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My faith has been restored in People


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Walking the dog through Belfairs Woods this morning I suddenly realised my 2 week old Iphone was missing !!!!




We retraced our steps but with all the leaves I didn't hold out much hope


So when I got home I rang Orange who to their credit put a block on it and arranged for a courier to deliver me a new one between 9-1 tomorrow YES SUNDAY


I did ring the phone and leave a text mesage saying please ring me but held out little hope



This evening I GOT THE CALL from a lady local to me saying she was walking her sons dog and found it [Her son was at the hospital because his wifes waters had broken and this lady was about to be come a grandmother for the 1st time]


I offered her a reward which she declined so I asked if she would let me buy her new grandchild something and she accepted it




Edited by PhilSIDC
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I went out one night........... i dont really remember what happened apart from some ropey house, being sick and getting a lift home on a milk float. But anyways......no phone.


I rang and rang....just rang out and then someone answered. It was a lady whos son had found it in a field north of newcastle. She gave me her address....took her a box of roses and picked it up.


There are a few good people around.

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I found a phone last year..

guys at work kept asking "do you want to sell it, I will have it!"


My answer "no, it going back to the owner!" I rang him, delivered it, but hardly even a thank you! just Ta and closed the door


Just goes to show that not all people are that great!

Also found a wallet (no money in side) rang the owner, he said just drop it off next time your passing! no thanks all!


But on the flip side, the wife dropped her wallet in a car park, rushed around like mad trying to find, I came home from work to find the police outside my house! I did think the worst, but then they asked who I was and requested ID, then passed her wallet to me, some nice chap had handed it in complete with money, unfortunately the police did not have his details! shame as I would like to have given him something as a thanks you



Edited by AdamW
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The best example I recall along these lines happened a few years back. We (the girlfriend of the time) were driving home, suddenly the rear door of the car flew open as we rounded a bend. It was at the end of a service road behind a row of shops. It was a dark and rainy night, so I popped out the car and shut the door. Did not think anymore about it until we got home and realised that her handbag was no longer on the rear seat where she'd put it.


We drove the 10 miles back to the spot, not really expecting to find it and we were not to be suprised. It was not there. She say's "Let's go to the Police station, someone might have handed it in" I say, "Are you kidding, some little scroat is in one of the local pubs drinking your cash away as we speak"


Anyway just to placate her, we went to the Police station and to my utter amazement it had been handed in and was intact! No idea who handed it in but there are some good people out there :blush:

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I once did this. I rang the phone and told them I had found it. The guy goes, "you found it ? Right Im not coming to get it, drop it up my house!" As if I was his bloody slave. Seems you just can't help some people :blush: I felt like just chucking it in the pond but instead I left it at the local pub just round the corner lol! What an **** :)

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My girlfriend found a phone a couple of years ago.

We rang obvious numbers on the phone (eg Mum, Home etc) but no-one answered

The phone rang so we answered it.

The phone owner started 'ranting' on the phone.

We tried to explain that we had found it

They accused us of stealing it.

I explained that we could meet up in Liverpool (where they lived) after the weekend

They were screaming at us down the phone.

I offered to take to a police station and hand it in

They got very abusive, swearing etc.

So i said, "The next sound you here is an axe going through your phone"

Put it on the chopping block and chopped it

End of!

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Not far from you Bud, Stones throw from Southend Airport

Me too, i'm in Hullbridge. I know belfairs woods very well,spent many days there during the summer holidays with my mates,getting up to mischief. Do you do any shooting for Dan squiers or Billy Robinson, if so i might know you :blush:

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