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Warning to all SGC / FAC holders


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As FAC / SGC holders we are all under obligation to keep our gun safe keys in a safe place and to ourselves. Under the terms of your SGC / FAC no other person is to have access to your weapons. This includes your girlfriend / best mate / missus.


A friend of mine recently applied for his FAC and during the interview it was agreed that he would need a larger gun / rifle cabinet to store his existing and new guns in. He was advised that the FEO would be back in a few weeks to check that the new cabinet was in.


The new cabinet was purchased and bolted to the wall but there was no visit from the FEO. In the meantime my friend received his FAC paperwork including licence and went out looking for guns.


Yesterday my friend was out and his FEO turned up at his house unannounced to look at his cabinet. The FEO was let in by the friends wife who happily chatted to the FEO and showed him that the new cabinet was in next to the old cabinet. At that point the FEO asked the wife if she has keys to the cabinet. She obviously replied that she didnt know where the keys were and the FEO said "I am glad you said that" and went on his way.


I always thought that this story was an urban myth started by FEOs but I now know that this practice does go on.



This post is only meant as a reminder to all holders to protect their hobby by sticking to the rules. It is not meant to be a discussion on FEOs and any of their practices. This friend of mine happened to mention a specific internet shooting forum during his FAC interview and the FEO confirmed that they know of it and also accurately confirmed its content and clientele. I guess this is also a warning to think about what you post on internet forums too. You never know who is watching.


Best regards to all




Edited by ME
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a timely reminder, thankyou!

just a quick story for you to peruse, a friend of mine, who's in the army keeps his guns at his parents house. an FEO popped by to examine his gun safe and check his guns off against his licence. Unfortunately my friend was away on"business" in ireland at the time and his parents explained as much to the FEO. Now this FEO who shall remain nameless kicked up a real stink because he couldn't gain access to the guns, my friend nearly lost his licence over this when it came to his renewal.

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For a start, the FEO should have checked, and arranged to meet the licence holder when it's convenient for the both. They just cannot turn up at your door (except with a warrant)

i'm not too sure of the exact details steve, maybe he contacted them first [ his parents] as they are the occupiers of the property.

And maybe there was some confusing factor involved, but it happened nonetheless.

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For a start, the FEO should have checked, and arranged to meet the licence holder when it's convenient for the both.


Now this FEO who shall remain nameless kicked up a real stink because he couldn't gain access to the guns, my friend nearly lost his licence over this when it came to his renewal.


How could he nearly lose his license at the next renewal ?


That's what the cabinet is designed to do, stop enter to the unauthorized, there wouldn't have being a problem if he had arranged an appointment.


Hope your friend kicked up a stink about the FEO, if threatened about losing his Cert because of the above, I certainly would of. :good:



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Now this FEO who shall remain nameless kicked up a real stink because he couldn't gain access to the guns, my friend nearly lost his licence over this when it came to his renewal.


How could he nearly lose his license at the next renewal ?


That's what the cabinet is designed to do, stop enter to the unauthorized, there wouldn't have being a problem if he had arranged an appointment.


Hope your friend kicked up a stink about the FEO, if threatened about losing his Cert because of the above, I certainly would of. :good:



there was some disscussion on the matter when he finished his tour. Ithink the FEO was just peeved about the whole situation/ wasted journey. I don't want to speculate on the specifics chaps, needless to say he kept his ticket once matters were sorted. :good:

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there was some disscussion on the matter when he finished his tour. Ithink the FEO was just peeved about the whole situation/ wasted journey. I don't want to speculate on the specifics chaps, needless to say he kept his ticket once matters were sorted.


All's fair & well then, but for the life of me I cannot see how he could lose it anyway...."maybe another FEO making it up as they go along again".


Still would have opened my mouth about it, at the end of the day he hasn't the say, & if it went further, HQ's, which I doubt, he'd just be making an A$$ of himself, :good:



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If my FEO tried to make a fuss that he couldn't access my guns without me present then I would have made a huge fuss too. That's not on and his superior would have had a serious talking to! It is illegal to allow access to a safe to anyone but the FAC holder and a few special exemptions (ie an RFD may hold the keys whilst you are on holiday etc). The FEO has no right or authority to demand access in this manner.


My other half cannot access my keys but she knows where they are. In an emergency a locksmith or the disk cutter in the garage could gain access to them (the latter wouldn't be a quick or quiet job!).

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I know of someone who when the FEO cxame round said


Before i take you to look at the guns do they have to be stored in a steel cabinet?



Our cheif constable thinks that


I dont giver a **** what your cheif constable thinks, do they have to be in a steel cabinet?



Well its our policy that



Do the guns have to be stored in a steel cabinet?







Okay, come and look at the guns in the steel cabinet then!



This is a true story, and it proves that FEOs can try to bend the rules.




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There is no legal requirement to keep your guns in a steel cabinet...just to ensure that they are secure at all times..its just become accepted generally that the easiest was to acheive this is to put em in a metal box bolted to the wall...

Nothing wrong either with your mate holding any spare keys to your cabinet, as , unless he had your house keys too, he wouldnt be able to access the cabinet anyway..

I wouldnt hesitate to give my mate the keys to my cabinet but the house keys is another matter.....Id be more worried about the drinks cabinet being raided than the gun cabinet!!

Edited by ozzy518
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i was told there isnt a law that sgc holders have to keep there guns in a cabinet just a safe place if you seperate it. and you can give your spare keys to a friend if he too holds a cert. is this true or not.

they quite rightly prefer you to have a steel cabinet, a few years back you might have gotten away with putting the gun in the stairs cupboard out of sight but i wouldn't try it now.

and i'm pretty sure that you cant give your spare keys to anyone else regardless of their certificate. they're your guns, not your friend's.

by giving him your keys you are technically giving him access to your guns..

there is some speculation on gun storage, but unless you have a dedicated gun room then a cabinet is best/ safest..

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:good: My wife has no idea where my keys are and in turn has no idea what is in my gun cabinet....and I want it to stay that way!!!! B)

My gf and I share a cabinet. At the moment there are 2 guns in there she doesn't know I have :no:




(she never goes in, if we are going shooting I get the guns ready)

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I can't believe that some people are daft enough to admit to the police that they know where the keys are. If you need a certificate for a gun then access should be restricted, it's common sense. Maybe the fear of authority gets the better of them and they're too honest for their own good. I'm sure if my mrs had to she'd guess the code to my key safe but where does that leave me? It's not like I told her the combination!

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My gf and I share a cabinet. At the moment there are 2 guns in there she doesn't know I have :yes:




(she never goes in, if we are going shooting I get the guns ready)


I'm not sure but I think all the guns need to be on both SGCs/FACs for that to be legal? I can't see the issue if you're both certificate holders, but the law says different :/

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I'm not sure but I think all the guns need to be on both SGCs/FACs for that to be legal? I can't see the issue if you're both certificate holders, but the law says different :D


(In our area) :

The answer seems to be trigger locks.

My son who has a SGC could store his gun in my cabinet as long as my 0.22s had trigger locks on them. He had access to the cabinet. He has moved out now and has his own cabinet. (And I have a few more guns...)

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