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discreet shotgun broken bags/holdalls


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hi all this is my first post on here so hello . I have just bought my first gun .An aya yeoman realy happy with it, but i would like a bag or holdal that i can carry my gun from home to were i will be shooting as discreetly as possible. I live in the middle of a city and would like to draw as little attention to my self leaving my house and coming home as poss .Iv looked on the net and all i can seem to find is one travel bag at the 400 pound mark which is a little pricy and was wondering if anyone knew of any manufactures that made something discreet or are there any other things that people do to make carrying there gun from car to house etc more discreet.


thanks all and merry xmas

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cheap option with my old sys i used to just break it down, put the parts in a normal holdall and carry it, make sure you wrap the barrels in a plastic bag or something so noone can see what they are when/if they stick out


dearer option - buy a guitar case, plus it would look uber cool!! :good:



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cheers for the replys ,realy quick!!!!!!!! i quite like the idea of a guitar case i could get a hat and a pinstripe suit to id realy look the part heheh the holdall idea seems cool and i could get wife to sow some elastic straps inside to hold it all together .. that would defo be a cheaper option ( i better start begging!!!) then i can just build it in the boot of the car a trot around with it in a standard gunslip.

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You can get take-down cases on ebay - Although most of them are emblazoned with Beretta or Browning livery!


I got one second hand that just looks like an over-sized snooker cue soft case.


Like this:


Edited by humperdingle
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