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HAWKE NITE-EYE 3-9 x 50 IR Rifle Scope


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Hey guys. As you probably remember I was looking into getting a .22lr and I think I have made my mind up on a CZ. Now its time for the scope. Has any of you guys got the above mentioned scope and what are your views on it? only £70 on fleabay; is it worth this money? :unsure: I probably can't afford at the moment to spend loads of money on a scope so if you have any other suggestions for a .22lr scope at a budget price feel free to comment.

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i have it on my .22rf cz 452 silluette and its great for what i want it. Have used the ir a few times for close range foxes because you dont have to put the lamp on them which would spook them at really close ranges you can shine it in the sky and just put the green cross between the reflection of their eyes, works well although the reticule is a bit blurry when its on ir, but good enough.



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I buy my scopes from Steve at: http://www.sga-uk.co.uk/

They are good quality scopes at a very reasonable price and Steve sends them out by 1st Class Recorded Delivery free of charge. His service, help, advice and products are excellent.

Well worth your while having a look! :(

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I have just purchased a nikko stirling Airking 4-12x42 AO IR, i has 11 different brightness settings. Even though it is called airking it seemed similar to the nite eye your looking at. After looking down them both I decided to go for the nikko sterling. I then searched the internet and found it for £94 inc. delivery from Here.



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