people can own bull breeds and turn out well balanced dogs.


me an benny got atacked almost by an alsation last weekend. its owner wrestled it on its lead and almost lost control of it. its teeth were thrashing and snapping, it was completley off its head.... if it had got off and attacked us it would have been an incident you might read about in the papers (if alsations were the devil dog of the day) and i for one was not sure what i could have done if it had. and beleive me, im a big lad who aint afarid to get stuck in. i was rattled to say the least...

benny of the other hand just walked on past calm as you like, didnt eeven look back over his shoulder at the frenzied beast behind us....

because, he's well balanced.

now, if the ali had got off, im not so sure what would have happened. im sure benny would be capable of looking after himself, but i know his nature, he would probably look at me as if to say "whats going on" and would probably be submisive in nature...... yes. if the attack continued he would probably kick of...the point is...he aint a devil dog quick to pick a fight.

the dog in the video clearly is. reguardless of his breed, the dog itself was agressive by nature, mostly due to its nurture.

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this is absolutely discusting and sad on so many levels, and like the rest of you it infuriates me there is no place for aggressive dogs like that but more to the point there is no place for owners like that they both need destroying.


(it's markings look more like a boxer to me but thats not the point)


as you can all see i've got a staffy and it make's me mad everytime i see something like this, there one of the most popular breeds in the country and its a few pathetic little sh!tes like the ******** shown here that use there pets for the wrong reasons that get dogs like mine and owners like me tarred with the same brush.


my dog and many others are nothing like the image portrayed in the media, there nickname use to be the nanny dog as they are naturally good with children.


i saw that program my dog is my weapon and it did try to highlight the fact it's the owner thats making the dog aggresive not the breed thats naturally like it, but i guess that wasn't really pushed enough, i would think people who train dogs and use them for there sport would appreciate a dogs what YOU make it.


i agree licensing should be brought back and i would have no problems paying it as my dog is a pet not a status symbol and is what me and my wife have made him which is a soppy little sod.


i'm supprised at some of the previous comments and that people would condem several whole breeds to death because of some really unfortunate incidents, its a bit like anti's condeming all shooters as crazed murderers because of just a few incidents involving guns or air weapons

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OMG there is a horrible video on here of a ladies only companion getting mauled and all you guys can do is bicker amongst yourselves. I agree with the posters who blamed the owners, its not the dogs fault that they have been taught to behave in this way. I say throw the book at the owner.

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oh god another dog attack thread, with the usual "destroy all pit bulls" responses. daft question, but i didnt see pit bulls mentioned anywhere in the article (or is the vodka clouding my judgment). it said a terrier mix - could be a yorkie and a poodle mix, or maybe a stegasaurus and a rabbit mix - mix does not mean staffie :rolleyes:


anyway im not getting dragged into another one of these rows - as usual, some people are using it just to attack a certain type of breed, while people with a bit of common sense are still going on about keeping dogs on leads/blaming the owners.


glad to see things havnt changed much whilst i was plonked on the naughty step :):lol::yes:

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sorry if you think its bickering ollie....


i agree and have commented on the shocking video and i never intended this thread to be hyjacked by personal differances....



when i read comments which inferr that my dog and its breed should be wipedout and i myself, as an owner of one of the deomon breeds should be made "sterile" ..well, it kinda gets you going a bit..... ill explain to my son in the morning that what some folk want is for his pet to be destroyed and that they also think he himself should never have been born too..... me and my family are scum , what can i say.... :)


for the record.... in my opinion, the dog in the video is an american bull dog...... not an american pitbull terrier, or even a staffordshire bull terrier.... its an american bull dog.

whether anyone pointed the finger at staffys, we all know that this is what is being implied when these threads are raised.






yep i know bud....nothing changes..these threads pop up and go on and on..... i just cant sit back and say nothing tho mate. :rolleyes:

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oh god another dog attack thread, with the usual "destroy all pit bulls" responses. daft question, but i didnt see pit bulls mentioned anywhere in the article (or is the vodka clouding my judgment). it said a terrier mix - could be a yorkie and a poodle mix, or maybe a stegasaurus and a rabbit mix - mix does not mean staffie :rolleyes:


anyway im not getting dragged into another one of these rows - as usual, some people are using it just to attack a certain type of breed, while people with a bit of common sense are still going on about keeping dogs on leads/blaming the owners.


glad to see things havnt changed much whilst i was plonked on the naughty step :):yes:;)

If you look at one of the video links on the page there is one that says" Pitball attacks" its the same video but without the writing. But cannot go on that alone, we will just have to wait and see when they catch it and its owner, How can that guy even sleep at night?


sorry if you think its bickering ollie....


i agree and have commented on the shocking video and i never intended this thread to be hyjacked by personal differances....



when i read comments which inferr that my dog and its breed should be wipedout and i myself, as an owner of one of the deomon breeds should be made "sterile" ..well, it kinda gets you going a bit..... ill explain to my son in the morning that what some folk want is for his pet to be destroyed and that they also think he himself should never have been born too..... me and my family are scum , what can i say.... :lol:


I have not said in this thread that they should be destroyed, I said they were dangerous.

I think when people say that they should sterilise the owners Im guessing the chav like owners there talking about, unless your chav or a dog fighting man which I dont think you are you dont need to worry do you?

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What actually upset me the most is the thought of being that blind person, unable to see their dog, but hearing it getting almost mauled to death and helpless to do a single thing for their companion. :rolleyes:

Yes, agreed. A terrifying ordeal for her.


Hopefully, the attack dog will be found and destroyed and the owner prosecuted. Rob.

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myzeneye i agree totally its deffinately not a staff or pit but according to the press any aggressive dog is a pit bull or staffy 'type'


and like i said some of your lots attitudes are appauling and no better than the anti's you all hate, condeming whole breeds and there owners on the actions of a few just like they condem all of us because of a few shooting related incidents.

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myzeneye i agree totally its deffinately not a staff or pit but according to the press any aggressive dog is a pit bull or staffy 'type'


and like i said some of your lots attitudes are appauling and no better than the anti's you all hate, condeming whole breeds and there owners on the actions of a few just like they condem all of us because of a few shooting related incidents.



i agree..i reckon american bull dog....i work for the council as a heating engineer, the american bull dog is the latest chosen breed of the jeremy kyle generation. or its possibly a boxer... either way the press will call it a bull breed and we'l hear all the usuall comments again.... :rolleyes:

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myzeneye you seem to have taken my post out of all context,i stated the type of person in the video should be castrated as with the dog not you and your children.but you think what you want.the dog in the video is a johnston american bull dog .

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